Are we better off today than 4 years ago?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

When Obama took office we were losing 800,000 jobs a month. The deficit was $10.6 because of the policies he put in place. 4.4 million jobs lost during Bush’s last year in office and rising. Bush is Mostly Responsible for the Deficits Today The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (Iraq war ended but Bush’s Halliburton and Blackwater remains?)The Bush Tax Cuts.
Medicare Advantage. “When you set fire to at house and it burns down, you are the blame.”
“The deficit is $16 trillion and growing.” Of course it growing we are still spending money on policies Bush set in place. Unemployment at 8.3% means purchasing power and tax revenue lost. “When you are unemployed, the bills don’t stop coming in.” The Government has “obligation” to meet and when the revenue stops coming in or course the debt is going to rise. Obligation like education, unemployment insurance, Social Security, SSI, Medicare, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, WIC, public works and public services. And the Radical Right Wing Extremists want to cut more revenue other than the already tax cuts for the richest 20% which cause the debt to rise and will cause it to continue to rise. . And they want to cut spending to Government obligations that will hurt seniors, disabled, children, students, unemployed. But thanks to Obama’s stimulus that created and save 3 million jobs and the bail out of the banks and auto industry a depression was avoided and we are at 8.3% unemployment and in a recession, in recovery, instead of in a depression were we were headed when Obama took office.

Disappointed in Obama? Not enough to vote for Romney/Ryan.

We need to raise taxes, cut pork spending and raise spending on infrastructure that create jobs and jump start the economy. 8 years of tax cuts for the rich has been failure in job creation. Are we “better off” today then we were 4 years ago? “You Betcha” Because we are “not worse off.”

“When you set fire to at house and it burns down, you are still responsible”
[ame=]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]

This is who was president 4 years ago and this is what he was forced to do because of the republican partys ideas
President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube

This is who was president 4 years ago and this is what he was forced to do because of the republican partys ideas

Don't forget about his

[ame=]Bush Caught Lying About September 11th - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]The Nexus of Politics and Terror - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]​
I'm not better due to the financial collapse caused in-part by the dems, whereby they forced banks to give mortgages to the unqualified, which caused the financial mess. The recession was caused by the dems. Bush screwed-up with the deficit and fiscal policies, but not the "deep hole", that BO keeps whining about.

[ame=]Governor Martin O'Malley (D-MD): We Are Not Better Off After Four Years - YouTube[/ame]
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.

I'm much better off. My net wealth has increased significantly over the last 4 years. I'm sure that anyone who has a stock fat IRA or 401K will say the same. Now if we could get the obstructionist Republicans in congress to act on some job legislation, many more would be better off.
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


hey come on, they don't care and realize it's not Obama's fault, they shouldn't care gas has been over 3 a gallon the whole time he's been office, they shouldn't care we got our credit rating downgrade, they shouldn't care we are 5 trillion more in dept under him..they should just be thankful Obama is their President and pretend we are better off
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


What has congress done over the past two years to facilitate job growth in the US? Do you really think the GOP congress will take away the tax breaks from companies that outsource overseas? Idiot.
What has congress done over the past two years to facilitate job growth in the US? Do you really think the GOP congress will take away the tax breaks from companies that outsource overseas? Idiot.

Funny - he doesn't mention Congress, peckerhead....

[ame=]3 Years Of Obama's Job Promises, Promises - YouTube[/ame]
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


What has congress done over the past two years to facilitate job growth in the US? Do you really think the GOP congress will take away the tax breaks from companies that outsource overseas? Idiot.

The House has passed lots of bills, it's the democrat controlled Senate that is sitting on them unwilling to even debate them.
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


hey come on, they don't care and realize it's not Obama's fault, they shouldn't care gas has been over 3 a gallon the whole time he's been office, they shouldn't care we got our credit rating downgrade, they shouldn't care we are 5 trillion more in dept under him..they should just be thankful Obama is their President and pretend we are better off

Lets just say, for the sake of argument, that Bush didn't destroy the economy. Where would gas prices be today? What exactly did Bush do, without destroying the economy, to lower his record high gas prices?

As for the public debt, the right wing doesn't seem to care that much of it is due to the interest payments on the debt financed tax break for the wealthy and optional war in Iraq.

I don't expect a coherent answer from you. You're just an idiot drone.
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


hey come on, they don't care and realize it's not Obama's fault, they shouldn't care gas has been over 3 a gallon the whole time he's been office, they shouldn't care we got our credit rating downgrade, they shouldn't care we are 5 trillion more in dept under him..they should just be thankful Obama is their President and pretend we are better off

Lets just say, for the sake of argument, that Bush didn't destroy the economy. Where would gas prices be today? What exactly did Bush do, without destroying the economy, to lower his record high gas prices?

As for the public debt, the right wing doesn't seem to care that much of it is due to the interest payments on the debt financed tax break for the wealthy and optional war in Iraq.

I don't expect a coherent answer from you. You're just an idiot drone.

Why do you have your rep turned off, pussymoto? I wanted to send you something.
Ask the 23,000,000 people out of work since the "Boob In Chief" took office if they're better off.


What has congress done over the past two years to facilitate job growth in the US? Do you really think the GOP congress will take away the tax breaks from companies that outsource overseas? Idiot.

The House has passed lots of bills, it's the democrat controlled Senate that is sitting on them unwilling to even debate them.

Not a single one of them would have helped job growth, unless you're stupid enough to believe cutting the individual income tax to the wealthy creates jobs. Funny that Obama is the first modern president who hasn't been able to use state and federal payrolls to reduce unemployment. Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2 all used government jobs to ease unemployment.
What has congress done over the past two years to facilitate job growth in the US? Do you really think the GOP congress will take away the tax breaks from companies that outsource overseas? Idiot.

The House has passed lots of bills, it's the democrat controlled Senate that is sitting on them unwilling to even debate them.

Not a single one of them would have helped job growth, unless you're stupid enough to believe cutting the individual income tax to the wealthy creates jobs. Funny that Obama is the first modern president who hasn't been able to use state and federal payrolls to reduce unemployment. Reagan, Bush 1, and Bush 2 all used government jobs to ease unemployment.

Talk to Obama about jobs asshole - it's his #1 priority (so he says)

[ame=]3 Years Of Obama's Job Promises, Promises - YouTube[/ame]
hey come on, they don't care and realize it's not Obama's fault, they shouldn't care gas has been over 3 a gallon the whole time he's been office, they shouldn't care we got our credit rating downgrade, they shouldn't care we are 5 trillion more in dept under him..they should just be thankful Obama is their President and pretend we are better off

Lets just say, for the sake of argument, that Bush didn't destroy the economy. Where would gas prices be today? What exactly did Bush do, without destroying the economy, to lower his record high gas prices?

As for the public debt, the right wing doesn't seem to care that much of it is due to the interest payments on the debt financed tax break for the wealthy and optional war in Iraq.

I don't expect a coherent answer from you. You're just an idiot drone.

Why do you have your rep turned off, pussymoto? I wanted to send you something.

that way they can go around calling people idiots drones and still look like the people LOVE them..typical chickenshits
jesus you people and your love of rep is funny.

they jsut cant handle not being able to feel like they hurt you somehow when they get their assed kicked in a debate.

revenge rules their little worlds
Lets just say, for the sake of argument, that Bush didn't destroy the economy. Where would gas prices be today? What exactly did Bush do, without destroying the economy, to lower his record high gas prices?

As for the public debt, the right wing doesn't seem to care that much of it is due to the interest payments on the debt financed tax break for the wealthy and optional war in Iraq.

I don't expect a coherent answer from you. You're just an idiot drone.

Why do you have your rep turned off, pussymoto? I wanted to send you something.

that way they can go around calling people idiots drones and still look like the people LOVE them..typical chickenshits

Rep off
Won't enlist
Want a handout
Mouth on Obama's ass 24/7
Typical "MO" for these clowns....

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