Zone1 Are Thread Starters allowed to list posters they prohibit?

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Dude we are in constant crisis mode. I was actually responding to the reporting. That's all I should say.

You would be doing less responding to "Reporting" if your management skills were better ... And there was less of need to Report anything.
Say whatever you want ... I will ... Take it or leave it ... But I don't need an excuse from you ... :thup:


You would be doing less responding to "Reporting" if your management skills were better ... And there was less of need to Report anything.
Say whatever you want ... I will ... Take it or leave it ... But I don't need an excuse from you ... :thup:

I have to respect the privacy of other posters.
It seems quite disingenuous for an opinionated poster to start a thread under the idea that she wants a debate - and then list posters who are “prohibited” because she knows they will disagree with her narrative?

And then can a mod work in concert with her to delete the posts of the people the thread starter declared ”prohibited”? Seems that disallowing those who disagree with her, or point out the erroneous thinking of her position, is not a real debate.

A person who starts a thread can do whatever they want. But unless they are a moderator, it means jack and shit.
It’s about the unacceptable practice of starting a call-out thread, in which an OP lists by name those she is prohibiting from posting. It is in violation of the rules, and threads have been deleted for far less of an infraction.
She also published her list after numerous posts that she did not agree with. Smacks of blatant political and racist censorship.
I have to respect the privacy of other posters.

More Proactive behavior could have avoided the discussion we are currently having.
The OP in discussion was started yesterday ... The Structured Debate Sub-forum doesn't have another thread in it started since February 2nd.
Would it kill you (or another) to check the Structured Debate Sub-Forum before logging out?

That doesn't have anything to do with the Privacy of another Poster ... That's on you and your skills ... :thup:
I wasn't asking for another excuse.

A person who starts a thread can do whatever they want. But unless they are a moderator, it means jack and shit.
Au contraire. It happened. I was one of the ones the OP "prohibited" from posting AFTER I respectfully disagreed with the premise of her post. It was blatant racist censorship.
A person who starts a thread can do whatever they want. But unless they are a moderator, it means jack and shit.
Not really. They have rules here, which were violated. The irony was the that the OP, who violated the rules, was reporting and prohibiting others.
She also published her list after numerous posts that she did not agree with. Smacks of blatant political and racist censorship.
Unfortunately, it has become so prevalent among the Leftist media to silence opposing views that OP felt comfortable in doing the same on this forum. I seriously doubt she will that again.
Well that's some bullshit.

Unless of course one may want to entertain the idea that "invitation only" ... Means "write a list of every member you don't want showing up".
It should have been closed as soon as a Mod read it ... :thup:


Unless of course one may want to entertain the idea that "invitation only" ... Means "write a list of every member you don't want showing up".
It should have been closed as soon as a Mod read it ... :thup:


So apparently this is an option in the "Debate Now" forum? I have never posted in or paid attention to that particular forum...
Start a similar thread with the opposing point of view and list the people you're "prohibiting.". I'm serious. Let's see expose the double standard.
I did exactly that and the mod who conspired with the OP first disallowed me from commenting on my own OP and then moved the OP. When I searched for it, I was told the OP did not exist.
So apparently this is an option in the "Debate Now" forum? I have never posted in or paid attention to that particular forum...

Yeah ... It is an idea that could work as well if properly implemented and enforced regularly.
It was in a "trial stage" and has never made it out as far as I can tell ... But it is also a demonstration of how certain members attempt to use rules ...
In order to avoid having to deal with their inadequacies at debating.

You would not be one of those people ... :auiqs.jpg:

Unfortunately, it has become so prevalent among the Leftist media to silence opposing views that OP felt comfortable in doing the same on this forum. I seriously doubt she will that again.
Don't kid yourself. I've had run ins with this poster before. She is big on bigotry and racism and when called on it, she ALWAYS resorts to empty threats. The more I see of her posts, the more I believe she is a first or second year community college student that believes she has the American legal system figured out and is determined to use it to her own racist advantage.
She also published her list after numerous posts that she did not agree with. Smacks of blatant political and racist censorship.
Ah….is that how it happened? I noticed my name on the list, but I was late to the party. Apparently, posters more intelligent than she and capable of showing the harm in her thinking posted in reply, and she went back and - entitled narcissist that she is - added in the names of those she was censoring.

I’m glad I called her out on it, via this thread. She won’t be trying that shit again!
Don't kid yourself. I've had run ins with this poster before. She is big on bigotry and racism and when called on it, she ALWAYS resorts to empty threats. The more I see of her posts, the more I believe she is a first or second year community college student that believes she has the American legal system figured out and is determined to use it to her own racist advantage.
I’ve had run-ins with her as well. She is one nasty piece of work.

And I tend to agree that she’s a young, entitled kid in college, and has been emboldened by all the anti-white racism on campuses these days. She recently made reference to a term paper she was turning in.
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