Immediate questions we need answered: 1. How did Ryan Routh know President Trump's golf schedule? ...

My guess is Homeland Security is leaking Trump's schedule.

Remember, it was Homeland Security providing much of the "protection" on July 13.

And just the other day we had a maniacal presser from Merrick Garland.

Immediate questions we need answered:
1. How did Ryan Routh know President Trump's golf schedule?
2. What contacts (if any) did Ryan Routh have with the government of Ukraine before, during and after his trip to Ukraine to raise a foreign legion?
3. What efforts (if any) did the US government take to interrogate Ryan Routh after his return from Ukraine?
4. If such interrogation did occur, what was learned?
5. Allegedly Routh was involved some years ago in a violent stand-off in North Carolina involving an automatic rifle. If this is true, how was he now able to own firearms? Who provided them to him?
6. On March 27, 2023, the San Juan Daily Star published a news article about volunteers fighting in Ukraine. As part of that article, they interviewed Routh. In that article, Routh claimed to be attempting to move Afghani fighters through Pakistan and Iran to fight in Ukraine. Was this assertion true, or was it boasting? What contacts (if any) has Routh had with the governments of Iran and/or Pakistan?
7. Why did the Secret Service shooter miss Routh?
8. Routh appears to have traveled to Washington DC to promote the defense of Ukraine. Did he meet with any members of Congress or other members of the federal government? If so, who? If so, what was discussed?
If there is still a "journalist" alive who cares abut the truth, we need answers to these questions ASAP.

The Left leaked the address of every conservative member on SCOTUS as well as where their kids went to school and where they go to church after calling them every name in the book, such as a rapist or like Trump calling him Hitler.

Then Joe and Kamala sit back and............................

I don't think she knows more.

She's just more transparent then they are.

Ever hear of Russian Collusion?

That was a criminal conspiracy by the FBI to screw up Trump's first term.
Sure....the clairvoyant FBI created Crossfire Hurricane 6 months before election day, with Hillary creaming Trump in the polls, to screw up, Trump's first term as President....:rolleyes:

All the MSM hosts asked the same questions....

How did he know the president would be golfing that day? Though with trump taking the weekend off from campaigning was a likely reason to assume he would be golfing....but what about him being there at the time of day, Donald was golfing? How could he know that?

And surely he has internet tracks that have to show him searching the golf course, for where it would be best for him to position himself for a quick getaway? Was he not thorough, and did not anticipate secret service sweeping the area before trump got to the next tee?

And how many days ahead of this or times prior to this day, did he spend in Florida to scope out the situation?

It doesn't seem like this man had mental issues.....except perhaps his fervor for Ukraine....? Did this guy ever serve in our military? Or previously work for some company like Blackwater, as a mercenary?

I am so glad this guy was caught alive! And we have a chance to find out more....!!!!
This whole thing stinks. After the first SS failure that resulted in TRUMP! getting wounded, you'd think professional pride would prevent them from allowing ANYONE anywhere close to TRUMP! carrying a gun, especially one that can't be concealed. Who has odds that in 75 years it will come out that there were bad actors in the SS?
Progs gonna Prog. All of this violence and it is mostly from Progressives.

None of it is from progressives. It’s from former Trump supporters he’s “disappointed”. Armed and crazy.

How did a guy with over 100 arrests and multiple felony convictions get guns??? My money is on the “gun show loophole”.
This whole thing stinks. After the first SS failure that resulted in TRUMP! getting wounded, you'd think professional pride would prevent them from allowing ANYONE anywhere close to TRUMP! carrying a gun, especially one that can't be concealed. Who has odds that in 75 years it will come out that there were bad actors in the SS?
All the MSM hosts asked the same questions....

How did he know the president would be golfing that day? Though with trump taking the weekend off from campaigning was a likely reason to assume he would be golfing....but what about him being there at the time of day, Donald was golfing? How could he know that?

And surely he has internet tracks that have to show him searching the golf course, for where it would be best for him to position himself for a quick getaway? Was he not thorough, and did not anticipate secret service sweeping the area before trump got to the next tee?

And how many days ahead of this or times prior to this day, did he spend in Florida to scope out the situation?

It doesn't seem like this man had mental issues.....except perhaps his fervor for Ukraine....? Did this guy ever serve in our military? Or previously work for some company like Blackwater, as a mercenary?

I am so glad this guy was caught alive! And we have a chance to find out more....!!!!
It's possible that a Trump Humper gave it to him?

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