Are we at herd immunity? If not please explain why not.

Herd immunity occurs at about 75% exposure rate.

We are not even half way there IF you consider the vaccine as contributing.

We do not know that it does that.

All we know for a fact is that if you DO get the virus that it won't be serious
Bullshit I know of one healthy 55 year old who died on the ventilator
Sorry to hear it. Lost a dear friend as well
Damn shame and to think some of it could have been avoided Good health to you
You mean with zinc supplements, vitamin D and C?
Estimated total cases in the US - 81 Million

Asymptomatic persons in the US - 132mil

Total Vaccinated - 34 mil

Total Safe = 247mil or 75%

So at 75% are we not at herd immunity? Why didn't Joe Biden state as such? I would recommend listening to the podcast.

"Are we there yet?"
No, we're not.

Wait until you get the all clear from your state's CDC. They know what they're doing. We can fling numbers around all day and pretend to be experts, but THEY are, we're not.

Be patient, and if you can't be patient, at least don't try to convince people it's all over.
I asked a question and you said Trust the CDC? What part of my math do you disagree with?
Trust the CDC. They know more than we do.
My data is from the CDC....?
Apparently, they are drawing a different conclusion.
And why do you believe that is? What was incorrect with my math?
It's more than numbers?
How can that be the case? Math doesn't lie. It is possible that they are being extra cautious I guess but based on purely mathematics we have herd immunity IMO.
Okay. I'll go with the CDC's opinion instead, though.
> Okay. I'll go with the CDC's opinion instead, though.

Keep wearing your mask that the CDC proves is at most 2% effective....

CDC just completed an exhaustive study on the effectiveness of masks, since they now have plenty of data...

CDC admits masks and closing restaurants did not work. Effectiveness is less than 2% for both cases and death rates. Also, opening restaurants increased rates less than ~3%, and was not considered statistically significant.

Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing ...

Of course, the CDC uses this study which proves that masks don't work to conclude that people should keep wearing masks.
I know. I saw that. It wasn't a controlled study and didn't take into account how many people were complying. Around here, it was only around half at the time. The controlled experiments on masks use resulted in 23% effective in not spreading it.
> The controlled experiments on masks use resulted in 23% effective in not spreading it.

Please elaborate. Was it a controlled study with real humans living in society? I linked to the official CDC page. It's apparently the best data they have. I am skeptical of your claim, but I was actually surprised that the CDC data was so definitive.
Estimated total cases in the US - 81 Million

Asymptomatic persons in the US - 132mil

Total Vaccinated - 34 mil

Total Safe = 247mil or 75%

So at 75% are we not at herd immunity? Why didn't Joe Biden state as such? I would recommend listening to the podcast.

"Are we there yet?"
No, we're not.

Wait until you get the all clear from your state's CDC. They know what they're doing. We can fling numbers around all day and pretend to be experts, but THEY are, we're not.

Be patient, and if you can't be patient, at least don't try to convince people it's all over.
I asked a question and you said Trust the CDC? What part of my math do you disagree with?
Trust the CDC. They know more than we do.
My data is from the CDC....?
Apparently, they are drawing a different conclusion.
And why do you believe that is? What was incorrect with my math?
It's more than numbers?
How can that be the case? Math doesn't lie. It is possible that they are being extra cautious I guess but based on purely mathematics we have herd immunity IMO.
Okay. I'll go with the CDC's opinion instead, though.
> Okay. I'll go with the CDC's opinion instead, though.

Keep wearing your mask that the CDC proves is at most 2% effective....

CDC just completed an exhaustive study on the effectiveness of masks, since they now have plenty of data...

CDC admits masks and closing restaurants did not work. Effectiveness is less than 2% for both cases and death rates. Also, opening restaurants increased rates less than ~3%, and was not considered statistically significant.

Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing ...

Of course, the CDC uses this study which proves that masks don't work to conclude that people should keep wearing masks.
I know. I saw that. It wasn't a controlled study and didn't take into account how many people were complying. Around here, it was only around half at the time. The controlled experiments on masks use resulted in 23% effective in not spreading it.
> The controlled experiments on masks use resulted in 23% effective in not spreading it.

Please elaborate. Was it a controlled study with real humans living in society? I linked to the official CDC page. It's apparently the best data they have. I am skeptical of your claim, but I was actually surprised that the CDC data was so definitive.
I believe it was a lab setting, not humans. They tested how well the masks performed and found it is 23% effective in keeping covid from spreading to others, but not very effective in keeping it out. You've no doubt heard people say, you wear a mask to protect me, and I wear one to protect you. That's the findings they are referring to. I read it a long time ago and can't find it--I'm not great at google searches. I'm not making it up, though.
Nearly 80,000 died of the last bad flu season we had and the flu season only lasts a few months.

In 1918, one of seven children died in my mother's family with two others nearly dead from fever and delirium. 3 out of 7. Pandemic.

Okay, 80,000 died of flu in a bad flu season --------- but we are well over half a million, 532,000 dead of this COVID thing, and that IS a bad epidemic. I'm impressed.

As for the 1918 Influenza, 645,000 dead in the U.S. is the consensus figure. But the population has exactly tripled since then, so triple the death toll, too: about 2.2 million, that's 2,200,000 to equal the 1918 death toll. By August. The 1918 flu was over by August, a year and a half. I sure hope this is over by August: that's what I am counting on, but I don't much like our chances with the rushed-out vaccine problems and the surges from variants.
Counting is way different now.

E.g., during H1N1 (Swinve flu), Obama/Biden Admin stopped counting.

Gramdma used to get sick and die, and it was natural causes. Now, with the hyper-sensitivity to yet another respiratory virus, and a financial incentive for health care providers who treat COVID patients, Grandma gets a COVID test or is diagnosed by symptoms alone and reported as a presumed positive.
Are we? The officials and media have lied about EVERYTHING ELSE being caught many times fudging and artificially inflating the Covid numbers while lying. So I'm now supposed to believe their figure?
NOW they are saying it's an undercount: lots of bodies of people living alone being found, hundreds in Ohio. Also other states and also figuring out they had COVID after the fact. I know what you mean, however, and I think we won't have a consensus death count until maybe five or ten years from now.
Save the conspiracy shit.

The CDC has been saying that the death count is likely undercounted by 20-30% FROM THE BEGINNING
Save the conspiracy shit.

The CDC has been saying that the death count is likely undercounted by 20-30% FROM THE BEGINNING
No doubt that there are lots of people with COVID who were not counted. I had COVID bad, well before tests were available. It spread rapidly through my work, and we had whole teams of people out sick simultaneously. Even if I could have gotten a test, I almost certainly would not have. When I get the flu, I don't get a test; I stay home and let my fever and immune system make me better.

But there is a financial incentive now to classify deaths from pulmonary, cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity, etc. as dying from COVID, which may or may not be valid. It's possible the counting is more accurate than it used to be, but when people used to die of pneumonia from getting a cold or the flu, I bet their death certificate didn't say influenza, it said pneumonia.


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