Are we helplessly witnessing America’s destruction?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Looking at everything that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his lackeys have done in seven-and-a-half months, it’s hard to escape that grim conclusion.

“In government, the secret is Integrity. Use it, and you’ll be like the polestar: always dwelling in its proper place, and other stars turning reverently about it.

“If you use government to show them the Way and punishment to keep them true, the people will grow evasive and lose all remorse. But if you use Integrity to show them the Way and Ritual to keep them true, they’ll cultivate remorse and always see deeply into things.” --Confucian Analects

We have a complete lack of integrity in every facet of our government, leading to a lack of faith by the people. Is it ironic, to choose ancient Chinese wisdom to explain this? Nope. What we have done by installing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrat-run Congress, is sell our country’s soul. The beneficiary will be the Chinese communists. Hopefully, we haven’t gone too far to wrest it back if we can just wake up our impotent congressional toadies and weak-wristed courts, and demand they find the cojones to take appropriate, immediate, drastic action to end this threat to our existence.

The worst, most in-your-face example, by far, is what’s happening in Afghanistan. Coupled with our chaotic border, (and please don't forget the 40,000+ jobs lost by shutting down the pipeline, or our now LONG GONE OIL INDEPENDENCE that has us now paying over $1.00 more for gasoline under Xiden's care!), we are inviting a violent and destabilizing reign of terror aimed squarely at our homeland.

The Biden administration was installed through deceit, and it is rapidly (finally!) becoming an albatross, even to democrats. Biden’s actions have exposed the abject degradation of our government.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Honestly, all you Xiden wacko's....

Looking at everything that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his lackeys have done in seven-and-a-half months, it’s hard to escape that grim conclusion.

“In government, the secret is Integrity. Use it, and you’ll be like the polestar: always dwelling in its proper place, and other stars turning reverently about it.

“If you use government to show them the Way and punishment to keep them true, the people will grow evasive and lose all remorse. But if you use Integrity to show them the Way and Ritual to keep them true, they’ll cultivate remorse and always see deeply into things.” --Confucian Analects

We have a complete lack of integrity in every facet of our government, leading to a lack of faith by the people. Is it ironic, to choose ancient Chinese wisdom to explain this? Nope. What we have done by installing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrat-run Congress, is sell our country’s soul. The beneficiary will be the Chinese communists. Hopefully, we haven’t gone too far to wrest it back if we can just wake up our impotent congressional toadies and weak-wristed courts, and demand they find the cojones to take appropriate, immediate, drastic action to end this threat to our existence.

The worst, most in-your-face example, by far, is what’s happening in Afghanistan. Coupled with our chaotic border, (and please don't forget the 40,000+ jobs lost by shutting down the pipeline, or our now LONG GONE OIL INDEPENDENCE that has us now paying over $1.00 more for gasoline under Xiden's care!), we are inviting a violent and destabilizing reign of terror aimed squarely at our homeland.

The Biden administration was installed through deceit, and it is rapidly (finally!) becoming an albatross, even to democrats. Biden’s actions have exposed the abject degradation of our government.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Honestly, all you Xiden wacko's....

I am waiting....'re just helpless.

Nobody takes you seriously (anti vax, anti science, you believe the big lie).... You've self marginalized and when you're not in lose all traction.
The Amazing Biden has rescued this country from the Trump abyss.

Looking at everything that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his lackeys have done in seven-and-a-half months, it’s hard to escape that grim conclusion.

“In government, the secret is Integrity. Use it, and you’ll be like the polestar: always dwelling in its proper place, and other stars turning reverently about it.

“If you use government to show them the Way and punishment to keep them true, the people will grow evasive and lose all remorse. But if you use Integrity to show them the Way and Ritual to keep them true, they’ll cultivate remorse and always see deeply into things.” --Confucian Analects

We have a complete lack of integrity in every facet of our government, leading to a lack of faith by the people. Is it ironic, to choose ancient Chinese wisdom to explain this? Nope. What we have done by installing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrat-run Congress, is sell our country’s soul. The beneficiary will be the Chinese communists. Hopefully, we haven’t gone too far to wrest it back if we can just wake up our impotent congressional toadies and weak-wristed courts, and demand they find the cojones to take appropriate, immediate, drastic action to end this threat to our existence.

The worst, most in-your-face example, by far, is what’s happening in Afghanistan. Coupled with our chaotic border, (and please don't forget the 40,000+ jobs lost by shutting down the pipeline, or our now LONG GONE OIL INDEPENDENCE that has us now paying over $1.00 more for gasoline under Xiden's care!), we are inviting a violent and destabilizing reign of terror aimed squarely at our homeland.

The Biden administration was installed through deceit, and it is rapidly (finally!) becoming an albatross, even to democrats. Biden’s actions have exposed the abject degradation of our government.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Honestly, all you Xiden wacko's....

What a drama queen. Get a grip, snowflake..
America is not so much dependent on oil, it consumes more than the Saudis and Russia together produce, and it produces at about the level of each of them and is one of the three leaders in production, and it also has a storage facility. It's amazing that with such wealth, USA screwed up so much, given that the military budget is 10 times larger than any of the countries, and the Taliban are just rabble with rifles.
Looking at everything that Joe Biden, his handlers, and his lackeys have done in seven-and-a-half months, it’s hard to escape that grim conclusion.

“In government, the secret is Integrity. Use it, and you’ll be like the polestar: always dwelling in its proper place, and other stars turning reverently about it.

“If you use government to show them the Way and punishment to keep them true, the people will grow evasive and lose all remorse. But if you use Integrity to show them the Way and Ritual to keep them true, they’ll cultivate remorse and always see deeply into things.” --Confucian Analects

We have a complete lack of integrity in every facet of our government, leading to a lack of faith by the people. Is it ironic, to choose ancient Chinese wisdom to explain this? Nope. What we have done by installing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democrat-run Congress, is sell our country’s soul. The beneficiary will be the Chinese communists. Hopefully, we haven’t gone too far to wrest it back if we can just wake up our impotent congressional toadies and weak-wristed courts, and demand they find the cojones to take appropriate, immediate, drastic action to end this threat to our existence.

The worst, most in-your-face example, by far, is what’s happening in Afghanistan. Coupled with our chaotic border, (and please don't forget the 40,000+ jobs lost by shutting down the pipeline, or our now LONG GONE OIL INDEPENDENCE that has us now paying over $1.00 more for gasoline under Xiden's care!), we are inviting a violent and destabilizing reign of terror aimed squarely at our homeland.

The Biden administration was installed through deceit, and it is rapidly (finally!) becoming an albatross, even to democrats. Biden’s actions have exposed the abject degradation of our government.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Honestly, all you Xiden wacko's....

That’s absurd. Joe is just another potus in a long list of potus’ who fail. You’d never say this if dumb Don were potus, yet it certainly would apply.
America is not so much dependent on oil, it consumes more than the Saudis and Russia together produce, and it produces at about the level of each of them and is one of the three leaders in production, and it also has a storage facility. It's amazing that with such wealth, USA screwed up so much, given that the military budget is 10 times larger than any of the countries, and the Taliban are just rabble with rifles.
Maybe it is also that the welfare state of the US is 100s times larger than any other country.

The estimated aggregate cost of the War on Poverty is nearly $28 trillion, which is three and a half times higher than the $8 trillion total price tag of every major war since the American Revolution.

It’s Time to Admit the Feds Are Making Poverty Worse—Not ...
That’s absurd. Joe is just another potus in a long list of potus’ who fail. You’d never say this if dumb Don were potus, yet it certainly would apply.
If "dumb Don" was president still, the economy would be back to fully open, gasoline would still be under 2 dollars and Kabul would still be in the hands of the US, while the Taliban would be stuck out in the desert , because when the Tal broke the agreement, "The Don" would of sent them back another 500 years without supplying them with US fully automatic weapons and other assorted Vehicles....

Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass "gipper" you might realize how fucked up you did putting the Crypt Keeper Joe in power....
America is not so much dependent on oil, it consumes more than the Saudis and Russia together produce, and it produces at about the level of each of them and is one of the three leaders in production, and it also has a storage facility. It's amazing that with such wealth, USA screwed up so much, given that the military budget is 10 times larger than any of the countries, and the Taliban are just rabble with rifles.
You are not ashamed to say openly that "the US military budget is 10 times larger than any of the countries" but then you feign astonishment that "the Taliban" (as well as Al Shabab, Al Qaida, ISIS, Vietnam's National Liberation Front, Castro's Cuban Revolutionary Army, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Army, etc.) are "just rabble with rifles". Why are you astonished? What is it about the American Military-Industrial Complex that you do not understand? Your knowledge of post-WW II American treachery has a gigantic gaping hole in it. You need to get really serious on the subject and open your eyes fully. Wake up and read, man, read! :slap:
That’s absurd. Joe is just another potus in a long list of potus’ who fail. You’d never say this if dumb Don were potus, yet it certainly would apply.
Yes, I agree, the pontus' fails but the corruption of War-shing-torn, Penta-gram, and the Arms Industry never lose but always win. This is one of the typical & fundamental US methods that has destroyed Democracy. A four-year expendable dupe (preferably really, really dense-headed morons like Bush Junior, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Sarah Palin, and creepy Joey Biden) to take the fall - "fail", as you say. And then politicians spin the heads of the American citizen/voter/tax-payer into believing it was just a fluke of a "bad choice" that will never repeat itself ....... telling you, "After all, you voted him into office!" as they skip to the bank with truck-loads of your money.
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What do you recommend to read about it?
Read as much as you can about the Military-Industrial Complex until a light bulb goes on in your head ... then you'll know everything there is to know about American war-making and how it all makes sense. It will afford you the answers to nearly every question you've ever had and you'll never again ask "why?" or "how is it possible?" It will all be clear to you. As it is now you are asking yourself, "How can 2 + 2 be equal to 3 so often?" Read about the Military-Industrial Complex and you will discover that the hidden equation is actually "2 + 1 + 1". The additional "1" is being withheld from your scrutiny. I hope you take this advice to heart and if you do you will eventually be teaching others.
Read as much as you can about the Military-Industrial Complex until a light bulb goes on in your head ... then you'll know everything there is to know about American war-making and how it all makes sense. It will afford you the answers to nearly every question you've ever had and you'll never again ask "why?" or "how is it possible?" It will all be clear to you. As it is now you are asking yourself, "How can 2 + 2 be equal to 3 so often?" Read about the Military-Industrial Complex and you will discover that the hidden equation is actually "2 + 1 + 1". The additional "1" is being withheld from your scrutiny. I hope you take this advice to heart and if you do you will eventually be teaching others.
I think some kind of secret politics started there in 1943. It was after the battle of Stalingrad, something changed at all the top levels. There was a split in Hitler's government, and German technology began to go to the United States, including space and nuclear weapons. In the USSR, at this time, the army is being refrmed. From that moment on, Stalinism began to weaken, in 1953 the Kaganovich group was removed from power, this is the end of the totalitarian regime in the USSR and the course towards rapprochement with the United States. Before the Caribbean crisis, both the USSR and the USA had good times and there was peace between them.

Those times are now trying not to remember.
Almost in parallel with this, the collapse of the British Empire was going on, which was apparently supported by the United States, do you talk about this?

In fact, the USSR turned against Britain, taking the place of Germany in this regard.
There was also anti-Semitism.'re just helpless.

Nobody takes you seriously (anti vax, anti science, you believe the big lie).... You've self marginalized and when you're not in lose all traction.
You are one of the first we hunt out after the Rittenhouse verdict!...But, I jest...lolol

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