Are there two types of Trump supporters?

Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

There is a third. Those who have a rabid hatred of Hillary. They'd vote for Pol Pot over Hillary. That being said, I've yet to meet an intelligent Trump supporter.
No, see they are still #2. Hillary has many flaws. I'll be be first to say that. She is however far more qualified to be president.

LMAO The bitch couldn't get a security clearance as a GS-5.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
Which lies of hitlerys inspire you most?
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
Which lies of hitlerys inspire you most?

The email lie intrigues me.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
why are little girl's "...stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant..."?
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
George W. Bush got into Harvard Business School with a C average. If you have money, you can get into any school. I went to graduate school at a university that would not even look at you if you did not have at least a B average for your undergraduate studies.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
why are little girl's "...stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant..."?

The natural born nature of a female is Gossip, one of the seven deadly sins.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.

you understand that the pathological liar is donald, right? making up videos he's seen in his head.... lying that the NFL contacted him and said the debate schedule (which was formulated ages ago by a non-partisan committee) was unfair.... pretending that if he loses its because the election is rigged. he's as close to a sociopath as i've ever seen.

but you can delude yourself if you'd like.

now thanks for proving the o/p's point.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?
why are little girl's "...stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant..."?
More of the democrat war on women....
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.

you understand that the pathological liar is donald, right? making up videos he's seen in his head.... lying that the NFL contacted him and said the debate schedule (which was formulated ages ago by a non-partisan committee) was unfair.... pretending that if he loses its because the election is rigged. he's as close to a sociopath as i've ever seen.

but you can delude yourself if you'd like.

now thanks for proving the o/p's point.
Which one of hitlerys lies inspire you most?
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?

dumb donald bans every reporter/paper who asks tough questions. hillary has plan after plan on her website. dumb donald says "t'll be HUUUUGE". so what on earth are you talking about? this is what is delusional about trumpsters.

again, thanks for proving the o/p's point.

my point is that trumpsters don't care about any of the things you're talking about as long as he stands there and says disgusting bigoted, homophobic things to make angry white males feel like someone will protect them from brown people and women.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?

dumb donald bans every reporter/paper who asks tough questions. hillary has plan after plan on her website. dumb donald says "t'll be HUUUUGE". so what on earth are you talking about? this is what is delusional about trumpsters.

again, thanks for proving the o/p's point.

my point is that trumpsters don't care about any of the things you're talking about as long as he stands there and says disgusting bigoted, homophobic things to make angry white males feel like someone will protect them from brown people and women.
Speaking of racist, are you at one of hitlery BLM meetings now?
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.

you understand that the pathological liar is donald, right? making up videos he's seen in his head.... lying that the NFL contacted him and said the debate schedule (which was formulated ages ago by a non-partisan committee) was unfair.... pretending that if he loses its because the election is rigged. he's as close to a sociopath as i've ever seen.

but you can delude yourself if you'd like.

now thanks for proving the o/p's point.

I don't know what psychopath means but know what crazy as hell means.
Trump has proven to be nothing more than an insecure little girl trapped in the body of an orangutang. He's stupid, thin-skinned, ignorant, and completely unprofessional. If he wasn't born to a rich daddy who gave him a fortune to start his failed businesses, he would be working at Burger King right now. His supporters can only be narrowed down to two categories:

1) People who started out as Trump supporters, but lack the emotional maturity to admit to themselves and others that they were wrong about him all along being a useless sack of shit.

2) Supporters who are simply too stupid to realize how terrible Trump is. They barely graduated high school (or didn't) thus they indentify with Trump's simple vocabulary and below average intelligence. He lacks specifics on basically any policy ideas, but they like that because they aren't smart enough to understand detail-oriented positions. All he has to do is talk about a wall along the southern border. Somehow that will fix everything!

At what point will America realize how embarrassing it looks because of Trump?

What's more embarrassing, Trump's bravado or Hillary's pathological lying?

Oh, and by the way Billy? I've got a Masters. Trump went to the Wharton School. Where did you attend?

What's laughable is that you accuse Trump of not having any policy ideas when all Hillary has proposed is a do-over of Obama's failed economic policies. You progressive lemmings seem to think that because her last name is Clinton that we're going to magically have a repeat of the Dot Com Boom. If it weren't for the fact that we'll be stuck with her for four long years...I'd almost like to see her win the election just to watch her try to bullshit her way through more 1% economic growth.
It fascinates me that you lack the mafurity to admit how pathetic Trump is. You avoid this by deflecting to bitching about Hillary. According to PolitiFact's website (and basic intelligence), Trump has lied much more often than Hillary has. Would you like me to document this? It's easy to do.

You don't even know Hillary's positions. That's how pathetic you are. Go ahead. Tell me which specific policies of Hillary's are like Obama's. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Gee, Donald Trump stands on stage and answers all questions for an hour without notes or a teleprompter! Hillary only gives interviews to select reporters and only if the questions are submitted prior to the interview. She's given one REAL interview in the last 250 days and that was when she lied so badly she declared that she might have "short circuited"!

What's Hillary's plan to grow the economy? Infrastructure spending and education spending paid for by increased taxes? How is THAT any different from what Barry has been pushing for the past eight years?

dumb donald bans every reporter/paper who asks tough questions.
people HATE those type of inquisitors. We hate thought police.

God designed that ancient tactic as a way for a woman to befuddle her husband's wits. It's not meant as a tool to confound leaders and demolish one's own nation.

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