Are These Questions Ever Going to Get Answered?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

Especially when allegedly that the golf game was just decided last minute? Absolutely nothing about this story makes sense.
That’s it?
That the best you got?

Yes, humans are capable of waiting 12 hours
Police had no grounds to question him

Trump is know to play at golf courses with a big TRUMP sign outside. It was a Sunday and Trump was known to be in town.
Simple enough to just stand outside and watch.
When foursomes suddenly stop appearing and are replaced by Secret Service Agents… know Trump is coming
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About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

Especially when allegedly that the golf game was just decided last minute? Absolutely nothing about this story makes sense.
If he wasn't feom the area, he had to stalk Trump.
For that, if the schedule was online hidden very well, he could of hacked into the schedule.

True, but how was he able to hide for so long without eating or drinking and using the bathroom? Plus Trump's team is claiming that this was a last minute decision so how fast would his schedule be known?
True, but how was he able to hide for so long without eating or drinking and using the bathroom? Plus Trump's team is claiming that this was a last minute decision so how fast would his schedule be known?
Very easy. He could be on a fast. I have gone over 24 hours without eating or using the bathroom while on a fast. Any more brain busters?
About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

Especially when allegedly that the golf game was just decided last minute? Absolutely nothing about this story makes sense.
Oh come on. Sure, Trump is a felon and played golf but he hardly went twelve hours without eating or using the restroom.

Where do you come up with that stuff? ;)

Btw, Trump is a current felon, not an ex.
You fast?

You don't see that idea to be a bit too farfetched?
Yes, farfetched but I could see it happening with someone who is in the right state of mind.
If it was planned, we need to find out by who since it had to be from the inside since Trump being there was a last-minute decision
Yes, farfetched but I could see it happening with someone who is in the right state of mind.
If it was planned, we need to find out by who since it had to be from the inside since Trump being there was a last-minute decision

Honestly I think that somebody probably has a better chance of accidentally getting struck by lightning and I'm not buying that last minute decision crap most of all.
Yeah, but how did he have his schedule? There has to be a trader in the secret service. That's my only guess.

Given that Trump always plays golf while at Mara Lago, it is not hard to figure out
Honestly I think that somebody probably has a better chance of accidentally getting struck by lightning and I'm not buying that last minute decision crap most of all.
Me niether. Last minute decision? No. Was all that background story made up? Yes. The more likely explanation is that he went to the golf course and he just went to where Trump was with muder on his mind.
About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

Especially when allegedly that the golf game was just decided last minute? Absolutely nothing about this story makes sense.
The Deep Stait helped him! They gave him a mask that was ripped from a child's face in the basement of Comet Pizza so he looked harmless.

"Using the restroom?" This guy can't piss in the bushes? Why? Does he have a phobia of some kind?

He's an ex-felon, yes. With gun charges, no less. So we need to find out how he came to possess an AK-47. Did Nancy Pelosi give it to him? We definitely need to look into Nancy's whereabouts during this time frame.

He went twelve hours without eating? MY GOD, HOW DID HE SURVIVE SO LONG WITHOUT EATING!!! Who can go 12 hours without eating? No one. It's impossible. Can't be done. Not even a Navy SEAL can go 12 hours without eating.

Hmmm. What was in his backpack then? Was it all copies of Kamala's violence-inspiring speeches and bullets?

How stupid do you have to be to not pack some trail mix in your backpack if you are camping out in bushes?
About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

Especially when allegedly that the golf game was just decided last minute? Absolutely nothing about this story makes sense.
The Sheriff of Martin County raised these same issues. Also, how was he able to get an AK-47 in place when he wasn't even from there?

About Sunday's incident that is. How can a man go twelve hours without eating or using the restroom, be left unseen and not questioned by the police? Especially when he's an ex-felon? How could he have come to the correct golf course when he wasn't from the area?

He went there in the night.
He stayed hidden in the shrubbery.
He brought a little food with him.
He probably just went to the bathroom right there in the shrubs.

The shrubbery there is a good 10-15 feet thick along the property, designed for privacy.

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