Are These Reasonable Regulations of Guns? or Harassment of Gun Owners?

Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

Are you afraid of well armed women Daryl? Hmmm....interesting.

A woman is the least likely to pull a gun. But when she does and you aren't damned afraid, you are an idiot.
Are you in the habit of making women pull their weapons on you?
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

If women are armed, do you fear you will never successfully have sex again? I mean, your idea of foreplay isn't "Scream and I'll kill you bitch," is it? Nah, I give you more credit than that....

never needed to resort to that. When I worked as the Bass Player, I got to pick from at least 5 of the finest groupies you have ever seen when I wanted to. Now I understand why you are like you are, Epstien Jr.
Ummm...women aren't pulling their guns on him, you creep.
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which
  • prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearm's in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
With what the anti-gunners want with Universal Background checks you would have to run a check for each gun you transfered to another individual.....and the cost that that would require.....can you imagine having to conduct 30 background checks, because each transfer requires a separate check........?

Yeah.. That's an actual possibility for transferring "club" rifles or arms.. But if you go thru an FFL shop like I did, that's largely their problem if they want to buy them from you...

I just wouldn't want to stick ANY estate executor with the State/Fed interference of disposing of considerable amounts of sporting guns. Especially if they are going to beneficiaries listed on the will...

The primary reason they want universal background checks is to get gun registration.......that is the goal. The side benefit is to nail gun collectors after they die.....causing extreme hardship on the families who then would have to do something with all the guns....with the goal to make the easiest route giving the guns to a buy back program or destroying them........

As long as the Insta-Check rules about KEEPING the information temporary remain the same, and they actually FOLLOW THEM and don't create a registry -- I'm OK with that.. But after seeing the abuse of the FISA process, and how the world's most awesome domestic spy system is being used against innocent citizens, --- I'm not confident about that duty to "stick by the rules'....
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How can our well regulated militias be in good working order if we don’t know who is in the militia and what guns they have?

Constitution says we should train gun owners and know what kind of weapons they have. It is necessary to the security of a free state

Who is we? Were in the Constitution does it say anyone needs to be trained? Hint: Your analogy doesn't count.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state...

You got something against freedom buddy?
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not infringed

So you can run around shooting your gun up public?
Telling me no to shoot is infringing on my right to bear arms

Public discharge of weapons is illegal in MOST cities and suburbs.. You know that.. Even in my little Red State Hillbilly Hollywood, we have to go outside city limits to blow off firecrackers.. You're pretty much all emotional about a sporting tool and defensive device....
With what the anti-gunners want with Universal Background checks you would have to run a check for each gun you transfered to another individual.....and the cost that that would require.....can you imagine having to conduct 30 background checks, because each transfer requires a separate check........?

Yeah.. That's an actual possibility for transferring "club" rifles or arms.. But if you go thru an FFL shop like I did, that's largely their problem if they want to buy them from you...

I just wouldn't want to stick ANY estate executor with the State/Fed inference of disposing of considerable amounts of sporting guns. Especially if they are going to beneficiaries listed on the will...

The primary reason they want universal background checks is to get gun registration.......that is the goal. The side benefit is to nail gun collectors after they die.....causing extreme hardship on the families who then would have to do something with all the guns....with the goal to make the easiest route giving the guns to a buy back program or destroying them........

As long as the Insta-Check rules about KEEPING the information temporary remain the same, and they actually FOLLOW THEM and don't create a registry -- I'm OK with that.. But after seeing the abuse of the FISA process, and how the world's most awesome domestic spy system is being used against innocent citizens, --- I'm not confident about that duty to "stick by the rules'....

I also don't have a problem as long as it's kept locally in a paper file at the FFL dealer for X amount of time and then destroyed. And that time is controlled by the State.
With what the anti-gunners want with Universal Background checks you would have to run a check for each gun you transfered to another individual.....and the cost that that would require.....can you imagine having to conduct 30 background checks, because each transfer requires a separate check........?

Yeah.. That's an actual possibility for transferring "club" rifles or arms.. But if you go thru an FFL shop like I did, that's largely their problem if they want to buy them from you...

I just wouldn't want to stick ANY estate executor with the State/Fed inference of disposing of considerable amounts of sporting guns. Especially if they are going to beneficiaries listed on the will...

The primary reason they want universal background checks is to get gun registration.......that is the goal. The side benefit is to nail gun collectors after they die.....causing extreme hardship on the families who then would have to do something with all the guns....with the goal to make the easiest route giving the guns to a buy back program or destroying them........

As long as the Insta-Check rules about KEEPING the information temporary remain the same, and they actually FOLLOW THEM and don't create a registry -- I'm OK with that.. But after seeing the abuse of the FISA process, and how the world's most awesome domestic spy system is being used against innocent citizens, --- I'm not confident about that duty to "stick by the rules'....

I also don't have a problem as long as it's kept locally in a paper file at the FFL dealer for X amount of time and then destroyed. And that time is controlled by the State.

Hopefully, the Insta-check part of that process is gone by a time period proscribed by FEDERAL LAW... The sale transactions kept at the FFL is up to THEM and maybe the state... (i believe)
With what the anti-gunners want with Universal Background checks you would have to run a check for each gun you transfered to another individual.....and the cost that that would require.....can you imagine having to conduct 30 background checks, because each transfer requires a separate check........?

Yeah.. That's an actual possibility for transferring "club" rifles or arms.. But if you go thru an FFL shop like I did, that's largely their problem if they want to buy them from you...

I just wouldn't want to stick ANY estate executor with the State/Fed inference of disposing of considerable amounts of sporting guns. Especially if they are going to beneficiaries listed on the will...

The primary reason they want universal background checks is to get gun registration.......that is the goal. The side benefit is to nail gun collectors after they die.....causing extreme hardship on the families who then would have to do something with all the guns....with the goal to make the easiest route giving the guns to a buy back program or destroying them........

As long as the Insta-Check rules about KEEPING the information temporary remain the same, and they actually FOLLOW THEM and don't create a registry -- I'm OK with that.. But after seeing the abuse of the FISA process, and how the world's most awesome domestic spy system is being used against innocent citizens, --- I'm not confident about that duty to "stick by the rules'....

I also don't have a problem as long as it's kept locally in a paper file at the FFL dealer for X amount of time and then destroyed. And that time is controlled by the State.

Hopefully, the Insta-check part of that process is gone by a time period proscribed by FEDERAL LAW... The sale transactions kept at the FFL is up to THEM and maybe the state... (i believe)

Each state has it's own limit. I know here it's 10 years. But others have pointed out that where they are it's 5 years. So the States seem to be setting the time limit. The Feds may require the FFL Licensed sales to do it but it's up to the states to administer it like it should be. There are just too many guns coming up from Arizona to here that people try and get around the background check law. Luckily, most get caught on the Interstate. The Idjits almost always overload whatever vehicle they are using and get stopped. Criminals are stupid.
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

Are you afraid of well armed women Daryl? Hmmm....interesting.

A woman is the least likely to pull a gun. But when she does and you aren't damned afraid, you are an idiot.
Are you in the habit of making women pull their weapons on you?
Yes he is they call them dildo's
I also don't have a problem as long as it's kept locally in a paper file at the FFL dealer for X amount of time and then destroyed. And that time is controlled by the State.

There in red is basically what your posts seem to be Daryl.
Here's What George Washington Thought About Guns

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.” – George Washington
Here's What George Washington Thought About Guns

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.” – George Washington
Well the fact that millions of people own and use guns but only a minuscule fraction of a percent of those who own and use guns legally ever kill anyone demonstrates that these people are disciplined when it comes to the safe and legal use of guns

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Here's What George Washington Thought About Guns

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.” – George Washington

sounds like 'ol George got his wish.....~S~
Wow, you actually described Marxism pretty well. And you also pointed out why it can't exist. One person or a small group of people just can't control something as large as the United States Economically or it's Government. So I doubt if we have too many real Marxists in USMB at this time. You are just playing "Hey, look over there".

But, by definition, you ARE a Fascist.
Remember, kids, people who want the maximum amount of personal liberty for all citizens are fascists.

According to some retarded Marxist on the internet.
Killing 30,000 people a year is not personal liberty

rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.
Only way to find out how guns are getting to criminals
We track the registrations of cars, we can do it for guns

Paranoia is not an excuse
Remember, kids, people who want the maximum amount of personal liberty for all citizens are fascists.

According to some retarded Marxist on the internet.
Killing 30,000 people a year is not personal liberty

rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.
Only way to find out how guns are getting to criminals
We track the registrations of cars, we can do it for guns

Paranoia is not an excuse
We already know how criminals get guns.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which currently prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearms in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.

Can't tell from the summaries.. There's not enough details... On universal background checks, I think too many situations will crop up that infringe on the current owner.. For instance, when settling my dad's estate, I had an "arsenal" of high quality single shot bolt action target rifles to dispose of.. My Dad was director of Civitan Club Jr Rifle League.. And there were about 30 of them. And about 4000 rounds of "GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED 22 cal ammunition..

I was coming from Cali to Fla then and I couldn't figure what to do with them.. Remembered a HS friend's father owned a local gun store.. So I loaded up the car (snicker snicker), obeyed ALL the traffic rules (LOL) and drove slowly and carefully to the store where my HS friend was STILL there running the biz.. I had tried to donate them to Boy Scouts who still had a rifle range in the area, but ran out of time.. Transfers of THAT type would trigger MASSIVE govt inquisitions.. Even tho the rifles were no where near the "dangerous" designations.

Also raising the age of a "child" to 18 in the case of "unsecured" weapons is problematic... Because even COPS get weapons stolen from their vehicles.. And I wouldn't want to go to jail for fucking CLASS 6 FELONY if some gang bangers broke into my car or robbed my childless house and ended up with some of my good stuff...

With what the anti-gunners want with Universal Background checks you would have to run a check for each gun you transfered to another individual.....and the cost that that would require.....can you imagine having to conduct 30 background checks, because each transfer requires a separate check........?

The primary reason they want universal background checks is to get gun registration.......that is the goal. The side benefit is to nail gun collectors after they die.....causing extreme hardship on the families who then would have to do something with all the guns....with the goal to make the easiest route giving the guns to a buy back program or destroying them........
Gun registration always precedes gun confiscation always precedes tyranny.

And that's what leftists want. This is undeniable.

No way to confiscate 300 million guns
We register cars and none have ever been confiscated

Paranoia from gun owners is no excuse
Killing 30,000 people a year is not personal liberty

rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.
Only way to find out how guns are getting to criminals
We track the registrations of cars, we can do it for guns

Paranoia is not an excuse
We already know how criminals get guns.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Do tell
rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.
Only way to find out how guns are getting to criminals
We track the registrations of cars, we can do it for guns

Paranoia is not an excuse
We already know how criminals get guns.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Do tell
Google it

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The extremists are pushing so hard against anything reasonable that one day they will provoke something too repressive.
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

If women are armed, do you fear you will never successfully have sex again? I mean, your idea of foreplay isn't "Scream and I'll kill you bitch," is it? Nah, I give you more credit than that....

never needed to resort to that. When I worked as the Bass Player, I got to pick from at least 5 of the finest groupies you have ever seen when I wanted to. Now I understand why you are like you are, Epstien Jr.

Hey, you wanting white women unarmed is based on something.....

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