Are there two types of Trump supporters?

Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?

dumb donald bans every reporter/paper who asks tough questions.
people HATE those type of inquisitors. We hate thought police.

God designed that ancient tactic as a way for a woman to befuddle her husband's wits. It's not meant as a tool to confound leaders and demolish one's own nation.

Only a weak person can't deal with the media.

None of our politicians stand up to the media, but they are not weak. They have just stepped up to their positions for the wrong reasons. That is, they don't care about us.

I would say a candidate that bans members of the media who aren't asking the right questions is weak compared to opponents who don't do that.
You're right about that! If you ran a business the way we run government in this country...YOU'D BE OUT OF BUSINESS SO FAST IT WOULD MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN!!!

Yes, because you'd have to account for every single decision you made. Hired a subcontractor? Did you publically tender the job, or just hire one of your buddies? Did you get any kickback from the guy you hired? Prove it.

Trump flies by the seat of his pants. You think Hillary got in trouble with her emails, you wait until Donald starts hiring his buddies.

Which is why under our system of government we have laws about the way our government employees conduct themselves. Little things like being required to work through official channels so that Congress can do it's job and prevent corruption in the Executive Branch. That transparency was something enacted after the Nixon White House Watergate scandal. So would you like to take a crack at explaining why you support a candidate that deliberately ignored those regulations conducting official business through hidden private email accounts so that Congress couldn't oversee what she was doing?
The biggest myth of them all.
Government has nothing to do with business.

Now there's an inane statement! "Government has nothing to do with business". Really Hutch? So the billions of dollars that the Private Sector spends each year to comply with the demands of Government doesn't affect business?

No, I was speaking to your point dope. You can't follow your own thoughts? :laugh:Running a business is nothing like running a government.

You're right about that! If you ran a business the way we run government in this country...YOU'D BE OUT OF BUSINESS SO FAST IT WOULD MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN!!!

They don't operate the same way for the same reasons dope.

No shit, gets to print money and the other doesn't. It's why you need competent people running government or the debt will get so far out of control that it will bring down the entire country. So what does Hillary propose? More government spending? Free college? Universal healthcare?

So then Trump isn't the best person to address economic issues because he attended business school? You have a problem following you own logic.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?
Only a weak person can't deal with the media.

Which is why Hillary has hid from it for over 250 days? Ooops!

She has no problems dealing with the media. Trump does it everyday because it's free and his ego needs the attention. Clinton has a nice lead and doesn't need to be out there everyday.

She's running for President and won't hold a full press conference? But you think Clinton has no problems dealing with the media? Wow, you guys are seriously delusional.

Your desperation is palpable. The lengths you and others go to lately in an attempt to spin and smear is unprecedented.

How am I "smearing" Hillary Clinton? By telling the truth about what she's done in the past and what she proposes to do in the future? Wow...I am SUCH a bad person! How dare I question someone like Hillary Clinton's honesty!!!

It's not what you're saying it's how you're saying it. Your main attack against Clinton is that she's dishonest. OK, now how do you reconcile your support for Trump who lies multiple times a day? His own campaign debunks his lies.
So Hillary voted for "authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution" but you don't consider that a vote for war? Like every single person who voted that way knew only too well that it WAS a vote for war? I'm not the person who's "spinning" the truth here, D-Lady...that would be you!

It was a vote to give the President authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution, which had yet to be obtained. Yes, it is the vote which Bush used to go to war, but Clinton's speech at the time was clear that she hoped that the President never had to use it and that Saddam complied with the UN Resolution. That doesn't sound pro-war, "we must invade", to me. That to me shows respect for the Office of the President, during a difficult time in the nation.

That you now pounce upon this vote as an indicator that Hillary is a war-monger is hysteria at its worst.

This is why conservatives got bat shit over nothing if you attach Hillary Clinton's name to it.

7 attacks on US diplomatic outposts during Bush's Administration, 66 deaths = 0 investigations, 0 blame attached to the President, or the Secretary of State. 1 attack on a US diplomatic outpost during Obama Administration, 4 deaths - 7 investigations all clearing the President and the Secretary of State, but still conservatives are certain that everything Fox News told them is true, even though their own investigations say it never happened.

See how that works. Republican make shit up, get it investigated, find nothing, but still claim it happened.
Now there's an inane statement! "Government has nothing to do with business". Really Hutch? So the billions of dollars that the Private Sector spends each year to comply with the demands of Government doesn't affect business?

No, I was speaking to your point dope. You can't follow your own thoughts? :laugh:Running a business is nothing like running a government.

You're right about that! If you ran a business the way we run government in this country...YOU'D BE OUT OF BUSINESS SO FAST IT WOULD MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN!!!

They don't operate the same way for the same reasons dope.

No shit, gets to print money and the other doesn't. It's why you need competent people running government or the debt will get so far out of control that it will bring down the entire country. So what does Hillary propose? More government spending? Free college? Universal healthcare?

So then Trump isn't the best person to address economic issues because he attended business school? You have a problem following you own logic.

When did I say that? Trump as a degree in economics with a finance concentration. Hillary has a degree in political science and a law degree. If you want to fix an economy...choosing a Political Science major over an Economics major would be akin to having a clogged drain and calling an accountant instead of a plumber. That accountant might be great at crunching numbers but he's clueless about plumbing. Hillary is clueless about creating real jobs because she never studied how it was done. She studied politics.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

Define "classified" because some of those that were marked "Classified" were times for scheduled conference calls between staffers, which the State Department admits were so marked in error.

And again, anyone who works in law, banking or government knows that there is no such thing as "secure email". Servers are routinely hacked so truly sensitive information is never exchanged by electronic medium.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.
So Hillary voted for "authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution" but you don't consider that a vote for war? Like every single person who voted that way knew only too well that it WAS a vote for war? I'm not the person who's "spinning" the truth here, D-Lady...that would be you!

It was a vote to give the President authority to act in accordance with the UN Resolution, which had yet to be obtained. Yes, it is the vote which Bush used to go to war, but Clinton's speech at the time was clear that she hoped that the President never had to use it and that Saddam complied with the UN Resolution. That doesn't sound pro-war, "we must invade", to me. That to me shows respect for the Office of the President, during a difficult time in the nation.

That you now pounce upon this vote as an indicator that Hillary is a war-monger is hysteria at its worst.

This is why conservatives got bat shit over nothing if you attach Hillary Clinton's name to it.

7 attacks on US diplomatic outposts during Bush's Administration, 66 deaths = 0 investigations, 0 blame attached to the President, or the Secretary of State. 1 attack on a US diplomatic outpost during Obama Administration, 4 deaths - 7 investigations all clearing the President and the Secretary of State, but still conservatives are certain that everything Fox News told them is true, even though their own investigations say it never happened.

See how that works. Republican make shit up, get it investigated, find nothing, but still claim it happened.

How many American Ambassadors were killed in a consulate during the Bush 8 years? How many American diplomatic personnel were killed under Bush because of lapsed security by the State Department? Benghazi was a total cluster fuck because of Hillary Clinton's incompetent management of State Department policy...putting "optics" before the safety of the people she had working for her and then being more worried about damage control than sending help when it blew up in her face.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

Define "classified" because some of those that were marked "Classified" were times for scheduled conference calls between staffers, which the State Department admits were so marked in error.

And again, anyone who works in law, banking or government knows that there is no such thing as "secure email". Servers are routinely hacked so truly sensitive information is never exchanged by electronic medium.

Gee, if everyone who works in law, banking or government knows there's no such thing as secure e-mail, D-Lady...then the Clinton camp and the DNC sure are a bunch of idiots because they sent all kinds of sensitive information through THEIR e-mail accounts! Think we should have idiots like THAT running the country?
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.

Simple question, many e-mails have been designated as classified once they were read? Because that's the only thing that's important. Not whether they were "marked" classified! I believe that number is at 110 right now and that's only from the emails that Clinton didn't have a chance to delete. If you think there weren't others in the 33, 000 that Hillary made disappear before Congress or the American people could see them then you're an incredibly "trusting" individual!
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.

Simple question, many e-mails have been designated as classified once they were read? Because that's the only thing that's important. Not whether they were "marked" classified! I believe that number is at 110 right now and that's only from the emails that Clinton didn't have a chance to delete. If you think there weren't others in the 33, 000 that Hillary made disappear before Congress or the American people could see them then you're an incredibly "trusting" individual!

I worked in an S-2 section in the army and you couldn't be more wrong.
No, I was speaking to your point dope. You can't follow your own thoughts? :laugh:Running a business is nothing like running a government.

You're right about that! If you ran a business the way we run government in this country...YOU'D BE OUT OF BUSINESS SO FAST IT WOULD MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN!!!

They don't operate the same way for the same reasons dope.

No shit, gets to print money and the other doesn't. It's why you need competent people running government or the debt will get so far out of control that it will bring down the entire country. So what does Hillary propose? More government spending? Free college? Universal healthcare?

So then Trump isn't the best person to address economic issues because he attended business school? You have a problem following you own logic.

When did I say that? Trump as a degree in economics with a finance concentration. Hillary has a degree in political science and a law degree. If you want to fix an economy...choosing a Political Science major over an Economics major would be akin to having a clogged drain and calling an accountant instead of a plumber. That accountant might be great at crunching numbers but he's clueless about plumbing. Hillary is clueless about creating real jobs because she never studied how it was done. She studied politics.

When did I say that?

The major issue for Americans is the economy. So who's more qualified to address economic growth...someone who attended the best business school in the country getting a degree in economics with a concentration in finance...or someone who has a degree in political science and a law degree?

Like I said, you have difficulty follwing your own thought. A business degree in no way qualifies one to run a government.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.

Simple question, many e-mails have been designated as classified once they were read? Because that's the only thing that's important. Not whether they were "marked" classified! I believe that number is at 110 right now and that's only from the emails that Clinton didn't have a chance to delete. If you think there weren't others in the 33, 000 that Hillary made disappear before Congress or the American people could see them then you're an incredibly "trusting" individual!

Why were they retroactively classified? What was Comey's testimony regarding up classification because they were to be made public?
You're right about that! If you ran a business the way we run government in this country...YOU'D BE OUT OF BUSINESS SO FAST IT WOULD MAKE YOUR HEAD SPIN!!!

They don't operate the same way for the same reasons dope.

No shit, gets to print money and the other doesn't. It's why you need competent people running government or the debt will get so far out of control that it will bring down the entire country. So what does Hillary propose? More government spending? Free college? Universal healthcare?

So then Trump isn't the best person to address economic issues because he attended business school? You have a problem following you own logic.

When did I say that? Trump as a degree in economics with a finance concentration. Hillary has a degree in political science and a law degree. If you want to fix an economy...choosing a Political Science major over an Economics major would be akin to having a clogged drain and calling an accountant instead of a plumber. That accountant might be great at crunching numbers but he's clueless about plumbing. Hillary is clueless about creating real jobs because she never studied how it was done. She studied politics.

When did I say that?

The major issue for Americans is the economy. So who's more qualified to address economic growth...someone who attended the best business school in the country getting a degree in economics with a concentration in finance...or someone who has a degree in political science and a law degree?

Like I said, you have difficulty follwing your own thought. A business degree in no way qualifies one to run a government.

Just as a Political Science degree in no way qualifies one to run an economy? So if the number one priority of the American people IS the economy...who's the better pick?
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.

Simple question, many e-mails have been designated as classified once they were read? Because that's the only thing that's important. Not whether they were "marked" classified! I believe that number is at 110 right now and that's only from the emails that Clinton didn't have a chance to delete. If you think there weren't others in the 33, 000 that Hillary made disappear before Congress or the American people could see them then you're an incredibly "trusting" individual!

Why were they retroactively classified? What was Comey's testimony regarding up classification because they were to be made public?

How could they NOT be retroactively classified? They were hidden from the people who would make those decisions because Clinton and her minions were working off the Government "grid" so that what they were doing would not be seen. Oh, let me think Hillary classified her own e-mails? That's laughable. The truth is she was sending and receiving sensitive information on private servers which was not classified in any way because she was hiding what she was doing.
Did you watch the Clinton interview with Wallace, Hutch? It's obvious that she DOES have a problem with the press! She herself described her performance as having a "short circuit". How would you reconcile THAT statement with your claim that Hillary doesn't have a problem with tough questions?

I understood what she meant from the beginning. The short circuit was her not understanding that not everyone does and she should have explained.

She always maintained that she never sent or received anything marked classified. Comey testified that was true.

That's such a "lawyers response", Hutch! Comey testified that she only sent 3 that were "marked" classified but what Clinton's statement doesn't admit is that she sent or received over a 110 emails that were subsequently marked classified when examined! That only counts the emails we've managed to recover...the ones that Hillary didn't have a chance to destroy. How many emails in the 33, 000 that are missing do you think would fall under that category? Or are you going to go full bore naive bot and claim that those were all "recipes and wedding chat" as Clinton has?

None were marked classified at the time they were sent. That is what she has publicly stated repeatedly and Comey verified that. You're conflating a whole lot of shit not relevant to that point. BTW it sounds like a lawyers response because that's how the FBI investigates and decides criminality.

Simple question, many e-mails have been designated as classified once they were read? Because that's the only thing that's important. Not whether they were "marked" classified! I believe that number is at 110 right now and that's only from the emails that Clinton didn't have a chance to delete. If you think there weren't others in the 33, 000 that Hillary made disappear before Congress or the American people could see them then you're an incredibly "trusting" individual!

This shit has been investigated over and over. It has been investigated by the FBI with the director publicly testifying to the findings.
You are the one trying to make something of things that every authority who scrutinized it says aren't there.

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