Zone1 Are Thread Starters allowed to list posters they prohibit?

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Ah….is that how it happened? I noticed my name on the list, but I was late to the party. Apparently, posters more intelligent than she and capable of showing the harm in her thinking posted in reply, and she went back and - entitled narcissist that she is - added in the names of those she was censoring.

I’m glad I called her out on it, via this thread. She won’t be trying that shit again!
Yes, I believe you were added later. Meister called her out on trying to add people after her initial list.
Don't kid yourself. I've had run ins with this poster before. She is big on bigotry and racism and when called on it, she ALWAYS resorts to empty threats. The more I see of her posts, the more I believe she is a first or second year community college student that believes she has the American legal system figured out and is determined to use it to her own racist advantage.
I have seen her bully Lisa relentlessly. It usually a pile on, too, as other antisemites join her as well as one very conspicuous mod.
I have seen her bully Lisa relentlessly. It usually a pile on, too, as other antisemites join her as well as one very conspicuous mod.
I notice that there are three or four conspicuously racist mods on this board. Interesting that one has been fairly quiet for awhile, but another has filled in for her lately.
I have seen her bully Lisa relentlessly. It usually a pile on, too, as other antisemites join her as well as one very conspicuous mod.
Thank you. She is relentless, and toward me in particular, because I dared say how Jews, despite millennia of unspeakable persecution, rise above it and go on to succeed - and succeed beyond average. She was so infuriated that I dared throw water on her “prejudice causes failure” narrative that she raced to the mods to forbid me from drawing any parallels between antisemitism and racism, or bring up how Jews have been able to succeed despite all the bigotry they face.
You're both idiots
And they've both come a long way.

Still, up and down, around and around... two steps back, one step forwards is no way for center flingers to progress.
Meister is the best mod we have.
As a mod? Yep.

As a conservative? imo, If you can get his nose out of the left's hose.... all you have to do is get him to laugh and he's willing to let their politics slide without comment. :dunno:

WinterBorn ... Every time I see you now ... I just remember you wearing rupol2000 out.
You will reason with anyone ... Some will never get it ... But you are fair and provide context.

Pretty much most around here know that.


Rupol2000 was fun. Admittedly, it wasn't hard to wear him out. But still fun.

Then he got banned.
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