Are These Reasonable Regulations of Guns? or Harassment of Gun Owners?

Registration of firearms will prevent NO CRIME,,, except the crime of confiscation which is guaranteed if registration passes.

Any firearm transfered by an FFL IS registered. FBI/NICS keeps data 24 hrs by law, then hands it to BATFe.

BATFe will photograph your bound books (all data on a transfer) when you are not looking. (been there FFL/gunsmith/manufacturer for decades)

When a FFL retires as I did his bound books must be turned over to BATFe in which all data goes into a registration. Name/address/stats/firearm SN, caliber etc

Now tell me, how many crimes were prevented by this existing registration which is huge and most don't know about? It started 1934 with the MG act and in 68 went ballistic.

There are over 10,000 firearms laws on the books now. Enforce them, no NAZI registrations.

Good luck in getting Nazi Registration. They are all supporters of the Party of the Rump.

It's already here. If you were in the business of firearms long as I have been you would know.
Do you mean that the State of Kansas State Government started working to impeach Rump the day he got elected? My, that must be investigated since the Kansas State Government is deep, deep red and supports every little stupid thing Rump does.

Blow it out your rump Daryl...

"Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle questioned where State Senator Barbara Bollier would stand on the issue. "House Democrats voting to impeach the President should be a wake-up call to all Americans that the radical Left is more concerned with election revenge than actually helping hardworking families."

"State Treasurer Jake LaTurner criticized Democrats, saying they are using the impeachment process for partisan gain."

"Rep. Steve Watkins also weighed in on the matter.

"After three years of obstruction and resistance, Democrats brought forward articles of impeachment that prove once and for all this entire process has been nothing more than desperate political theatre."

KS politicians react to impeachment proceedings

Then the States CAN make the laws and the Voters can change those laws. My, My, what a concept. Welcome to the Constitution of the United States and the 50 State Constitutions.
Registration of firearms will prevent NO CRIME,,, except the crime of confiscation which is guaranteed if registration passes.

Any firearm transfered by an FFL IS registered. FBI/NICS keeps data 24 hrs by law, then hands it to BATFe.

BATFe will photograph your bound books (all data on a transfer) when you are not looking. (been there FFL/gunsmith/manufacturer for decades)

When a FFL retires as I did his bound books must be turned over to BATFe in which all data goes into a registration. Name/address/stats/firearm SN, caliber etc

Now tell me, how many crimes were prevented by this existing registration which is huge and most don't know about? It started 1934 with the MG act and in 68 went ballistic.

There are over 10,000 firearms laws on the books now. Enforce them, no NAZI registrations.

Good luck in getting Nazi Registration. They are all supporters of the Party of the Rump.

It's already here. If you were in the business of firearms long as I have been you would know.

Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.
Then the States CAN make the laws and the Voters can change those laws. My, My, what a concept. Welcome to the Constitution of the United States and the 50 State Constitutions.

But Daryl, that was not your point which was that a RED State started working on impeaching Trump the day he got elected. You have yet to prove that and this post is nothing but a deflection.
Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.

I don't know...IS there an official Nazi party in America? If there is, one would certainly need to register to vote for a Nazi candidate. :auiqs.jpg: Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff should switch to that party. :abgg2q.jpg:
Then the States CAN make the laws and the Voters can change those laws. My, My, what a concept. Welcome to the Constitution of the United States and the 50 State Constitutions.

But Daryl, that was not your point which was that a RED State started working on impeaching Trump the day he got elected. You have yet to prove that and this post is nothing but a deflection.

No, that was YOUR point. My point was the States make their own laws and Voters can easily get those changed. It's not like at the Federal Level. In order to get anything on the state ballot around here, you only need to get 4000 verifiable signatures. The Reds keep trying to change that but they just can't seem to get it to pass either in the Legislation nor in the Ballots. The Majority likes it that way and that's the way it stays. But if it's a good idea and you can convince the majority of the voters of something, it's not real hard to get it passed.

I never mentioned the Federals. I heavily believe in States Rights and on many things the Feds can keep their damned noses out of it. So don't try and change the subject. You tried to take a neutral statement and make it partisan.
Then the States CAN make the laws and the Voters can change those laws. My, My, what a concept. Welcome to the Constitution of the United States and the 50 State Constitutions.

But Daryl, that was not your point which was that a RED State started working on impeaching Trump the day he got elected. You have yet to prove that and this post is nothing but a deflection.

No, that was YOUR point. My point was the States make their own laws and Voters can easily get those changed. It's not like at the Federal Level. In order to get anything on the state ballot around here, you only need to get 4000 verifiable signatures. The Reds keep trying to change that but they just can't seem to get it to pass either in the Legislation nor in the Ballots. The Majority likes it that way and that's the way it stays. But if it's a good idea and you can convince the majority of the voters of something, it's not real hard to get it passed.

I never mentioned the Federals. I heavily believe in States Rights and on many things the Feds can keep their damned noses out of it. So don't try and change the subject. You tried to take a neutral statement and make it partisan.

I GAVE you a link to the State of Kansas!!!! There is NOTHING there claiming what you claimed. Give it up Daryl....
Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.

I don't know...IS there an official Nazi party in America? If there is, one would certainly need to register to vote for a Nazi candidate. :auiqs.jpg: Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff should switch to that party. :abgg2q.jpg:

Pelosi and company won't make it. The Nazi Party already has enough representation in Rump and Moscow Mitch and really don't need any more.
Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.

I don't know...IS there an official Nazi party in America? If there is, one would certainly need to register to vote for a Nazi candidate. :auiqs.jpg: Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff should switch to that party. :abgg2q.jpg:

Pelosi and company won't make it. The Nazi Party already has enough representation in Rump and Moscow Mitch and really don't need any more.

Post proof that there is a registered Nazi party in the U.S. then prove that they got Trump elected, you Dufus. Stats please, your opinion has 0 validity anymore. Hint: Your claiming that Trump supporters are 'Nazis' doesn't count because it is crazy.
Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.

I don't know...IS there an official Nazi party in America? If there is, one would certainly need to register to vote for a Nazi candidate. :auiqs.jpg: Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff should switch to that party. :abgg2q.jpg:

Pelosi and company won't make it. The Nazi Party already has enough representation in Rump and Moscow Mitch and really don't need any more.

Post proof that there is a registered Nazi party in the U.S. then prove that they got Trump elected, you Dufus. Stats please, your opinion has 0 validity anymore.

I never claimed there WAS a registered Nazi Party. I was being cynical. You seem to read things different than thee plain english that others use. I was making fun of having to register as a Nazi. If you knew anything about the US Constitution you would know that that just can't happen. But I imagine you would like to have all Liberals have to be in a registry. Liberal to you means anyone that does not think exactly like you demand them to. That would be about 67% of the entire population of the United States. That way, it would make it easier for you find and round them up with you and yours completely take over power. I differ from you in that. I really don't want to know where you are. The less I know about your whereabouts the happier I am.
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which
  • prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearm's in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
Our great military hasn't been able to defeat Afghanis only armed with automatic rifles, RPG's and improvised explosive devices and you think law enforcement can do better. Many of us served in the military and will do just fine.
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which
  • prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearm's in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
Our great military hasn't been able to defeat Afghanis only armed with automatic rifles, RPG's and improvised explosive devices and you think law enforcement can do better. Many of us served in the military and will do just fine.

You aren't raised to live like an Afgan Hill Person. You would die of exposure in a month. Stop giving yourself so much credit.
Wow, I wasn't aware that to become a Nazi in America that you had to register with the United States Government. Thanks for telling me.

I don't know...IS there an official Nazi party in America? If there is, one would certainly need to register to vote for a Nazi candidate. :auiqs.jpg: Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and Schiff should switch to that party. :abgg2q.jpg:

Pelosi and company won't make it. The Nazi Party already has enough representation in Rump and Moscow Mitch and really don't need any more.

Post proof that there is a registered Nazi party in the U.S. then prove that they got Trump elected, you Dufus. Stats please, your opinion has 0 validity anymore.

I never claimed there WAS a registered Nazi Party. I was being cynical. You seem to read things different than thee plain english that others use. I was making fun of having to register as a Nazi. If you knew anything about the US Constitution you would know that that just can't happen. But I imagine you would like to have all Liberals have to be in a registry. Liberal to you means anyone that does not think exactly like you demand them to. That would be about 67% of the entire population of the United States. That way, it would make it easier for you find and round them up with you and yours completely take over power. I differ from you in that. I really don't want to know where you are. The less I know about your whereabouts the happier I am.

Stop being cynical, you are not good at it.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
Our great military hasn't been able to defeat Afghanis only armed with automatic rifles, RPG's and improvised explosive devices and you think law enforcement can do better. Many of us served in the military and will do just fine.

You aren't raised to live like an Afgan Hill Person. You would die of exposure in a month. Stop giving yourself so much credit.
A career in the military says otherwise.
You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
Our great military hasn't been able to defeat Afghanis only armed with automatic rifles, RPG's and improvised explosive devices and you think law enforcement can do better. Many of us served in the military and will do just fine.

You aren't raised to live like an Afgan Hill Person. You would die of exposure in a month. Stop giving yourself so much credit.
A career in the military says otherwise.

Mine says otherwise. And I have time in Iran and Pakistan in the old days. Iran during the Shah's days and during the great flood for Pakistan where the US and the USSR worked side by side to deliver badly needed relief supplies. You think your time with a well supported military adventure qualifies you when you have all support removed? You might last during the fall, spring and (depending on the area) the summer months or even the winter months (depending on the locale) But sooner or later, that support will be gone. You are going to be hunted every day, each hour. You are going to have to depend on replentishing your supplies by taking it from your enemy. Every day you are going to be pushed further and further from any resources you can rely on. Chances are, you are going to end up in a mountainous region. Those forces you once had will have dwrindled. Gurilla tactics are what you are going to be left with. Hit hard, move quickly and disengage with heavy losses on both sides. It only works for you until the US Forces removes the gloves. If you have ever been around Spec Ops, you would know that you would be in a losing situation and would likely succumb to the elements before the US Forces catch up with you. The Winters in the Mountains won't stop the US Spec Ops forces from operating but it will stop you from operating. You are going to be worried about survival from the elements than meeting an enemy force.

The Fictional Books you read are just that. Fiction. Rambo would have never survived the confrontation with the Local Authorities in real life. There is way too much influence from these Fictional writings in the extreme right these days. Your idea that the US Forces would allow the violent overthrow of the US Government is naive at best.
Cars and property (both registered) are confiscated all the fucking time for alleged criminal acts.. They don't even WAIT FOR GUILT to take them.. It's one of those abused Civil Liberties you "liberals" seem to be fine with....

Even if you're acquitted, you have to sue to get them back... Wonderful huh???

There's AMPLE reason for "paranoia".. Just watch the abuse of our spy agencies unfold....
And go read the ACLU docs on financial abuse of 702 system for plain domestic criminal cases. So that "Most Awesome Spy Machine" has been abused for political purposes and financial purposes and a lot of other ways...

The Insta-check system could be "rolled in" just like you lemmings want the unreliable "terrorist watch list" to be rolled into a redux of Big Brother... If you leftists KNEW how these things work and get abused, ----- you MIGHT become "liberals" again.... :laugh:
That we still have asset forfeiture proves the Constitution is being turned into a symbolic document by our government fascists.

they're not fascists yet.. Don't get all AOC about that.. Right now, they are power hungry statists that just want a more muscular but rather retarded government on steroids.. :rolleyes:

Are you talking about the true definition of Fascism or the screwed up version some in here have of fascism to cover up for their own fascist actions?

There's fascist elements almost everywhere you look on the political spectrum.. But they are fringe factors in American politics... Unless EITHER of the parties wants to AMPLIFY their importance...

Groups like skinheads and AntiFa are essentially right now --- "local police issues"... When they have power, we can chat about "America is a fascist county" with AOC and the rest of mental midgets...
Cars and property (both registered) are confiscated all the fucking time for alleged criminal acts.. They don't even WAIT FOR GUILT to take them.. It's one of those abused Civil Liberties you "liberals" seem to be fine with....

Even if you're acquitted, you have to sue to get them back... Wonderful huh???

There's AMPLE reason for "paranoia".. Just watch the abuse of our spy agencies unfold....
And go read the ACLU docs on financial abuse of 702 system for plain domestic criminal cases. So that "Most Awesome Spy Machine" has been abused for political purposes and financial purposes and a lot of other ways...

The Insta-check system could be "rolled in" just like you lemmings want the unreliable "terrorist watch list" to be rolled into a redux of Big Brother... If you leftists KNEW how these things work and get abused, ----- you MIGHT become "liberals" again.... :laugh:
That we still have asset forfeiture proves the Constitution is being turned into a symbolic document by our government fascists.

they're not fascists yet.. Don't get all AOC about that.. Right now, they are power hungry statists that just want a more muscular but rather retarded government on steroids.. :rolleyes:

Are you talking about the true definition of Fascism or the screwed up version some in here have of fascism to cover up for their own fascist actions?

There's fascist elements almost everywhere you look on the political spectrum.. But they are fringe factors in American politics... Unless EITHER of the parties wants to AMPLIFY their importance...

Groups like skinheads and AntiFa are essentially right now --- "local police issues"... When they have power, we can chat about "America is a fascist county" with AOC and the rest of mental midgets...

Actually, when you remove the nonsense from AOC and the BS from the other side, AOC has a very powerful message if one cares to sift through it. And right now, we have the party of the Rump trying it's damnedest to ingest 1939 style Fascism. It's just taken the American Public a bit (much like the Italians in the early 40s) to see it. Let's not mistake criminal behavior like the skinheads and AntiFa for Fascism.

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