Are there two types of Trump supporters?

So Hillary voted for "authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution" but you don't consider that a vote for war? Like every single person who voted that way knew only too well that it WAS a vote for war? I'm not the person who's "spinning" the truth here, D-Lady...that would be you!

It was a vote to give the President authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution, which had yet to be obtained. Yes, it is the vote which Bush used to go to war, but Clinton's speech at the time was clear that she hoped that the President never had to use it and that Saddam complied with the UN Resolution. That doesn't sound pro-war, "we must invade", to me. That to me shows respect for the Office of the President, during a difficult time in the nation.

That you now pounce upon this vote as an indicator that Hillary is a war-monger is hysteria at its worst.

This is why conservatives got bat shit over nothing if you attach Hillary Clinton's name to it.

7 attacks on US diplomatic outposts during Bush's Administration, 66 deaths = 0 investigations, 0 blame attached to the President, or the Secretary of State. 1 attack on a US diplomatic outpost during Obama Administration, 4 deaths - 7 investigations all clearing the President and the Secretary of State, but still conservatives are certain that everything Fox News told them is true, even though their own investigations say it never happened.

See how that works. Republican make shit up, get it investigated, find nothing, but still claim it happened.

How many American Ambassadors were killed in a consulate during the Bush 8 years? How many American diplomatic personnel were killed under Bush because of lapsed security by the State Department? Benghazi was a total cluster fuck because of Hillary Clinton's incompetent management of State Department policy...putting "optics" before the safety of the people she had working for her and then being more worried about damage control than sending help when it blew up in her face.

2 Americans died, one diplomat, in the Bush years. Amazing that you cons are so concerned about Americans dying one would think you would know the exact figures. 17 Americans died at the US Embassy in Beirut when a car bomb exploded when Reagan was President, and not a peep out of you people.

Your OWN investigations say that there was no lapse in security, no cluster fuck, and no incompetence, and furthermore there was NO COVERUP in Benghazi. So everything you believe about Benghazi, only happened on Fox News. Ambassador Stevens was warned not to go to Benghazi but chose to go anyway. This is hardly Hillary putting him in harm's way.

Benghazi was not a clusterfuck. It went down pretty much like every other attack on an embassy, but Republicans immediately politicized it. That's the difference between Benghazi and other diplomatic attacks. Republicans saw an opening and exploited it, because they have nothing on Obama. Same as they had nothing on Bill Clinton so they went after him for a blow job. This is what Republicans do.
How could they NOT be retroactively classified? They were hidden from the people who would make those decisions because Clinton and her minions were working off the Government "grid" so that what they were doing would not be seen. Oh, let me think Hillary classified her own e-mails? That's laughable. The truth is she was sending and receiving sensitive information on private servers which was not classified in any way because she was hiding what she was doing.

Are you this dumb for real or do you work at it?

Clinton's emails weren't hidden from anyone, and no one else was using her server. She was corresponding with people in the State Department so she was emailing to the grid. She has said that since almost all of her emails went to State Department employees, she assumed the government already had them.

She was not sending "sensitive information" because that kind of information wasn't sent in emails. Nothing in any of the email retroactively "classified" contained information which would compromise national security. That's why the whole "email scandal" is such a minor deal and why nobody went after Republicans who did the same thing.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a diverse bunch of Trump supporters.

With Hillary it seems to be just free loaders wanting free stuff and favors in one form or the other.

Please go on with the baby rage... it's as founded in reality as your ideology of regressivism.
There is a diverse bunch of Trump supporters.

With Hillary it seems to be just free loaders wanting free stuff and favors in one form or the other.

Please go on with the baby rage... it's as founded in reality as your ideology of regressivism.

A "diverse" bunch of Trump supporters. Really? Once you get past the angry white guys, you have . . . more angry white guys. Blacks - 90% for Hillary. Asians - 77% identify as Democrats versus 12% Republican. 79% of Hispanics find Donald Trump offensive. Women are set to vote for Clinton in unprecedented numbers. 60% of Republican women won't vote for him. So where is this diverse group?

Conservatives characterize Democrats as just wanting free stuff, which is patently false. What Democrats want is an economy which give everyone a fair chance. They want an economy where people don't receive "earned income credits", they receive fair wages. Not free stuff, the money these people work for. They want an end to corporate welfare.

If you can't pay a living wage, you don't deserve to be in business. Even Walmart is now saying it's THEIR obligation to pay their workers a fair wage. "Taking care of the people who take care of you" is their new motto. That should be nailed to the forehead of every CEO in America.
Dragonlady, stop the bullshit. Democrats DO NOT FUCKING WORK AT ALL for the most part. They want free shit and could care less about "earned income credits" since they do not file tax returns. You fucking nut. :p
Dragonlady, stop the bullshit. Democrats DO NOT FUCKING WORK AT ALL for the most part. They want free shit and could care less about "earned income credits" since they do not file tax returns. You fucking nut. :p

That you think Democrats don't work, shows how ignorant you are. Considering that less than 5% of Americans are unemployed, where do you think that the close to 60% of Americans who plan on voting for Hillary Clinton came from.

There are more Democrats working than Republicans. That's because old people vote Republican - all those retirees who don't work. In fact more than 40% of the people you call "takers", those who pay no income taxes at all, vote Republican. So Republicans like Free Shit just as much as the next guy. They just want it all to go to their corporate masters.
So Hillary voted for "authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution" but you don't consider that a vote for war? Like every single person who voted that way knew only too well that it WAS a vote for war? I'm not the person who's "spinning" the truth here, D-Lady...that would be you!

It was a vote to give the President authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution, which had yet to be obtained. Yes, it is the vote which Bush used to go to war, but Clinton's speech at the time was clear that she hoped that the President never had to use it and that Saddam complied with the UN Resolution. That doesn't sound pro-war, "we must invade", to me. That to me shows respect for the Office of the President, during a difficult time in the nation.

That you now pounce upon this vote as an indicator that Hillary is a war-monger is hysteria at its worst.

This is why conservatives got bat shit over nothing if you attach Hillary Clinton's name to it.

7 attacks on US diplomatic outposts during Bush's Administration, 66 deaths = 0 investigations, 0 blame attached to the President, or the Secretary of State. 1 attack on a US diplomatic outpost during Obama Administration, 4 deaths - 7 investigations all clearing the President and the Secretary of State, but still conservatives are certain that everything Fox News told them is true, even though their own investigations say it never happened.

See how that works. Republican make shit up, get it investigated, find nothing, but still claim it happened.

How many American Ambassadors were killed in a consulate during the Bush 8 years? How many American diplomatic personnel were killed under Bush because of lapsed security by the State Department? Benghazi was a total cluster fuck because of Hillary Clinton's incompetent management of State Department policy...putting "optics" before the safety of the people she had working for her and then being more worried about damage control than sending help when it blew up in her face.

2 Americans died, one diplomat, in the Bush years. Amazing that you cons are so concerned about Americans dying one would think you would know the exact figures. 17 Americans died at the US Embassy in Beirut when a car bomb exploded when Reagan was President, and not a peep out of you people.

Your OWN investigations say that there was no lapse in security, no cluster fuck, and no incompetence, and furthermore there was NO COVERUP in Benghazi. So everything you believe about Benghazi, only happened on Fox News. Ambassador Stevens was warned not to go to Benghazi but chose to go anyway. This is hardly Hillary putting him in harm's way.

Benghazi was not a clusterfuck. It went down pretty much like every other attack on an embassy, but Republicans immediately politicized it. That's the difference between Benghazi and other diplomatic attacks. Republicans saw an opening and exploited it, because they have nothing on Obama. Same as they had nothing on Bill Clinton so they went after him for a blow job. This is what Republicans do.

Benghazi was not a clusterfuck? Really, D-Lady? Here's a little clue as to what a TOTAL clusterfuck it was! The attack wasn't even over yet and Hillary Clinton and her minions were already desperately trying to come up with a version of events that DIDN'T make them look like incompetent assholes who cared more about "optics" than about the security of our diplomats! claim that Republicans do all these terrible things but when the DNC's emails got hacked it turned out that it was the Clinton camp that were the ones who were subverting the process! Heard any bad stuff coming out of the RNC? Nope!

It's always something to do with the Clinton's and it's always Bill and Hillary getting caught telling yet another lie or displaying their obvious belief that rules are for the little people and not them...but you STILL think it's all just made up! I suppose you think that the Clinton's bought their two, million dollar mansions with make believe money? You take naive to a whole new level, D-Lady! You're exactly the kind of "head in the sand" voter that Hillary is counting on holding their nose and voting for her in November! Then you'll spend the next four years defending the inevitable Clinton scandals that will follow.
Just as a Political Science degree in no way qualifies one to run an economy? So if the number one priority of the American people IS the economy...who's the better pick?

Someone who doesn't rip off the people they hire.

Who's really the rip off artist...Donald Trump who's created jobs for tens of thousands of people enabling them to live comfortably or Hillary Clinton who's whole life has been spent with her snout in the Public trough? Bill and Hillary got filthy rich by working the system. They've been exchanging political favors for cash so long they're superstar rolemodels for anyone who wants to get rich off the Public Sector!
How could they NOT be retroactively classified? They were hidden from the people who would make those decisions because Clinton and her minions were working off the Government "grid" so that what they were doing would not be seen. Oh, let me think Hillary classified her own e-mails? That's laughable. The truth is she was sending and receiving sensitive information on private servers which was not classified in any way because she was hiding what she was doing.

Are you this dumb for real or do you work at it?

Clinton's emails weren't hidden from anyone, and no one else was using her server. She was corresponding with people in the State Department so she was emailing to the grid. She has said that since almost all of her emails went to State Department employees, she assumed the government already had them.

She was not sending "sensitive information" because that kind of information wasn't sent in emails. Nothing in any of the email retroactively "classified" contained information which would compromise national security. That's why the whole "email scandal" is such a minor deal and why nobody went after Republicans who did the same thing.

You actually believe Clinton on this, don't you D-Lady? Wow, hard to believe anyone is that stupid! Clinton paid a hundred thousand dollars to set up two servers in her house in Westchester. The existence of those servers was kept secret. When Congress asked Clinton to provide all communications regarding Benghazi...she provided ZERO from those two servers even though she was conducting ALL of her business emails through them! The two servers only came to light when Congressional investigators noticed that others in the government were emailing Hillary at some mysterious email address that wasn't known to the government. When Clinton realized that Congressional investigators knew about her two secret servers she immediately had 33, 000 emails scrubbed from those two servers in such a professional way that the FBI cyber forensics team was unable to retrieve them. Keep in mind that Clinton has since claimed those deleted emails were "personal" and concerned with food recipes and wedding plans! Because as we all don't want your recipe for Swedish Meatballs to go public! Oh, no...information like THAT must be scrubbed from your computer by tech experts so that it will never see the light of day!

It's pathetic watching you on the left make excuses for the lies that Clinton has told to cover up what she did with her emails! Nobody could be that naive or that trusting. Her stories about what she did...when she did it...and why she did it...don't even hold up under a cursory examination.
So Hillary voted for "authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution" but you don't consider that a vote for war? Like every single person who voted that way knew only too well that it WAS a vote for war? I'm not the person who's "spinning" the truth here, D-Lady...that would be you!

It was a vote to give the President authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution, which had yet to be obtained. Yes, it is the vote which Bush used to go to war, but Clinton's speech at the time was clear that she hoped that the President never had to use it and that Saddam complied with the UN Resolution. That doesn't sound pro-war, "we must invade", to me. That to me shows respect for the Office of the President, during a difficult time in the nation.

That you now pounce upon this vote as an indicator that Hillary is a war-monger is hysteria at its worst.

This is why conservatives got bat shit over nothing if you attach Hillary Clinton's name to it.

7 attacks on US diplomatic outposts during Bush's Administration, 66 deaths = 0 investigations, 0 blame attached to the President, or the Secretary of State. 1 attack on a US diplomatic outpost during Obama Administration, 4 deaths - 7 investigations all clearing the President and the Secretary of State, but still conservatives are certain that everything Fox News told them is true, even though their own investigations say it never happened.

See how that works. Republican make shit up, get it investigated, find nothing, but still claim it happened.

How many American Ambassadors were killed in a consulate during the Bush 8 years? How many American diplomatic personnel were killed under Bush because of lapsed security by the State Department? Benghazi was a total cluster fuck because of Hillary Clinton's incompetent management of State Department policy...putting "optics" before the safety of the people she had working for her and then being more worried about damage control than sending help when it blew up in her face.

2 Americans died, one diplomat, in the Bush years. Amazing that you cons are so concerned about Americans dying one would think you would know the exact figures. 17 Americans died at the US Embassy in Beirut when a car bomb exploded when Reagan was President, and not a peep out of you people.

Your OWN investigations say that there was no lapse in security, no cluster fuck, and no incompetence, and furthermore there was NO COVERUP in Benghazi. So everything you believe about Benghazi, only happened on Fox News. Ambassador Stevens was warned not to go to Benghazi but chose to go anyway. This is hardly Hillary putting him in harm's way.

Benghazi was not a clusterfuck. It went down pretty much like every other attack on an embassy, but Republicans immediately politicized it. That's the difference between Benghazi and other diplomatic attacks. Republicans saw an opening and exploited it, because they have nothing on Obama. Same as they had nothing on Bill Clinton so they went after him for a blow job. This is what Republicans do.

You forgot to mention the car bomb back in the 80's that killed 256 Marines in their barracks in Beruity.
How could they NOT be retroactively classified? They were hidden from the people who would make those decisions because Clinton and her minions were working off the Government "grid" so that what they were doing would not be seen. Oh, let me think Hillary classified her own e-mails? That's laughable. The truth is she was sending and receiving sensitive information on private servers which was not classified in any way because she was hiding what she was doing.

Are you this dumb for real or do you work at it?

Clinton's emails weren't hidden from anyone, and no one else was using her server. She was corresponding with people in the State Department so she was emailing to the grid. She has said that since almost all of her emails went to State Department employees, she assumed the government already had them.

She was not sending "sensitive information" because that kind of information wasn't sent in emails. Nothing in any of the email retroactively "classified" contained information which would compromise national security. That's why the whole "email scandal" is such a minor deal and why nobody went after Republicans who did the same thing.

You actually believe Clinton on this, don't you D-Lady? Wow, hard to believe anyone is that stupid! Clinton paid a hundred thousand dollars to set up two servers in her house in Westchester. The existence of those servers was kept secret. When Congress asked Clinton to provide all communications regarding Benghazi...she provided ZERO from those two servers even though she was conducting ALL of her business emails through them! The two servers only came to light when Congressional investigators noticed that others in the government were emailing Hillary at some mysterious email address that wasn't known to the government. When Clinton realized that Congressional investigators knew about her two secret servers she immediately had 33, 000 emails scrubbed from those two servers in such a professional way that the FBI cyber forensics team was unable to retrieve them. Keep in mind that Clinton has since claimed those deleted emails were "personal" and concerned with food recipes and wedding plans! Because as we all don't want your recipe for Swedish Meatballs to go public! Oh, no...information like THAT must be scrubbed from your computer by tech experts so that it will never see the light of day!

It's pathetic watching you on the left make excuses for the lies that Clinton has told to cover up what she did with her emails! Nobody could be that naive or that trusting. Her stories about what she did...when she did it...and why she did it...don't even hold up under a cursory examination.

No I actually believe the FBI on this. They said they were able to recover ALL of the deleted emails.

The servers were not secret, the State Department was well aware of them. Most of the work related emails she sent were sent to staff at State which means they were already in the governments records for the State Department. This is why she didn't sweat why she had to turn over every email she ever sent. All of which is sane and reasonable. She says State gave permission for her to do this, the State Department has said no permission was asked for and none was given. I seriously doubt that Hillary sweated any of the details of this arrangement and left it all up to her IT people and therefore assumed everything was taken care of. Rice and Powell had done the same and nobody was worried about them.

Bush deleted 50,000 emails before leaving office and without turning any of them over, but that's fine. It's not like anybody died under his watch..
How could they NOT be retroactively classified? They were hidden from the people who would make those decisions because Clinton and her minions were working off the Government "grid" so that what they were doing would not be seen. Oh, let me think Hillary classified her own e-mails? That's laughable. The truth is she was sending and receiving sensitive information on private servers which was not classified in any way because she was hiding what she was doing.

Are you this dumb for real or do you work at it?

Clinton's emails weren't hidden from anyone, and no one else was using her server. She was corresponding with people in the State Department so she was emailing to the grid. She has said that since almost all of her emails went to State Department employees, she assumed the government already had them.

She was not sending "sensitive information" because that kind of information wasn't sent in emails. Nothing in any of the email retroactively "classified" contained information which would compromise national security. That's why the whole "email scandal" is such a minor deal and why nobody went after Republicans who did the same thing.

You actually believe Clinton on this, don't you D-Lady? Wow, hard to believe anyone is that stupid! Clinton paid a hundred thousand dollars to set up two servers in her house in Westchester. The existence of those servers was kept secret. When Congress asked Clinton to provide all communications regarding Benghazi...she provided ZERO from those two servers even though she was conducting ALL of her business emails through them! The two servers only came to light when Congressional investigators noticed that others in the government were emailing Hillary at some mysterious email address that wasn't known to the government. When Clinton realized that Congressional investigators knew about her two secret servers she immediately had 33, 000 emails scrubbed from those two servers in such a professional way that the FBI cyber forensics team was unable to retrieve them. Keep in mind that Clinton has since claimed those deleted emails were "personal" and concerned with food recipes and wedding plans! Because as we all don't want your recipe for Swedish Meatballs to go public! Oh, no...information like THAT must be scrubbed from your computer by tech experts so that it will never see the light of day!

It's pathetic watching you on the left make excuses for the lies that Clinton has told to cover up what she did with her emails! Nobody could be that naive or that trusting. Her stories about what she did...when she did it...and why she did it...don't even hold up under a cursory examination.

No I actually believe the FBI on this. They said they were able to recover ALL of the deleted emails.

The servers were not secret, the State Department was well aware of them. Most of the work related emails she sent were sent to staff at State which means they were already in the governments records for the State Department. This is why she didn't sweat why she had to turn over every email she ever sent. All of which is sane and reasonable. She says State gave permission for her to do this, the State Department has said no permission was asked for and none was given. I seriously doubt that Hillary sweated any of the details of this arrangement and left it all up to her IT people and therefore assumed everything was taken care of. Rice and Powell had done the same and nobody was worried about them.

Bush deleted 50,000 emails before leaving office and without turning any of them over, but that's fine. It's not like anybody died under his watch..

The FBI said they were able to recover ALL of the 33,000 deleted emails? REALLY? Where did you hear that, D-Lady? I ask because I'm trying to gauge whether you're as big a liar as Clinton is...or you're just incredibly naive and get your information from sites that lie as much as Clinton does!

It's a total fabrication that the State Department gave "permission" to Clinton to work through a personal server. She was told numerous times that was against regulations as were ALL State Department personnel!

Of course the servers were secret! When Congress started looking into Benghazi and asked for all of Clinton's communications on what happened in Libya would you care to take a crack at explaining why Clinton didn't turn over ANY of the emails that were on those two servers? Congressional investigators had to dig to find evidence of the secret servers and then when they realized that Clinton was working through private servers and asked her specifically to turn over what was on those servers she deleted thousands of emails before turning over what was left to the State Department to "review" and then the State Department released those a few at a time over the course of a year.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a diverse bunch of Trump supporters.

With Hillary it seems to be just free loaders wanting free stuff and favors in one form or the other.

Please go on with the baby rage... it's as founded in reality as your ideology of regressivism.
You don't even understand what it means to be liberal.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a diverse bunch of Trump supporters.

With Hillary it seems to be just free loaders wanting free stuff and favors in one form or the other.

Please go on with the baby rage... it's as founded in reality as your ideology of regressivism.
You don't even understand what it means to be liberal.

Instead of listing the spray of not very pretty words I am just going to say: a BLM activist.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a diverse bunch of Trump supporters.

With Hillary it seems to be just free loaders wanting free stuff and favors in one form or the other.

Please go on with the baby rage... it's as founded in reality as your ideology of regressivism.
You don't even understand what it means to be liberal.

Instead of listing the spray of not very pretty words I am just going to say: a BLM activist.
You're saying I'm a BLM activist?

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