Are there ANY Trump supporters here who have had enough? ANYONE?

The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???
Not a Trumpster but I have had enough...

I've had way more than my fill of leftist hyperbole, hyperventilation, hysterics, and hoaxing.

I have no idea where these alleged tax/financial records came from, and -unlike you crackpots- will reserve judgment until all the facts are in.

From what few facts we do have, it appears that Trump took tax breaks that are available to anyone in the business that he's in...Not illegal, immoral, or fattening.

The twaddle about the Wuhan Red Death is just that....Partisan hack twaddle.

A "long and groing list" of butthurt careerist bureaucrats and other assorted hangers-on whining and crying about the evil Orange Man isn't evidence of anything other than butthurt.

Are there ANY of you sniveling little leftist bitches who are questioning whether you really can temper tantrum your way to power?....Just a LITTLE bit?
Good stuff!
3) Everyone’s goal is to pay as little taxes as legally possible, why would the president be any different?
The real problem is that Trump defends the very system that allows billionaires to pay nothing in taxes, further enriching corporations and Wall Street at the expense of working Americans.

He follows tax policies that increase that gap.

Some Democratic politicians actually propose modest changes. But Trump’s followers already accept this reality. They enjoy watching this rich grifter and demagogue supposedly “beat the system,” and mock those of us who oppose our country drifting toward oligarchy (and civil war).

Any President, but especially this President, is not your average Joe who is just worrying about feeding and sheltering and educating his family.

A President ought to be held to a higher level of responsibility. To lead and provide a good example. Trump is a grifter who is neither responsible, nor thoughtfully and carefully leads. The “example” he provides is that billionaires can hire lawyers to beat the system and get away with not paying taxes.
If you want to decrease the "gap" go get a job.
The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???

Once more:
  • Tax returns do not show net worth
  • Tax losses are not usually cash losses
Lol..a so-called billionaire paying $750.00 in personal income taxes. You delusional nuts would call Trump a genius if you found out he was on food stamps and collecting welfare.

You made a big issue that he was losing money this year. If he was losing money, then why would you complain that he is not paying taxes?

Oh, I get it. You are just throwing shit against a wall, to see if anything sticks. Like a monkey.

A retarded monkey.
What are you talking about. It is you Trumpist idiots that kept bringing up Trump was a billionaire business genius in 2016. And do me a favor and don‘t deny it, it only makes you guys look like idiots. Well, your rationale is gone. Trump is a fraud. He has been losing money for years. His saving grace was the Apprentice and even then he squandered that money. Trump is in seriously bad financial shape. That is why he is a national security threat.

And, of course. it gets worse. Now we know why he put so much energy into downplaying the virus: It was damaging his ALREADY SUFFERING BUSINESSES, such as hotels and golf resorts. He's drowning in debt and he did it to SAVE HIS ASS.

This is a sociopath. It's right out in the open now.

You just pulled that out of your ass, and you are attacking him based on shit from your ass.

You are nuts.
You're hysterical. Understandable. You've been conned by a buffoon.
You're hysterical.

2a. Freudian projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”
Not a Trumpster but I have had enough...

I've had way more than my fill of leftist hyperbole, hyperventilation, hysterics, and hoaxing.

I have no idea where these alleged tax/financial records came from, and -unlike you crackpots- will reserve judgment until all the facts are in.

From what few facts we do have, it appears that Trump took tax breaks that are available to anyone in the business that he's in...Not illegal, immoral, or fattening.

The twaddle about the Wuhan Red Death is just that....Partisan hack twaddle.

A "long and groing list" of butthurt careerist bureaucrats and other assorted hangers-on whining and crying about the evil Orange Man isn't evidence of anything other than butthurt.

Are there ANY of you sniveling little leftist bitches who are questioning whether you really can temper tantrum your way to power?....Just a LITTLE bit?
So far, nothing.

We don't accept your premise, and you refuse to address that.
It's exactly what I said.

They think that they can screech to ear-splitting levels, pound their fists, stomp their feet, hold their breath, throw shit around the room, and that will convince people that they're right and evil Orange Man bad.

P.J. O'Rourke was exactly correct...

Come on Mac you know very well once a trumpturd always a trumpturd.
These people would follow him to hell.
Yeah, I realize that we're dealing with a level of adoration that we haven't seen before.
It doesn't have anything to do with adoration...

Plus, it's clear that they know they've sold their soul and they don't have the strength to admit what they've done.
You are asking me to get upset about something that has been happening for ... Likely as long as either one of us has been alive. You want to empress me in some way? Point me to the man who wants to take that kind of thing down that is running. You don't believe Biden would do it anymore than I do.

I'm just curious to see if I can get one, just one, to break down and admit what this has been.
Well if you consider me a "Trumpster" then you have one. The ONLY PLACE we really differ is you think Biden is the better candidate because... Well.. I have no fuck'n clue.

Here is what I care about... THE ECONOMY STUPID.

Stop telling me why ORANGE MAN BAD. Tell me why I should vote for Biden. I'll grant you that it's one hell of a uphill battle to do that, because the man has history. This motherfucker is crooked and lies, and YOU EAT THAT SHIT UP. You are guilty of what you accuse others to be.
The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???

As long as you like big letters OP, let me give you the rundown. Maybe it will sink in this time and you wont have to ask stupid question again and again.
You filthy dems will never understand the issues.
I keep telling you the story, but you never get it.
No OP. Only time Trump / Reps are no good is when they are worse than the dems.
You should NOT be asking if we are for dems, you
should be asking if we are for gun confiscation, open borers and giving our money to black criminals.

View attachment 394023

Why the fuck would I vote for a filthy dem OP???

So they can confiscate my guns???

So they can
turn America in Mehico???

View attachment 394025

So they can spread the destruction and lawlessness of their dem run shitholes to the rural areas with their hand-picked Soros jackboots?

These are
just a very few of the many, many issues that precludes me from voting for a filthy dem OP.

View attachment 394021, the reps are also filth, so let me make that clear OP. But with reps, the stink is less, as you can keep your guns and keep America in-tact somewhat.
Okay, I'll take that as a "no".

Come on Mac you know very well once a trumpturd always a trumpturd.
These people would follow him to hell.
Yeah, I realize that we're dealing with a level of adoration that we haven't seen before.
It doesn't have anything to do with adoration...

Plus, it's clear that they know they've sold their soul and they don't have the strength to admit what they've done.
You are asking me to get upset about something that has been happening for ... Likely as long as either one of us has been alive. You want to empress me in some way? Point me to the man who wants to take that kind of thing down that is running. You don't believe Biden would do it anymore than I do.

I'm just curious to see if I can get one, just one, to break down and admit what this has been.
Well if you consider me a "Trumpster" then you have one. The ONLY PLACE we really differ is you think Biden is the better candidate because... Well.. I have no fuck'n clue.

Here is what I care about... THE ECONOMY STUPID.

Stop telling me why ORANGE MAN BAD. Tell me why I should vote for Biden. I'll grant you that it's one hell of a uphill battle to do that, because the man has history. This motherfucker is crooked and lies, and YOU EAT THAT SHIT UP. You are guilty of what you accuse others to be.
You obviously don't know my opinion of Biden.

But I get it: You're still good to go. Got it.
The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???

fact is I didnt support him last election,,,but thanks to the dems I do plan on supporting him in the next one,,,

you are the best campaign add trump ever had,,,
The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???

fact is I didnt support him last election,,,but thanks to the dems I do plan on supporting him in the next one,,,

you are the best campaign add trump ever had,,,
Funny stuff, okay, got it!
The cat's now out of the bag on his finances - he squandered the $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 that Daddy gave him by the year 2000, and he's been living off Deutsche Bank loans and IRS tax refunds for decades.

He lied to the American people about a deadly (he admitted) global pandemic that was bearing down on us, mocked those who were just trying to protect themselves and their families with masks, allowed thousands of his fans to gather in a clearly unsafe way, and refused to take responsibility for anything.

A long and growing list of people who worked near, with, and around him in his administration have come out with searing observations on his behaviors and actions behind closed doors, warning us that he is a threat to our country.

And that, of course, is just the beginning.

Are there ANY Trump supporters here who are even WAVERING? Just a LITTLE bit???

fact is I didnt support him last election,,,but thanks to the dems I do plan on supporting him in the next one,,,

you are the best campaign add trump ever had,,,
Funny stuff, okay, got it!
its more pathetic than funny,,,

cause I have never voted for a dem or repube in my 30 yrs of voting,,,
3) Everyone’s goal is to pay as little taxes as legally possible, why would the president be any different?
The real problem is that Trump defends the very system that allows billionaires to pay nothing in taxes, further enriching corporations and Wall Street at the expense of working Americans.

He follows tax policies that increase that gap.

Some Democratic politicians actually propose modest changes. But Trump’s followers already accept this reality. They enjoy watching this rich grifter and demagogue supposedly “beat the system,” and mock those of us who oppose our country drifting toward oligarchy (and civil war).

Any President, but especially this President, is not your average Joe who is just worrying about feeding and sheltering and educating his family.

A President ought to be held to a higher level of responsibility. To lead and provide a good example. Trump is a grifter who is neither responsible, nor thoughtfully and carefully leads. The “example” he provides is that billionaires can hire lawyers to beat the system and get away with not paying taxes.
Someday you will understand that using the tax codes that are in place and put in place by both parties is the prudent thing to do.
I would fire my CPA if he didn't adhere to the laws in place regarding the tax codes in place.
Somehow I bet when you do your taxes, you use everything available to you that is in place....come on be honest.
You don't like Trump. You should just stop your stupidity once you say, "I don't like Trump".
You and your ilk are pathetic bed wetter's.
its more pathetic than funny,,,

cause I have never voted for a dem or repube in my 30 yrs of voting,,,
It's the same thing here as another conversation I'm having with a "libertarian".

Mac's so much a narcissist that he thinks using his criteria should be enough to sway those who do not.

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