Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

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BTW, a President doesn't have to violate ANY law, to deserve (and get) impeachment.

For example, the President has the Constitutional authority to pardon any criminal in any jail or prison in the country, no matter what their offense or impending penalty. The Constitution very clearly gives him that power.

If the President were to issue an order today pardoning every convicted criminal in the country, immediately, today, he would be violating no law, and would be operating entirely within his authority.

And he would be impeached for it, and removed, and would deserve both.

So don't go around whining, "But what law has he violated???"

He doesn't need to violate one, to get impeached.

That said, it is clear that Obama has violated many laws, using the power of the Presidency and its (sorely strained) legitimacy to get away with it. And it is likely he violated far more.
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Because the founders gave the real power to the Senate.

So then, wait until February 2015, when the GOP controls both the house and Senate?

Good thinking.

Obama is guilty of interstate extortion, and fully impeachable.

Civics 101. 2/3rds of the Senate needed to convict and remove an impeached president. So without some real evidence of a crime I don't think you'll find too many Democrats who will agree with you on that charge. But I think the House should take it up and vote on it, immediately.
Civics 101. 2/3rds of the Senate needed to convict and remove an impeached president. So without some real evidence of a crime I don't think you'll find too many Democrats who will agree with you on that charge. But I think the House should take it up and vote on it, immediately.

Operation Choke Point - an act of interstate extortion, perpetrated by this administration against businesses who are not suspected of, much less accused of any criminal acts, for dealing with other businesses who are not suspected of nor engaged in criminal acts, but are merely on Obama's enemies list.

No if, no maybe, no question, Obama is guilty of felony acts.
Yes there is plenty to impeach Obama over.

If the far left is going to hold Nixon accountable for his actions, then they should hold Obama accountable which far exceeds Nixon.
Because the founders gave the real power to the Senate.

So then, wait until February 2015, when the GOP controls both the house and Senate?

Good thinking.

Obama is guilty of interstate extortion, and fully impeachable.

Civics 101. 2/3rds of the Senate needed to convict and remove an impeached president. So without some real evidence of a crime I don't think you'll find too many Democrats who will agree with you on that charge. But I think the House should take it up and vote on it, immediately.


There might even be a few republicans who vote not to convict.

Which is why 'impeachment' is correctly perceived to be an empty threat and partisan.
So then, wait until February 2015, when the GOP controls both the house and Senate?

Good thinking.

Obama is guilty of interstate extortion, and fully impeachable.

Civics 101. 2/3rds of the Senate needed to convict and remove an impeached president. So without some real evidence of a crime I don't think you'll find too many Democrats who will agree with you on that charge. But I think the House should take it up and vote on it, immediately.


There might even be a few republicans who vote not to convict.

Which is why 'impeachment' is correctly perceived to be an empty threat and partisan.

Yet the far left was upset when the far left took control of Congress in 2006 and did not impeach Bush.
These noises of impeachment are political noises. Even if a Republican Senate voted to remove Obama it could be a Republican disaster. If Republicans can't win an election the old fashioned way with people voting, impeachment may be the way to go?
If perchance Republicans did remove Obama, the next time the Democrats got control of House and Senate they might retaliate, and our politics would take different turn-and not necessarily for the better. No longer would our votes for the president be as important as for the House and Senate. Presidents could be temporary fixtures of government and afraid to execute the laws and live in fear of the Senate, not the people. Still, with the Republican presidents we have been getting, of late, maybe that's not a bad idea.
List of Obama's Impeachable Offenses is Growing

This is but the latest in a long series of impeachable offenses committed by Obama:
•Most recent is his flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Resolution by deploying U.S. armed forces and conducting war against Libya without Congressional authorization or a declaration of war. Indeed, Obama has insisted that a United Nations resolution authorizing "humanitarian intervention" is a higher authority than the United States Constitution.
•Already in April 2009, Obama was engaging in actions to destroy the sovereignty of the United States, when, at the London G20 meeting, he agreed to actions, including the expansion of "Special Drawing Rights," which gave the International Monetary Fund increased power over the economy of the United States and other sovereign nations.
•Obama's shutdown and destruction of the NASA manned space flight program, on behalf of the British, was what triggered Lyndon LaRouche's first formal call for the impeachment of Obama, in February 2010.
•Obama's health-care plan, modeled on Hitler's T-4 policy, in its scheme to deny medical care and treatment to certain categories of people, constitutes a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Principles to which the United States is bound by law and treaty.
•Obama's violation of the separation of powers, by means of unilateral executive actions, in violation of U.S. law including treaty law, has exceeded even that of George W. Bush and Cheney in many respects.
•He has continued the use of signing statements, and has made dozens of appointments of special "czars" and recess appointments, to circumvent Congressional oversight and the Senate confirmation process.
•He has expanded domestic surveillance and wiretapping, has continued the use of abusive detentions and interrogations of prisoners taken in the "war on terror," and he has expanded the use of targeted assassinations, including claiming the right to kill American citizens abroad without any due process.
•He has effectively legalized torture and prisoner abuse in violation of U.S. law and treaty obligations, by directing his Justice Department to cover up hundreds of cases of abuse and torture and even deaths, from the Bush-Cheney years.

Wow. You just have no understanding what impeachable offenses are. By your logic we should ave impeached just about every president in history.

I just have to point out one thing about Obamacare. He did not model it after Hitler's plan. He modeled after ROMNEY's plan. LOL.
Making and disobeying law, just as starters...His E.O.'s are NOT law, but he believes they are!
I believe there is no excuse for the House to not move forward with the impeachment

awww...another obama deranged thread.

if you believe the above,then you have no understanding of what impeachment is for. it is not to pacify whiny sore losers.

but feel free to set forth actual high crimes and misdemeanors since that is what the constitution requires. so while your dialogue is adorable, it is irrelevant.
Making and disobeying law, just as starters...His E.O.'s are NOT law, but he believes they are!

I'm afraid they are

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you
I urge Republicans to initiate impeachment proceedings before the 2014 electtions

Our nation depends on it

Not biting. You know it will be stopped by Reid. We must wait until after our 2014 elections when we win the Senate before we impeach him and remove him from Office.
I urge Republicans to initiate impeachment proceedings before the 2014 electtions

Our nation depends on it
I just emailed my senator, Marco Rubio, and asked him to support impeachment. I suggest everyone email their Republican congress critters and do the same.

I just emailed my Senator and asked him to use these emails as prima facie evidence of a dangerous mental condition requiring immediate confinement to the nearest sanitarium...
Making and disobeying law, just as starters...His E.O.'s are NOT law, but he believes they are!

I'm afraid they are

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

Tell it, Brother!!!!!...:eusa_clap:
Making and disobeying law, just as starters...His E.O.'s are NOT law, but he believes they are!

I'm afraid they are

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as per the First amendment....


It's gotten so FASCIST of the obomanation that "Boner" is finally suing him in court about it!
Making and disobeying law, just as starters...His E.O.'s are NOT law, but he believes they are!

I'm afraid they are

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as per the First amendment....


It's gotten so FASCIST of the obomanation that "Boner" is finally suing him in court about it!

Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington. Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

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