Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Blah, blah, blah.

You want housing prices to come down? Well you won’t accomplish that by handing out other people’s money to new home buyers. That just keeps the prices HIGH.

What you do is insist people buy only want they can afford. When enough people can’t afford to buy a house, then the prices will start to come down.

It’s the same reason that college tuition has skyrocketed. The government is subsidizing tuition.

And then consider the illegals. They have to live somewhere. The BP reports that 2 million have already entered the country this year alone. The national estimates is that there are 20 million in the country. Now that sounds like not much, but the problem is that 20 million figure hasn't changed in 20 years. How is it we've had nearly a constant flow of illegals entering this country yet after 20 years, we still only have 20 million? Are the same amount of illegals coming in also leaving the country?

Now that we know the left is lying to us as to how many are here, let's say we have 40 million illegals. Again, they have to live somewhere. So they take all the cheaper rents and housing. What's left for Americans? Not much. Then there is the supply and demand issue. When these illegals are using up our supply, what happens to prices in rental or home ownership?
First step under Obama was pulling back on QE. Then they stated increasing rates in 2016 (under Obama). Once they reached 2% with Trump, things got a little shakey and had to pull back a half point in late 2019.

But yeah, being unable to tolerate 2% interest rate isn’t exactly a sign that it’s the best economy in the last 50 years.

And yet it was.
Why are vaccinated dying!! More than unvaccinated ? Not by Wuhan?
And then consider the illegals. They have to live somewhere. The BP reports that 2 million have already entered the country this year alone. The national estimates is that there are 20 million in the country. Now that sounds like not much, but the problem is that 20 million figure hasn't changed in 20 years. How is it we've had nearly a constant flow of illegals entering this country yet after 20 years, we still only have 20 million? Are the same amount of illegals coming in also leaving the country?

Now that we know the left is lying to us as to how many are here, let's say we have 40 million illegals. Again, they have to live somewhere. So they take all the cheaper rents and housing. What's left for Americans? Not much. Then there is the supply and demand issue. When these illegals are using up our supply, what happens to prices in rental or home ownership?
Excellent point. A few miles from me, in the “cheap” part of town, there are inexpensive garden apartments. When I first moved to this area around 25 years ago, it was mostly lower-income Americans living there. Now the place looks like San Salvadore - all Latino, signs in Spanish all over the place, MS-13 gang activity, and largely illegal.

So where did the lower-income Americans go?
Correct, but the problem is when we conservatives have to suffer when the Communists win. In a two country system, a very conservative liberal would probably have little chance at winning in an all Republican country.

And after 50 years you will have the same problem we have now, some will always be further right than others, and they will then call those not as right as them Communists just like you do now. Even now there are the Trump worshipers like you and the "RINO"s as you call those that do not bow down to Trump
And after 50 years you will have the same problem we have now, some will always be further right than others, and they will then call those not as right as them Communists just like you do now. Even now there are the Trump worshipers like you and the "RINO"s as you call those that do not bow down to Trump
If you guys could stop projecting your tendency to worship mere mortals on normal people, that'd be great.
And after 50 years you will have the same problem we have now, some will always be further right than others, and they will then call those not as right as them Communists just like you do now. Even now there are the Trump worshipers like you and the "RINO"s as you call those that do not bow down to Trump

Supporting a politician is not bowing down to anybody no more than saying you bow down to Dementia. You leftists have to learn that reverse psychology bullshit doesn't work with us and never has. You are way too transparent.

I would rather live in a country where my only problem are RINO's than leftist Socialist or Communists like AOC and like kind.
Excellent point. A few miles from me, in the “cheap” part of town, there are inexpensive garden apartments. When I first moved to this area around 25 years ago, it was mostly lower-income Americans living there. Now the place looks like San Salvadore - all Latino, signs in Spanish all over the place, MS-13 gang activity, and largely illegal.

So where did the lower-income Americans go?

Lower income Americans have to go to more expensive housing, and then the complaints come along how it's too expensive to keep a roof over your head. Let's imagine I was in charge of the country and got rid of just about every illegal here. Can you imagine the housing vacancy across the country, particularly in the south? Prices would drop to the point lower income Americans could live where the illegals once occupied.
Same income, higher costs for everything.

Take a guess.

That's been going on since Reagan was in office. How come you never noticed before now? Ever since Reagan took on the Air Traffic Controllers Union, the American worker has been losing ground. By the time Trump left office, wages, as a percentage of costs, were at the same levels as they were in the 1800's, while executive compensation has risen more than 1000%.

Companies like Walmart use Earned Income Credits, Food Stamps and Medicaid to supplement low skill workers wages, while booking record profits for one of the wealthiest families in America. McDonalds Corporation is another highly profitable company, with top executives getting 8 figure salaries, all based on the work of minimum wage workers who are working multiple jobs and still getting government handouts.

I was always raised to believe that a good boss takes care of his workers FIRST, because he's dependent on them for his income. A friend of mine whose father died a multimillionaire told me that when her father was first starting out, he had one of his employees pick him up and drive him to work, because every dime he had was tied up in the business and he couldn't afford a car. But he paid his workers well because they were the ones making him the money.
Yes, when covid ravaged the country, businesses were closing, and people were losing their jobs left and right. But you don't do that when jobs are opening up, businesses can't find labor, more and more Americans being vaccinated, and then extending it for seven months.

Yet somehow Biden's record is adding hundreds of thousands of jobs every month.
Illegal aliens: Has no effect on me whatsoever
Foreign Policy: Couldn't have gotten any worse. If confidence isn't better, it's because the political right is completely unrepentant
Defense: Out of Afghanistan.
Energy Independence: Not really any such thing, not since it became legal to sell US oil abroad
Cost of living: Nope, not better at all. But disposable income is up so there's that.
Bipartisanship: Sigh. Somewhat better maybe? Infrastructure bill is a good example. 69-30 in the Senate.
Pandemic: Not better. Definitely not better. Oddly worse it would seem from my perspective. It doesn't matter if they're vaccinated or not. Deaths are deaths and it sucks.
Law and order: Not better. Rose abruptly in the pandemic, not going to come down soon. Something is broken.
Restoration of confidence: I'm still shook, especially at the state level.

What is better?
Not sure. Better than the alternative probably, but no easy fixes. The country is sick. We need someone stronger/better than Biden.

Illegal aliens: It isn't about me, it's about my country.
Foreign policy: It isn't about me, it's about my country.
Defense: It isn't about me, it's about my country.
Energy Independence: It isn't about me, it's about my country.

All your other items I give the same answer to.
Yet somehow Biden's record is adding hundreds of thousands of jobs every month.

And yet he didn't create one of them. Those jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just now that the gravy train stopped, people are going to have to start taking those jobs. Quit giving credit where credit isn't due.
And yet he didn't create one of them. Those jobs were always there and have been for months. It's just now that the gravy train stopped, people are going to have to start taking those jobs. Quit giving credit where credit isn't due.

Strange how every positive statistic under your blob was because of him but every positive stat under Biden is the work of someone else.

You're just a hack dude.
Companies like Walmart use Earned Income Credits, Food Stamps and Medicaid to supplement low skill workers wages, while booking record profits for one of the wealthiest families in America. McDonalds Corporation is another highly profitable company, with top executives getting 8 figure salaries, all based on the work of minimum wage workers who are working multiple jobs and still getting government handouts.

As a leftist, can you tell me why you people repeatedly lie, it's pointed out, and you continue to lie as if you're fooling people?

Show me this article where Walmart or McDonald's got money from the government for earned income credits, food stamps, Medicaid, HUD housing. I want to see the check and how much they got from government.

You see when somebody proves you're lying, it just makes you look like a Fn idiot.
Strange how every positive statistic under your blob was because of him but every positive stat under Biden is the work of someone else.

You're just a hack dude.

Not at all. You see when you give somebody credit, you have to show what actions they performed in order to receive that credit. I can show you economically positive policies by Trump. Can you do the same with Dementia? No. Because every single policy of his hurt most if not all Americans.
Lower income Americans have to go to more expensive housing, and then the complaints come along how it's too expensive to keep a roof over your head. Let's imagine I was in charge of the country and got rid of just about every illegal here. Can you imagine the housing vacancy across the country, particularly in the south? Prices would drop to the point lower income Americans could live where the illegals once occupied.

Yeah, wasn't your blob going to do that...having ICE going door to door arresting folks? What happened?

Oh wait...another failure.

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