Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Yes, two of them with a commie Congress. You know, the people that threatened to shutdown the government unless he signed the last one before Christmas vacation? Furthermore the Republicans needed to build up the military that DumBama allowed to go to hell. And BTW, everybody got a tax cut, not just corporations. In fact lower income people got a higher percentage of tax cuts than the upper percentage.
Only the rich and the corporations kept their tax cuts. We all get to keep the massive $8T in red ink your blobness ran up though.
What does healthcare have to do with that? Who doesn't go to work if their job doesn't have healthcare? If your job doesn't have it as a benefit, you get a job that does have it.
Hence the great resignation that we're seeing.
Only the rich and the corporations kept their tax cuts. We all get to keep the massive $8T in red ink your blobness ran up though.

Well let's see the Communists take it away. I would love to see what happens to this crummy economy. Your people are in charge now, so chase those companies and jobs out of the country pronto.

Hence the great resignation that we're seeing.

It has nothing to do with healthcare. It has to do with getting paid the same or more to sit home instead of work for seven months. Give me one good reason why a person wouldn't return back to work because of healthcare. You're not going to have health insurance sitting at home.
Well let's see the Communists take it away. I would love to see what happens to this crummy economy.
Ahh, more with the "commies".
Your people are in charge now, so chase those companies and jobs out of the country pronto.
Joe's adding jobs every month.
It has nothing to do with healthcare. It has to do with getting paid the same or more to sit home instead of work for seven months. Give me one good reason why a person wouldn't return back to work because of healthcare. You're not going to have health insurance sitting at home.
Most states stopped the enhanced unemployment benefits a while back.

Any more excuses?
No, because your vote didn't count and you changed nothing. Might as well voted for Donald Duck.

My vote was just as effective as the 2.4 million people that voted for Trump in my state, they might as well have voted for Donald Duck as well. Thus is the nature of our system.

It's a laugh you have no idea what's happening today. How do you stay so ignorant of reality?

It's amazing. For most of the year we were treated to story after story of the labor shortage, and now that they have to start going back to work, try to credit their misfit for jobs. If they didn't pay people to stay home in the first place, there never would have been a labor shortage. Dementia created jobs? Okay, how? Where? What policy of his created these jobs? She can't name one.
It's amazing. For most of the year we were treated to story after story of the labor shortage, and now that they have to start going back to work, try to credit their misfit for jobs. If they didn't pay people to stay home in the first place, there never would have been a labor shortage. Dementia created jobs? Okay, how? Where? What policy of his created these jobs? She can't name one.
Well let's see the Communists take it away. I would love to see what happens to this crummy economy. Your people are in charge now, so chase those companies and jobs out of the country pronto.

It has nothing to do with healthcare. It has to do with getting paid the same or more to sit home instead of work for seven months. Give me one good reason why a person wouldn't return back to work because of healthcare. You're not going to have health insurance sitting at home.
Most Americans are oblvious 2 Marxism

Bernie Sanders is a fucking crook just like Ben & Jerry's

they threw my beloved vermont under the bus...

Over and over and over again

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