Are These Reasonable Regulations of Guns? or Harassment of Gun Owners?


I have the right to own property and the state does not need to know what that property is especially when I have a protected right to own that property

We already have laws that address all the things you are afraid of.

What we do not have is the intestinal fortitude to strictly enforce those laws.

Every time a person is caught illegally carrying a weapon he is committing a federal crime.
Every time a person uses a firearm unlawfully he is committing a federal crime.

We do not prosecute these gun crimes as federal crimes and in fact gun charges are some of the first to be bartered away in plea deals.

When the city of Richmond VA took it upon themselves to actually prosecute gun crimes as federal crimes and the federal courts actually handed out long stints in federal prison guess what happened.

Gun crime and murder rates dropped precipitously

The laws you want are nothing but administrative and record keeping requirements which will do a whole lot of nothing to actually get criminals off the streets

The LAST thing the left wants is to get criminals off the street. Gun control is meant to make the public defenseless and dependant on the rulers for protection from the criminal caste that the rulers support and promote.

For thousands of years, the nobility offered supposed protection to the peasants in exchange for voluntary slavery by the peasants. The goal of the democrats is to return to that arrangement. An armed man who can defend himself and his family will not bow and submit to rulers - the democrats are determined to put and end to these free men.

So you are speaking for everyone else. Wow, that tells me loads. Are you telling me that I am a Leftie? Are you telling me that I want to release all criminals from Prisons? Are you going to use the extra space to house Illegals and DACA people?

My goal is to be that loan voice in the forest that speaks with common sense. And you can hear me. Us Moderates are starting speak out. That should scare the living crap out of you.
Today I learned totalitarianism is moderate.
Killing 30,000 people a year is not personal liberty

rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.

And the 300 million guns already in the hands of free people, how will you deal with those, Adolf? What of the thousands of Chinese guns coming over the Southern border each day? How will you thugs deal with those?

Adolf never took the guns from what he termed the Good German Citizens. Like you, he did take the guns from the ones he deemed as not good German Citizens. And like you, Adolf was a ultrarightwingnutjob. If you want to do a good and proper slight, use Stalin instead. That might be more applicable for the insult. Damn, you didn't learn a damned thing in History Classes. You must be a member of the Party of the Rump.
I've repeatedly called you a Communist. You whined about that, too.
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.
Oh, but YOUR laws are okay.

Why do you oppose people being able to defend themselves? Are you a criminal?
Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population

Think the opposite, guns everywhere in a police state

My right to self-defense predates any form of government

good luck w/that

I'm 65, never heard of an armory where Civies kept their weapons. Why would they? Trust the govt? Yeah OK

AL's & VFW's....

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not government armories.
Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population

Think the opposite, guns everywhere in a police state

My right to self-defense predates any form of government

good luck w/that

I'm 65, never heard of an armory where Civies kept their weapons. Why would they? Trust the govt? Yeah OK

AL's & VFW's....

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not government armories.
All the ones I have been in were basically drinking clubs

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population

Think the opposite, guns everywhere in a police state

My right to self-defense predates any form of government

good luck w/that

I'm 65, never heard of an armory where Civies kept their weapons. Why would they? Trust the govt? Yeah OK

AL's & VFW's....

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not government armories.

not my point Dave

So you think the closing of the southern border cures the gun problem. While we are at it, let's close the border tight to get rid of cancer, poverty, and every strife in the United States. I just love your reasoning. But if it's proven that you are right then I say we can't afford not to completely isolate the border. Otherwise.......

After you lied on Saturday, I posted a link of 56,000 guns from China being smuggled in across the Mexican border, in December, 2019. One of the major sources of illegal guns that go to criminals, no background check, no questions, are these cheap, Chinese guns. But you Communists REFUSE to secure the border.

But you Communists don't want to stop violence, gun violence or any other violence. No, you want a defenseless population that lives in fear and will submit to the nobility in exchange for the farce of "protection."

The racket known as feudalism was destroyed by the firearm, the ability of the commoner to be as effective as the professional soldier with arms. You of the left seek to crush liberty, to do so the commoners must not only be disarmed, but also must be victims of violence so that they will submit willingly to rulers who will protect them from the violent criminals.

I have the right to own property and the state does not need to know what that property is especially when I have a protected right to own that property

We already have laws that address all the things you are afraid of.

What we do not have is the intestinal fortitude to strictly enforce those laws.

Every time a person is caught illegally carrying a weapon he is committing a federal crime.
Every time a person uses a firearm unlawfully he is committing a federal crime.

We do not prosecute these gun crimes as federal crimes and in fact gun charges are some of the first to be bartered away in plea deals.

When the city of Richmond VA took it upon themselves to actually prosecute gun crimes as federal crimes and the federal courts actually handed out long stints in federal prison guess what happened.

Gun crime and murder rates dropped precipitously

The laws you want are nothing but administrative and record keeping requirements which will do a whole lot of nothing to actually get criminals off the streets

The LAST thing the left wants is to get criminals off the street. Gun control is meant to make the public defenseless and dependant on the rulers for protection from the criminal caste that the rulers support and promote.

For thousands of years, the nobility offered supposed protection to the peasants in exchange for voluntary slavery by the peasants. The goal of the democrats is to return to that arrangement. An armed man who can defend himself and his family will not bow and submit to rulers - the democrats are determined to put and end to these free men.

So you are speaking for everyone else. Wow, that tells me loads. Are you telling me that I am a Leftie? Are you telling me that I want to release all criminals from Prisons? Are you going to use the extra space to house Illegals and DACA people?

My goal is to be that loan voice in the forest that speaks with common sense. And you can hear me. Us Moderates are starting speak out. That should scare the living crap out of you.

I'm just stating the fact. The goal of the democrat party is a return to feudalism, the absolute rule by Oligarchs who are an extension of the government. There is zero difference between Mark Zuckerberg and some Habsburg Barron from the 12th Century. both are imbued by the state the authority of autocratic rule over their fiefdoms. The goal of democrats is to undo the enlightenment. You have been astoundingly successful so far. We rapidly descend into a new dark age.
Killing 30,000 people a year is not personal liberty

rightwinger, the genie is out of the bottle and you aren't going to put it back in. I know you want all guns rounded up and disposed of but it just won't happen. So we do common sense gun regulations to minimize the body count. Harping that we all should turn in our firearms doesn't help anymore than fruitcake dave with his fruitcake "Unleash the Dogs of War" routine. So how about stay on point with common sense gun regulations with me and let's present a solid front to these sockos.
I don’t want a round up of guns. It is not practical and it is not necessary

I do want sensible gun control with the objective of keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and crazies.

To do that, we need to know where the guns are coming from and track them from manufacture to destruction. It includes licensing, registration and background checks on ALL transfers of guns

Every Firearm manufactured is Registered at the factory. And every time it goes through a Licensed FFL dealer it gets recorded. What you want to do is to automatically link it to the buyer each and every time. That's Universal Gun Registration. I don't think that's going to fly. Fight the fights you have a chance of winning like Universal Background Checks and Red Flag laws. We win those and that's X number of bodies not left in a bloody mess that would otherwise be in the Morgue.

And the 300 million guns already in the hands of free people, how will you deal with those, Adolf? What of the thousands of Chinese guns coming over the Southern border each day? How will you thugs deal with those?

Adolf never took the guns from what he termed the Good German Citizens. Like you, he did take the guns from the ones he deemed as not good German Citizens. And like you, Adolf was a ultrarightwingnutjob. If you want to do a good and proper slight, use Stalin instead. That might be more applicable for the insult. Damn, you didn't learn a damned thing in History Classes. You must be a member of the Party of the Rump.

And you Stalinists will never take the guns from what you consider good Communists, The Nazi Pelosis of the world will keep their arms and their armed soldiers. You seek to disarm the public at large - just as Hitler did. Jews, Poles, Austrians, et al...

Oh and moron, did you forget that I dispelled your use of the big lie days ago?

Let me remind you;

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

If women are armed, do you fear you will never successfully have sex again? I mean, your idea of foreplay isn't "Scream and I'll kill you bitch," is it? Nah, I give you more credit than that....
You have no right to be protected from a background check or have unregistered weapons
Shall not be infringed says I do have that right.

Thugs and tyrants like shitflinger cannot end rights, they can only infringe. If through terrorism and force of violence vermin like shitflinger disarm you. they have infringed and violated your rights, but the right still exists.
Somehow the quotes were ass backwards how did that happen?

Sloppy editing on my part, I fear. My apologies.
I was thinking of the children ... isn't that what women are best at protecting? ... try walking off with a baby bear sometime, you'll see what I mean ...

I like women who already have guns in their purses ... you know, the ones who can think for themselves ... but I'm old, you kids wouldn't understand ...
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which
  • prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearm's in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

Are you afraid of well armed women Daryl? Hmmm....interesting.

A woman is the least likely to pull a gun. But when she does and you aren't damned afraid, you are an idiot.
Sounds like a bunch of new laws that aren't going to be enforced ... we already have too many laws that are not enforced ... and we're spending money like mad to not enforce these laws ...

If we want to make our streets, schools and Capitols safe ... require women to carry guns in their purses ...

Wow, pass another law. yah, that should work. Force women (who are the least likely to wish to carry a loaded gun) to carry a loaded gun. That'll show them Totalitarians.

If women are armed, do you fear you will never successfully have sex again? I mean, your idea of foreplay isn't "Scream and I'll kill you bitch," is it? Nah, I give you more credit than that....

never needed to resort to that. When I worked as the Bass Player, I got to pick from at least 5 of the finest groupies you have ever seen when I wanted to. Now I understand why you are like you are, Epstien Jr.
These are the new anti-gun laws that the Virginia Dimocrats are set to pass ASAP.

Here's the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia - GunsAmerica Digest

The list from local news affiliate WSET:

  • Legislation requiring background checks on all firearms sales and transactions. The bill mandates that any person selling, renting, trading, or transferring a firearm must first obtain the results of a background check before completing the transaction.
  • Legislation banning dangerous weapons. This will include bans on assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers.
  • Legislation to reinstate Virginia’s successful law allowing only one handgun purchase within a 30-day period.
  • Legislation requiring that lost and stolen firearms be reported to law enforcement within 24 hours.
  • Legislation creating an Extreme Risk Protective Order, allowing law enforcement and the courts to temporarily separate a person from firearms if the person exhibits dangerous behavior that presents an immediate threat to self or others.
  • Legislation prohibiting all individuals subject to final protective orders from possessing firearms. The bill expands Virginia law which
  • prohibits individuals subject to final protective orders of family abuse from possessing firearms.
  • Legislation enhancing the punishment for allowing access to loaded, unsecured firearm by a child from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 6 felony. The bill also raises the age of the child from 14 to 18.
  • Legislation enabling localities to enact any firearms ordinances that are stricter than state law. This includes regulating firearm's in municipal buildings, libraries and at permitted events.
The reason the proposed Virginia Bills are not reasonable is because the Second Amendment was put in place so that your average citizens could form regulated militias that would be an effective deterrence to a tyrannical government whether foreign...or..."domestic." Thus, such weapons would be small arms that would be an actual deterrence. Semi-automatic firearms in the hands of millions of citizens would be such a deterrence.

You used the proper term, Regulated Militias. A Regulated Militia even back then was done by the Governor. Not by some hillbilly named Joe Bob unless your Governor was named Joe Bob. The "So Called" Unregulated Militia is just a bunch of people dressed in pickle suits running around the woods with guns. If they decide to take the law into their own hands then it's now called a Mob.
When your own state of federal government becomes the "oppressive or tyrannical" government, the armed citizenry is duty bound to create their own regulated militias to fight the government.

You are duty bound to hit the Voting Booths and remove them from office. If you try it with force then you are a bunch of Criminals and will be handled as such. We have the chance for a revolution every 2 and 4 years plus special elections.

And once again, you Party of the Rumpers are talking about an armed Revolution. Sure do wish you criminals would get it started so we can have our Civilian Law Enforcement wipe you out and be done with it.
I was thinking of the children ... isn't that what women are best at protecting? ... try walking off with a baby bear sometime, you'll see what I mean ...

I like women who already have guns in their purses ... you know, the ones who can think for themselves ... but I'm old, you kids wouldn't understand ...

I like women that can think for themselves and can decide if they wish to have a gun in their purse or not. And try and guess my age, if you will. I'll give you a hint. In just a few days, the age becomes the sexiest age of them all where you give as good as you get.
Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population

Think the opposite, guns everywhere in a police state

My right to self-defense predates any form of government

good luck w/that

I'm 65, never heard of an armory where Civies kept their weapons. Why would they? Trust the govt? Yeah OK

AL's & VFW's....

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not government armories.
All the ones I have been in were basically drinking clubs

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Yeah, pretty much.
Then just think about how worse it will be with no guns in the hands of the civilian population

Think the opposite, guns everywhere in a police state

My right to self-defense predates any form of government

good luck w/that

I'm 65, never heard of an armory where Civies kept their weapons. Why would they? Trust the govt? Yeah OK

AL's & VFW's....

The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are not government armories.

not my point Dave

Never heard of any ALs or VFWs storing weapons for their members, either.

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