Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

If "President" O'Blivious moves quickly and recognizes ISIS as the legal government of all of the Middle East He might be allowed to keep the Embassy in Baghdad. Though what ISIS might do with the trophy heads remains an open question.
If "President" O'Blivious moves quickly and recognizes ISIS as the legal government of all of the Middle East He might be allowed to keep the Embassy in Baghdad. Though what ISIS might do with the trophy heads remains an open question.

The Turks are finally letting Iraqi Kurd fighters into Kobani....ISIS getting their ass handed to them there.
Is Baghdad in danger of falling?

Send Econchick and PoliticalChic to the rescue.

I love EC's crazines. She must really believe what she says about herself.
If "President" O'Blivious moves quickly and recognizes ISIS as the legal government of all of the Middle East He might be allowed to keep the Embassy in Baghdad. Though what ISIS might do with the trophy heads remains an open question.
You made the team!!! Pack your Pom Poms and baton and get on over to the Sunni Triangle as quickly as you can. They are waiting for you.
If "President" O'Blivious moves quickly and recognizes ISIS as the legal government of all of the Middle East He might be allowed to keep the Embassy in Baghdad. Though what ISIS might do with the trophy heads remains an open question.

ISIL's momentum has been reversed across all of Iraq. Where else has Obama 'reversed' the enemy's 'momentum? Oh yes. Afghanistan.

You all must remember that for five (2003 through 2008) years the Bush war team granted the Taliban insurgency "five years" of momentum against the Afghan government. That momentum was also gained while fighting against US combat troops that were not sent to Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Then in 2009 Obama became Commander in Chief. Lets let Fox News quote General Petraeus telling us how the (Bush granted) Taliban's momentum was reversed by August 2010:

Petraeus Says Taliban Momentum 'Reversed'
Published August 23, 2010

Gen. David Petraeus, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces inAfghanistan, said in an interview Monday that a surge in coalition troops has turned the tide on the Taliban's "momentum" there, but warned tough battles still lie ahead.

Petraeus Says Taliban Momentum Reversed Fox News

So the point is that Daesh's short-lived "momentum" in Iraq is being reversed - just like it was in Afghanistan for the Taliban.
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The fact remains that we were never able to recover what we gave away in early 2003 as we sent the mountain troops, chopper folks, and the spec ops units to Iraq.

The Taliban will take over when all of our troops are gone.

ISIS is falling back pursued by the vicious EconChick Bad Girl Brigade. :lol:
ISIS is falling back pursued by the vicious EconChick Bad Girl Brigade.

Maybe that's why Bush was losing in Afghanistan and the Taliban were winning. Bush had EC in the wrong war. Chalk up another failure for Dubya.

The Taliban can't stop millions of girls from attending school. They can't keep women from joining the police force.

Corps of Engineers builds another facility for ANSF

USACE - Afghanistan Engineer District - South

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan (Oct. 15, 2012) —
Afghan National Civil Order Police took possession of a new service support battalion compound near Kandahar Oct. 10. The facilities, completed with minimal delay and within budget, will enable Afghan police to live and train near the people they serve and protect.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Afghanistan Engineer District-South turned over the nearly $17 million facility to the 2nd Brigade Afghan National Civil Order Police along with keys, schematics and other maintenance and operations documentation.

“This project included roads, utilities, buildings, force protection measures and site security,” said D’Lorah Small, South District project manager.
The project began in June 2011 and includes barracks for both women and men, a dining facility, training areas, administration buildings, vehicle maintenance facilities and on-site water and power infrastructure.

The project began in June 2011 and includes barracks for both women and men, a dining facility, training areas, administration buildings, vehicle maintenance facilities and on-site water and power infrastructure.

The Taliban cant take over Kabul or Kandahar just like Daesh can't take over Baghdad.

They can do terrorism and suicide bombings but will take over neither Capitol.

JS 10076521
The Taliban will take over when all of our troops are gone.

Ten years from now is a long way off.

Obama got in Afghanistan what Bush could not get in Iraq. Obama got a ten year security deal in Afghanistan - so US troops are not likely to ever be 'gone' from Afghanistan. The Taliban are doomed.
We will be able to old the capitol, the enemy the country side.

Sound familar?

The Taliban will eventually win; the military we have committed there does not equality the will the vitality and the cultural strength of the country.
JS 10078278
We will be able to old the capitol, the enemy the country side. Sound familar? The Taliban will eventually win; the military we have committed there does not equality the will the vitality and the cultural strength of the country.

No. That does not sound familiar. And 'eventually' is a long time. The cultural strength of the country dwells within the determination of the families of over 3 million girls who are attending and have attended and will attend school. That is a major defiance of Taliban governance. There are 300,000 army and police defending the 'elected' government of Afghanistan. Unlike Iraq they have been tested in battle the past few years and they are doing quite well. Your prediction is kneejerk and vague on specific dates and is not based upon recent achievements by the US and ISAF forces and the Afghan people themselves.
Maybe we ought to give US corporations a free from tax year, if and only if they use the trillions of dollars they hold overseas to provide jobs and a future for Muslims in their own countries. Maybe having no future on earth and the promises of a glorious after-life will reduce the number of the brainwashed who are offered a future now.

Sure beats doing the same thing once again, and expecting a different outcome.
There are rumors starting to leak that one of the Joint Chiefs is thinking about resigning.

Yep. That's how great Obama's foreign policy is going. (roll eyes)

You can thank me when I'm proven right I have been on all these related topics. :)
The rumor mill has been churning since early August.

I'm talking about to the point of it getting "close" to happening. I've been asking for generals to throw their stars down for sometime. I'd be impressed if one did it before the election instead of keeping secret what many of us already know.
ISIL's momentum has been reversed across all of Iraq. Where else has Obama 'reversed' the enemy's 'momentum? Oh yes. Afghanistan.

Bullshit on both counts. Kobani is the only place ISIS is getting whipped....nowhere in Iraq. And Afghanistan? The turd in the WH has lost that war too with his chickenshit ROEs and defensive posture....Taliban can't believe their good fortune from the shithead who promised he'd leave Iraq "to fight the real war in Afghanistan".

You all must remember that for five (2003 through 2008) years the Bush war team granted the Taliban insurgency "five years" of momentum against the Afghan government. That momentum was also gained while fighting against US combat troops that were not sent to Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Typical leftist horseshit. The Taliban leadership RAN into Pakistan as did the AQ by bribing a NA general to escape from Tora Bora. There was nobody left to fight in the 'Stan so operations shifted to Iraq where AQ was invited to "bring it on" and did....and got massacred for it.
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ISIL's momentum has been reversed across all of Iraq. Where else has Obama 'reversed' the enemy's 'momentum? Oh yes. Afghanistan.

Bullshit on both counts. Kobani is the only place ISIS is getting whipped....nowhere in Iraq. And Afghanistan? The turd in the WH has lost that war too with his chickenshit ROEs and defensive posture....Taliban can't believe their good fortune from the shithead who promised he'd leave Iraq "to fight the real war in Afghanistan".

You all must remember that for five (2003 through 2008) years the Bush war team granted the Taliban insurgency "five years" of momentum against the Afghan government. That momentum was also gained while fighting against US combat troops that were not sent to Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Typical leftist horseshit. The Taliban leadership RAN into Pakistan as did the AQ by bribing a NA general to escape from Tora Bora. There was nobody left to fight in the 'Stan so operations shifted to Iraq where AQ was invited to "bring it on" and did....and got massacred for it.

Bull, NotFooled is a propagandist of the first order. I suspect he is one of many Democrats paid to propagandize on the internet. There are many of them.

I don't know of one conservative who is paid to propagandize.

But expect them to come out of the woodwork in the next few days. That's how the liars won the last election. Complete SLIME falsehoods.
Baghdad falls after the Midterm shellacking

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Nah, Obozo won't bring Force of Arms back into Iraq UNTIL the midterms are over. He's going to amnesty 12M illegals and will use Iraq as cover to placate the GOP. Code Pink won't matter to him after next Tuesday.
Baghdad falls after the Midterm shellacking

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Nah, Obozo won't bring Force of Arms back into Iraq UNTIL the midterms are over. He's going to amnesty 12M illegals and will use Iraq as cover to placate the GOP. Code Pink won't matter to him after next Tuesday.

Hmm, he turned control of Syria and almost all of Iraq over to ISIS, I doubt keeping Baghdad free is in Obama's plans

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