“Are we headed to fascism? Yes." - AOC

{QUOTE="Claudette, post: 22647241, member: 21503"]
AOC is an ignorant lying POS.

All anyone has to do is tour the detention facilities to find out what a liar she is.

She wouldn't know a real fascist if one kicked her in the head.

And you know all this how? Have you been to a facility and seen for yourself or are you just repeating right wing headlines?

And you know that AOC is correct?? How? Have you been there or are you just repeating the left wing headlines??

the DHS inspector general has & has confirmed it all.


the children have drawn pictures:




^^^ THOSE are recent 2019 pics ^^^

Lord the stupid is strong in this one

right back at ya snowflake.

The incoming president of the American Academy of Pediatrics toured two Customs and Border Protection facilities last week and told CBS News the detention centers are no place for children. Dr. Sara Goza received pictures from a social worker that were drawn by children recently released from CBP custody, showing them in cages.

"When they opened the door, the first thing that ... hit us was a smell. It was the smell of sweat, urine and feces," Goza said. "And I heard crinkling to my left and I looked over there and it was a sea of silver … there were young children, boys in there. Unaccompanied boys in there."

Goza described a room full of silent children "and they had no expression on their faces, there was no laughing, there was no joking, no talking." She said all she could hear was the rustle of those silver Mylar blankets.

"I describe them almost like dog cages with people in each of them," she said. "And the silence was just hard to watch, hard to see."

Drawings by children who were held in border facilities show them in cages

you belong to donny's 'don't believe what you see or hear, stick with us' philosophy.[/QUOTE]

LOL. Shall I quote the were you not lazy you could back to the beginning of the thread and see the Pastor said she was lying. That aside what does that have to do with Fascism?

Oh wait, nothing. Shall we put illegals in Marriott's?
AOC is getting bolder with her lies......

The goal is to close down the facilities so illegals will never have to stay anywhere that is controlled.
AOC wants to just let them in and let them flood the country without any process involved.

I used to believe Pinochet was a bad guy too.
So many Commies, so few helicopter rides
{QUOTE="Claudette, post: 22647241, member: 21503"]
AOC is an ignorant lying POS.

All anyone has to do is tour the detention facilities to find out what a liar she is.

She wouldn't know a real fascist if one kicked her in the head.

And you know all this how? Have you been to a facility and seen for yourself or are you just repeating right wing headlines?

And you know that AOC is correct?? How? Have you been there or are you just repeating the left wing headlines??

the DHS inspector general has & has confirmed it all.


the children have drawn pictures:




^^^ THOSE are recent 2019 pics ^^^

Lord the stupid is strong in this one

right back at ya snowflake.

The incoming president of the American Academy of Pediatrics toured two Customs and Border Protection facilities last week and told CBS News the detention centers are no place for children. Dr. Sara Goza received pictures from a social worker that were drawn by children recently released from CBP custody, showing them in cages.

"When they opened the door, the first thing that ... hit us was a smell. It was the smell of sweat, urine and feces," Goza said. "And I heard crinkling to my left and I looked over there and it was a sea of silver … there were young children, boys in there. Unaccompanied boys in there."

Goza described a room full of silent children "and they had no expression on their faces, there was no laughing, there was no joking, no talking." She said all she could hear was the rustle of those silver Mylar blankets.

"I describe them almost like dog cages with people in each of them," she said. "And the silence was just hard to watch, hard to see."

Drawings by children who were held in border facilities show them in cages

you belong to donny's 'don't believe what you see or hear, stick with us' philosophy.

LOL. Shall I quote the were you not lazy you could back to the beginning of the thread and see the Pastor said she was lying. That aside what does that have to do with Fascism?

Oh wait, nothing. Shall we put illegals in Marriott's?[/QUOTE]

Yup and he wasn't the only man of the cloth to tour the detention center. They found nothing like what AOC said was there.

Child abuse my ass. If they weren't here with fake asylum seekers then there would be no accusations of child abuse.

Another load of horse shit.
god damn child abuse is what it is.

where the fuck is amnesty international?

No amnesty International because it isn't child abuse. If it was then they would have been at the detainment center in 2014.

no, not really. but nice try.... wanna

No. But I'm sure you do.

have you molted yet?

Nope. But I'm sure you have.
god damn child abuse is what it is.

where the fuck is amnesty international?

No amnesty International because it isn't child abuse. If it was then they would have been at the detainment center in 2014.

no, not really. but nice try.... wanna

No. But I'm sure you do.

have you molted yet?

Nope. But I'm sure you have.

ya, that's what i thought.

i do recall calling you boring once. looks like nothing's changed...
No amnesty International because it isn't child abuse. If it was then they would have been at the detainment center in 2014.

no, not really. but nice try.... wanna

No. But I'm sure you do.

have you molted yet?

Nope. But I'm sure you have.

ya, that's what i thought.

i do recall calling you boring once. looks like nothing's changed...

Speaking of boring. That's you to a tee. You bore the shit out of most of us. Enjoy.
no, not really. but nice try.... wanna

No. But I'm sure you do.

have you molted yet?

Nope. But I'm sure you have.

ya, that's what i thought.

i do recall calling you boring once. looks like nothing's changed...

Speaking of boring. That's you to a tee. You bore the shit out of most of us. Enjoy.


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