Are there two types of Trump supporters?

It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Grow up. When you rely on other Hillary supporters and bias media to report when she's lying, don't expect to ever be informed.

And what is "mafurity?"

It's a typo, and only someone who is captious and has nothing substantive to write will point out.

I am laughing because this is the first time I did this. The reason is because libs around here always point out typos so thought I'd see how one liked having it done to them.

The rest of Billy's post was just senseless ranting. I guess he/she doesn't read much here or would know the answers to the questions.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
Done pouting?
There is a third. Those who have a rabid hatred of Hillary. They'd vote for Pol Pot over Hillary.

Except that moderate voters decide any election. And most moderates I talk to are if at all, only mildly annoyed with Hillary. Weighed against the stunning blunder it would be to vote in a pathologically-disturbed ranting lunatic like Trump, mild-annoyance with moderates isn't going to cost Hillary votes.

It's over. Trump lost. And it's only going to get worse from here. The question isn't "will Trump lose to Hillary", it's "how bad and how many Congressional hopefuls for the GOP will he drag down with him via association by November?"
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
Done pouting?
Not til Hillary is elected.
What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?
Oh really? What questions does he answer truthfully? Do you even know? Are you just a pon that believes anything that comes out of his mouth? Obviously anyone who still likes Trump doesn't give a shit to find out if he lies or not. It's pretty fucking obvious though. Sorry you're too stupid to realize that. Don't you realize how pathetic you sound defending him when we know, on average, he lies much more often than Hillary does?

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure spending. Either way 15 million private jobs and counting have been created In his two terms. Gee how dumb do you feel? Of course any economist would tell you investing significantly on infrastructure would create millions of jobs. Our infrastructure system is shit compared to the rest of the developed world.

Gee, Billy...that might be a record for the most liberal talking points in one small post! Congrats! You win this weeks "R-Derp Award"!

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure? Did you really just claim that? Oh wait, you've already forgotten his embarrassing admission that the "shovel ready" jobs that he and Nancy Pelosi promised would be created when they DID spend billions on infrastructure weren't there? He spent the money all just didn't create the jobs that they said it would! But you and Hillary want to do it again? Like THIS time it will magically work?
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
Done pouting?
Not til Hillary is elected.
Oh you will throw a fit once a patriot does their duty if that bitch manages to "win" the election :)
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
You forgot anyone but a Clinton(slick willy,hildabeast) as for myself I am writing in Elmer Fudd...
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.
She's a loopy kunt...
I would categorized the Trump supporters as follows:

- I/Q of 50 to 75 -- his tv audience

- I/Q of 76 to 99 -- the brainwashed John Birch Society

- I/Q of 100 to 110 -- those who really hate Hillary.

Overall this comes to about 35% of voters. Not even close to Robber Barron Romney's 47% because Romney also had the rich and famous who wanted more tax cuts for the rich.
Does your pussy hurt?
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?
Oh really? What questions does he answer truthfully? Do you even know? Are you just a pon that believes anything that comes out of his mouth? Obviously anyone who still likes Trump doesn't give a shit to find out if he lies or not. It's pretty fucking obvious though. Sorry you're too stupid to realize that. Don't you realize how pathetic you sound defending him when we know, on average, he lies much more often than Hillary does?

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure spending. Either way 15 million private jobs and counting have been created In his two terms. Gee how dumb do you feel? Of course any economist would tell you investing significantly on infrastructure would create millions of jobs. Our infrastructure system is shit compared to the rest of the developed world.

Gee, Billy...that might be a record for the most liberal talking points in one small post! Congrats! You win this weeks "R-Derp Award"!

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure? Did you really just claim that? Oh wait, you've already forgotten his embarrassing admission that the "shovel ready" jobs that he and Nancy Pelosi promised would be created when they DID spend billions on infrastructure weren't there? He spent the money all just didn't create the jobs that they said it would! But you and Hillary want to do it again? Like THIS time it will magically work?
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Uh yeah. 50 billion isn't nearly enough to fix the problem and you do realize the stimulus cost almost 1 trillion right?
The irony here is of course the OP discription of Trump supporters could just as easily be applied to Hillary supporters. I especially find the claims of qualified to be President amusing as the partisans on both sides never see the flaws of their own candidate of choice the fact that Trump is thin skined easy to provoke and an egomanic does not matter to his backers while at the same time Hillary backers ignore the fact she is a corrupt career political elitist and serial liar. But as long as they have the right letter next to their name they are qualified to be President.
Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?
Oh really? What questions does he answer truthfully? Do you even know? Are you just a pon that believes anything that comes out of his mouth? Obviously anyone who still likes Trump doesn't give a shit to find out if he lies or not. It's pretty fucking obvious though. Sorry you're too stupid to realize that. Don't you realize how pathetic you sound defending him when we know, on average, he lies much more often than Hillary does?

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure spending. Either way 15 million private jobs and counting have been created In his two terms. Gee how dumb do you feel? Of course any economist would tell you investing significantly on infrastructure would create millions of jobs. Our infrastructure system is shit compared to the rest of the developed world.

Gee, Billy...that might be a record for the most liberal talking points in one small post! Congrats! You win this weeks "R-Derp Award"!

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure? Did you really just claim that? Oh wait, you've already forgotten his embarrassing admission that the "shovel ready" jobs that he and Nancy Pelosi promised would be created when they DID spend billions on infrastructure weren't there? He spent the money all just didn't create the jobs that they said it would! But you and Hillary want to do it again? Like THIS time it will magically work?
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Uh yeah. 50 billion isn't nearly enough to fix the problem and you do realize the stimulus cost almost 1 trillion right?

50 billion dollars wasn't enough? Did you seriously just make that argument?
Oh really? What questions does he answer truthfully? Do you even know? Are you just a pon that believes anything that comes out of his mouth? Obviously anyone who still likes Trump doesn't give a shit to find out if he lies or not. It's pretty fucking obvious though. Sorry you're too stupid to realize that. Don't you realize how pathetic you sound defending him when we know, on average, he lies much more often than Hillary does?

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure spending. Either way 15 million private jobs and counting have been created In his two terms. Gee how dumb do you feel? Of course any economist would tell you investing significantly on infrastructure would create millions of jobs. Our infrastructure system is shit compared to the rest of the developed world.

Gee, Billy...that might be a record for the most liberal talking points in one small post! Congrats! You win this weeks "R-Derp Award"!

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure? Did you really just claim that? Oh wait, you've already forgotten his embarrassing admission that the "shovel ready" jobs that he and Nancy Pelosi promised would be created when they DID spend billions on infrastructure weren't there? He spent the money all just didn't create the jobs that they said it would! But you and Hillary want to do it again? Like THIS time it will magically work?
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Uh yeah. 50 billion isn't nearly enough to fix the problem and you do realize the stimulus cost almost 1 trillion right?

50 billion dollars wasn't enough? Did you seriously just make that argument?
Yes see this is where facts come into play. According to the army corps of engineers, it will cost 2 trillion to get our nation's infrastructure to good standing.
Gee, 50 billion dollars wasn't enough to create jobs with infrastructure spending? So when Barry, Harry and Nancy put aside a measly 870 million to support small businesses was that sufficient? You know...small businesses in the Private Sector...the kind of businesses that created 2 out of the 3 million new jobs created last year? So the sector of the US economy that creates over 60% of new jobs gets 870 million and infrastructure spending gets 50 billion and doesn't create jobs...but you think we should have spent MORE on infrastructure? You didn't take any economics classes in college...did you, Billy?
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Gee, Billy...that might be a record for the most liberal talking points in one small post! Congrats! You win this weeks "R-Derp Award"!

Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure? Did you really just claim that? Oh wait, you've already forgotten his embarrassing admission that the "shovel ready" jobs that he and Nancy Pelosi promised would be created when they DID spend billions on infrastructure weren't there? He spent the money all just didn't create the jobs that they said it would! But you and Hillary want to do it again? Like THIS time it will magically work?
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Uh yeah. 50 billion isn't nearly enough to fix the problem and you do realize the stimulus cost almost 1 trillion right?

50 billion dollars wasn't enough? Did you seriously just make that argument?
Yes see this is where facts come into play. According to the army corps of engineers, it will cost 2 trillion to get our nation's infrastructure to good standing.

So let's START by spending the tax money that we collect already to pay for repairs to our nation's infrastructure on that infrastructure! Politicians in Washington have been taking monies out of our gasoline taxes and rubber tire taxes that were supposed to go for repairs to our bridges and roads and using them to pay for entitlement programs. We wouldn't be in the situation of needing 2 trillion to fix things if we hadn't diverted billions.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a third. Those who have a rabid hatred of Hillary. They'd vote for Pol Pot over Hillary. That being said, I've yet to meet an intelligent Trump supporter.
No, see they are still #2. Hillary has many flaws. I'll be be first to say that. She is however far more qualified to be president.

LMAO The bitch couldn't get a security clearance as a GS-5.

The president doesn't have a security clearance.

And that alters what I said, HOW?
The irony here is of course the OP discription of Trump supporters could just as easily be applied to Hillary supporters. I especially find the claims of qualified to be President amusing as the partisans on both sides never see the flaws of their own candidate of choice the fact that Trump is thin skined easy to provoke and an egomanic does not matter to his backers while at the same time Hillary backers ignore the fact she is a corrupt career political elitist and serial liar. But as long as they have the right letter next to their name they are qualified to be President.
Hillary lies but Trump lies 5x more. That's the distinction.
Yes facts are so out the window with you huh? Obama's biggest expenses in the stimulus package was extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts.

So you've gone from claiming Obama barely spent anything on infrastructure to claiming that he spent MORE on extending unemployment benefits and huge tax cuts but you think facts are out the window with me? The Stimulus spent over 50 billion on roads, bridges, the electric grid, public transport and rail, Billy! According to you...that's barely anything? After spending all that money, Barry candidly admitted a year later that the "shovel ready" jobs they thought would be created with infrastructure spending hadn't materialized. But you think for some reason they will under Hillary? Why?
Uh yeah. 50 billion isn't nearly enough to fix the problem and you do realize the stimulus cost almost 1 trillion right?

50 billion dollars wasn't enough? Did you seriously just make that argument?
Yes see this is where facts come into play. According to the army corps of engineers, it will cost 2 trillion to get our nation's infrastructure to good standing.

So let's START by spending the tax money that we collect already to pay for repairs to our nation's infrastructure on that infrastructure! Politicians in Washington have been taking monies out of our gasoline taxes and rubber tire taxes that were supposed to go for repairs to our bridges and roads and using them to pay for entitlement programs. We wouldn't be in the situation of needing 2 trillion to fix things if we hadn't diverted billions.

Hey..............don't forget the tax cut for the rich that Jr. did in 2003 when we'd already started the war on Iraq.

The money has been funneled to what they want for a long time. The last war is just the last really big point that you can see.
Trump has a lifetime history of hiring competent people. You think an ideologue like Hillary Clinton will hire someone better than Trump? What do you base that on, Doc? Anything? Or is that based on your dislike of Trump?

Trump has a history of blowing his own trumpet, exaggerating his own accomplishments and wealth, and ripping people off. I could hire somebody better than Trump. I would not hire Trump if my life depended on it. He's nothing but a charlatan and a crook. Four Chapter 11's. Not one, not two, not three - FOUR!
You just made that last statement...and you support Hillary Clinton? That's some funny shit, Biker! I mean seriously...THAT is some funny shit! Trumps not the one who's taken all the rich people's money...that's Hillary!!! Oh, let me think that she took millions from the fat cats on Wall Street but that she's going to be the "people's champion"?

There is a level of naivete exhibited by liberals in this country right now that is quite frankly BREATHTAKING!!!

Maybe Trump does or doesn't take rich peoples' money. But he sure as shit takes the working man's money...likes the services they offer but then refuses to pay...

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