Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

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There are not enough votes in the Senate. There will be after November when democrats lose, but not now.

The question has nothing to do with the Senate. The question was "Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him"?


No. And a very few members of Congress has indicated it as a possibility, with none of those actully pushing for it. It's easy to make speeches, not so easy to back it up.
I urge Republicans to initiate impeachment proceedings before the 2014 electtions

Our nation depends on it

Not biting. You know it will be stopped by Reid. We must wait until after our 2014 elections when we win the Senate before we impeach him and remove him from Office.

And put Biden in the oval office?

Do you people ever even bother to read the Constitution? I just have to wonder what it is like to just think whatever you are told without putting in the least effort to learn anything.

Impeachable offenses, under the Constitution, are treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Overextending executive power does not meet that definition, which is why the republican congress isn't even contemplating the idea. Then he has to be tried in the Senate with 2/3 consenting. It is possible the republicans might take a small majority in the Senate, but there is no way they are taking 2/3's. So unless they can actually come up with real crimes, not just partisan disagreement, it is not going to happen.
Civics 101. 2/3rds of the Senate needed to convict and remove an impeached president. So without some real evidence of a crime I don't think you'll find too many Democrats who will agree with you on that charge. But I think the House should take it up and vote on it, immediately.


There might even be a few republicans who vote not to convict.

Which is why 'impeachment' is correctly perceived to be an empty threat and partisan.

Yet the far left was upset when the far left took control of Congress in 2006 and did not impeach Bush.

And you think a few idiots on the far left justifies idiots on the far right? Left or right, stupid is stupid.
I believe there is no excuse for the House to not move forward with the impeachment

awww...another obama deranged thread.

if you believe the above,then you have no understanding of what impeachment is for. it is not to pacify whiny sore losers.

but feel free to set forth actual high crimes and misdemeanors since that is what the constitution requires. so while your dialogue is adorable, it is irrelevant.

Apparently you are the one who does not know the purpose of impeachment as applied to the president by the founders.

Let us read their intentions which were made on July 20th when framing our Constitution:

Mr. MADISON thought it indispensable that some provision should be made for defending the Community agst. the incapacity, negligence or perfidy of the chief Magistrate. The limitation of the period of his service, was not a sufficient security. He might lose his capacity after his appointment. He might pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression. He might betray his trust to foreign powers.

Mr. GERRY urged the necessity of impeachments. A good magistrate will not fear them. A bad one ought to be kept in fear of them. He hoped the maxim would never be adopted here that the chief magistrate could do no wrong.

Mr. RANDOLPH. The propriety of impeachments was a favorite principle with him. Guilt wherever found ought to be punished. The Executive will have great opportunitys of abusing his power; particularly in time of war when the military force, and in some respects the public money will be in his hands.

Mr. Govr. MORRIS'S opinion had been changed by the arguments used in the discussion. He was now sensible of the necessity of impeachments, if the Executive was to continue for any [FN12] time in office. Our Executive was not like a Magistrate having a life interest, much less like one having an hereditary interest in his office. He may be bribed by a greater interest to betray his trust; and no one would say that we ought to expose ourselves to the danger of seeing the first Magistrate in forign pay, without being able to guard agst. it by displacing him.

It was moved & 2ded. to postpone the question of impeachments which was negatived. Mas. & S. Carolina only being ay. On ye. Question, Shall the Executive be removeable on impeachments &c.? Mas. no. Ct. ay. N. J. ay. Pa. ay. Del ay. Md. ay. Va. ay. N. C. ay. S. C. no. Geo. ay.


Is it not a fact that our President is ignoring our immigration laws and is allowing our borders to be invaded; has engaged in bribery in the passage of Obamacare (the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the infamous $300 million "Louisiana Purchase"); has lied with impunity to the American People that under Obamacare they could keep their existing health insurance and doctors if the like them; has engaged in a money laundering operation under the guise of “green energy” in which he has plundered billions of dollars from our federal treasury and transferred them to his political donors (see: 80% of Obama green jobs money goes to Obama donors.); and has usurped legislative power when he arbitrarily gutted the work requirement for welfare recipients passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton?


Obamacare by consent of the governed, Article 5, our Constitution`s amendment process. Tyranny by a majority vote in Congress or a Supreme Court's majority vote

Yes there is plenty to impeach Obama over.

If the far left is going to hold Nixon accountable for his actions, then they should hold Obama accountable which far exceeds Nixon.

You think the sociopaths have ethics? They don't - party above all things.

Obama gets convicted in the Senate ONLY if the scandal is so great that the DNC press cannot bury it. A GOP majority in the Senate is not enough to convict, but it IS enough to keep the dims from thwarting the procedure.

Obama is a criminal, a mobster. IF the public is presented with his crimes in an Impeachment setting, the Senate dims will have no choice but to convict. There will be some who are safe enough to serve the party above the people, but there will be others who will fear for their seat and convict.

The one to go after Obama on is the extortion racket, they have him dead to rights on it.
I'm afraid they are

Da Comrade?

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, (no offense to to slugs intended by the comparison.)

Have you GLORIOUS PEOPLES Communists replaced the Constitution, or is this still operative?

{Article I
Section 1

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.}

I don't see anything about "Lord Dictator Obama may make any law that tickles his royal fancy," in there, Comrade.

Please explain...

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

Dictatorship is and always will be the goal of the democrats. Thanks for pointing this out, Comrade.
I'm afraid they are

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as per the First amendment....


It's gotten so FASCIST of the obomanation that "Boner" is finally suing him in court about it!

Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington. Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

It's a DO NOTHING Congress because the Senate, led by the corrupt, lying, and despicable Harry Reid, won't bring ANY of the passed bills sent to them by the house, to even be debated, let alone voted on, you little worthless subversive hack..... you aren't a dumb man :)badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:) you are just a dishonest, and unashamedly left wing socialist, that will NOT, for any circumstances, tell the truth.... I enjoy your rantings!

Enjoy this picture!

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Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington.

Yes Comrade, they have.

But executive orders are not law, merely directive TO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, hence the name.

Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

Nor even the first to attempt to abuse them. However, he IS the first to have a tratorious bunch of fucks like you openly advocating for dictatorship using EO's as a means one man rule.

In my 56 years, i have never before seen a party advocate for the overthrow of the Constitution and the implementation of dictatorship the way your Khmer Rouge democrats do now.

Your open treason is unique, Comrade.

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Time for the dictator to seize power and implement one man rule you say?

It's what you Communists have always wanted.

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

Then the Khmer Rouge central committee can decide our rulers going forward. You Communists offer GLORIOUS future of "freedom through unquestioning obedience" to the people.
Cannot impeach the first Black President.

He has a get-out-of-jail-free Race Card.
It's a DO NOTHING Congress because the Senate, led by the corrupt, lying, and despicable Harry Reid, won't bring ANY of the passed bills sent to them by the house, to even be debated, let alone voted on, you little worthless subversive hack..... you aren't a dumb man :)badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:) you are just a dishonest, and unashamedly left wing socialist, that will NOT, for any circumstances, tell the truth.... I enjoy your rantings!

Whether congress does something, or does nothing, it does not justify treason by the Khmer Rouge democrats.

And be clear on this, advocating for the subversion of the United States Constitution and establishment of one man rule under a dictator, as the democrats advocate, IS TREASON.

Since most democrats have loyalty ONLY to the party, and not to the nation, they will not see it.

{1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.}

The Khmer Rouge democrats are waging war on the Constitution by advocating a coup by the Obama regime.
It's UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as per the First amendment....


It's gotten so FASCIST of the obomanation that "Boner" is finally suing him in court about it!

Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington. Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

It's a DO NOTHING Congress because the Senate, led by the corrupt, lying, and despicable Harry Reid, won't bring ANY of the passed bills sent to them by the house, to even be debated, let alone voted on, you little worthless subversive hack..... you aren't a dumb man :)badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:) you are just a dishonest, and unashamedly left wing socialist, that will NOT, for any circumstances, tell the truth.... I enjoy your rantings!

Enjoy this picture!


You need 60 votes to get a bill to the floor of the Senate. Which of the Republican bills had 60 votes?
Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington.

Yes Comrade, they have.

But executive orders are not law, merely directive TO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH, hence the name.

Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

Nor even the first to attempt to abuse them. However, he IS the first to have a tratorious bunch of fucks like you openly advocating for dictatorship using EO's as a means one man rule.

In my 56 years, i have never before seen a party advocate for the overthrow of the Constitution and the implementation of dictatorship the way your Khmer Rouge democrats do now.

Your open treason is unique, Comrade.

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Time for the dictator to seize power and implement one man rule you say?

It's what you Communists have always wanted.

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

Then the Khmer Rouge central committee can decide our rulers going forward. You Communists offer GLORIOUS future of "freedom through unquestioning obedience" to the people.

The Legislative Branch has defaulted on its role to legislate. No reason for the Executive Branch to do the same

Obama has two years to go. Time to start pumping out Executive Orders at a rate of one a week. Make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you
I urge Republicans to initiate impeachment proceedings before the 2014 electtions

Our nation depends on it

I'm really hoping they try this.

It would put the house in play.

And they could forget about the Presidency for the next 2 decades.
The Legislative Branch has defaulted on its role to legislate.

Well of course, then there is no option except to establish a dictatorship, eh Comrade?

No reason for the Executive Branch to do the same

No reason for the leader of the Khmer Rouge democrats to be constrained by the Constitution he is sworn to uphold.

After all, the Constitution is the primary enemy that democrats seek to vanquish.

I mean, it's not that you're traitors.

Oh wait, yes it is..

Obama has two years to go. Time to start pumping out Executive Orders at a rate of one a week. Make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

Why not take up arms and force the infidel House into forced labor camps? It's no less treason than what you promote.
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I'm afraid they are

Da Comrade?

The Constitution on a leftist is like salt on a slug, (no offense to to slugs intended by the comparison.)

Have you GLORIOUS PEOPLES Communists replaced the Constitution, or is this still operative?

{Article I
Section 1

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.}

I don't see anything about "Lord Dictator Obama may make any law that tickles his royal fancy," in there, Comrade.

Please explain...

Obama has finally realized that he needs to tell the Do Nothing Congress to fuck off. Accomplish as much as you can through Executive Order and then try to do more........make the Do Nothing Congress try to stop you

Dictatorship is and always will be the goal of the democrats. Thanks for pointing this out, Comrade.

The President is utilizing his Executive powers not legislative powers

What part of "Executive" Orders do you not understand?
The President is utilizing his Executive powers not legislative powers

Comrade, you said that Dear Leader should "make laws."

Now granted, stupidity and hatred are the twin pillars of leftism, so as a leftist you may not grasp what your masters have trained you to spew;

Search Results

verb: legislate; 3rd person present: legislates; past tense: legislated; past participle: legislated; gerund or present participle: legislating
make or enact laws.
"he didn't want to name anyone to the Court who would legislate from the bench"
synonyms: make laws, pass laws, enact laws, formulate laws;

What part of "Executive" Orders do you not understand?

Executive orders may only contain directives to the executive branch - Comrade.

What you Communists are demanding is that Obama make laws.
Wow, you posted a picture and everything

Executive orders have been around since Washington. Obama is not the first to use them. What Obama needs to do is change from the President who has issued among the fewest executive orders to one who has issued the most

The Do Nothing Congress has used petty rules to block legislation, time for our president to use the rules to pass legislation....even if it is temporary

Then let Hillary keep them going when she becomes President. If the Republicans want to block government. Make them try to block executive orders

It's a DO NOTHING Congress because the Senate, led by the corrupt, lying, and despicable Harry Reid, won't bring ANY of the passed bills sent to them by the house, to even be debated, let alone voted on, you little worthless subversive hack..... you aren't a dumb man :)badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:) you are just a dishonest, and unashamedly left wing socialist, that will NOT, for any circumstances, tell the truth.... I enjoy your rantings!

Enjoy this picture!


You need 60 votes to get a bill to the floor of the Senate. Which of the Republican bills had 60 votes?

Reid won't even bring it to the floor for debate, much less to VOTE on it...Are you even an American?

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