Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

You forget . . . you are privy to nothing, and understand less.

We tried it Rummy and Bushy and Rice's way. Then Bammy had to clean up.

Not again.
Ah, Jake! Always willing to run into the street in his(?) Dr. Dentons to shout the praises of his party's Messiah!

Reliable as a fine Swiss watch but far less expensive.
All you have ever done is say, "I know", and that does not cut it, EconChick.

You have been challenged over and over again on errors you have made about the area and staff capabilities.

You are a poseur, nothing more.

WTF are you talking about, libtard?

You really have brain damage. You have never asked me anything about area and staff capabilities.

You know what? Just STFU, idiot.
You forget . . . you are privy to nothing, and understand less.

We tried it Rummy and Bushy and Rice's way. Then Bammy had to clean up.

Not again.

I'm sorry that you have a deteriorating body and brain, especially if it's service related, but maybe you should be hanging out in the Villages instead of the internet.
Thank you for your service in VN, Bull Kurtz. Much respect for that.

But I know Iraq very, very well. Spent a lot of time there....and I spent it throughout the country. I know that you're way off on your analysis.

I have always had an uncanny ability to predict future events. It's why I worked in the nerve center of Pentagon in my last Air Force assignment.

Trust me, your analysis of ISIS is way off.

Thanks. Well, I've predicted ISIS will no longer be a concern as to the safety of Baghdad by Memorial Day.....that's 7 months or about as long as ISIS has been on the move in Iraq. Anybody who's familiar with me knows I fully supported the invasion of Iraq and our victory there while fending off the anti war and isolationist crowds here at home. Obozo has thrown that victory away and I know the feeling of disgust you Iraq Veterans are feeling all too well. After Tet we could have gone to Hanoi like shit through a goose but we didn't have the brains or the will to do it. By October of '68 the wind was taken out of our sails and I was glad to be leaving, no second tour.

Back to the point; ISIS couldn't take Damascus so I'm not concerned about Baghdad. Like Camp said, we have sufficient Troop strength in Kuwait to prevent that....we been over that berm before and this time there will be no burning oil trenches, threat of chemical weapons, or highly mobile Republican Guard in our way. Obozo is concerned about his legacy we can all agree on that. He watched Dubya leave the WH ridiculed and unpopular but RIGHT about what he'd done to avenge 9/11. Once again to remind the leftists, we invaded Iraq to invite in al-Qaida for a little get together with our Armed Forces instead of our office workers and airline passengers. And we KICKED THE SHIT out of them....they hid behind their IEDs and snipers. Each time they stood like warriors, we left them a pile of rotting corpses. Obozo will have "flexibility" after this election too, his "base" is already gone....and if he wants to remain in the Oval Office, he will do what the Pentagon tells him to do about Iraq.

In conclusion, ISIS is on an adrenaline rush because before Kobani, nobody put up much of a fight. Now they have to take Baghdad to keep their motley collection of shitheads and bandwagoneers believing in the cause. Sure, they can fall back to Fallujah and north Syria claiming they weren't defeated but their loyalists will begin to see the futility and start capping their officers and deserting. We know General Petraeus got the sunni tribes in western Iraq to throw out al-Qaida because they were too strict and unforgiving with their version of sharia. So their time there will be over in another year too. The government in Baghdad can hurry that process along by giving those sunnis the oil revenue and independence they were promised before Obozo ignored and then abandoned them.
Gx001 10052108
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down-Geaux

I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, ....
Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad Zero Hedge

Did you research what you cited for errors? How about this one?

"They could but surprisingly have not attempted to shut down the airport and here is where the situation gets interesting. Late this week, the Iraq army leadership basically said that unless US forces arrive to help them defend the western approaches to the city, they will throw down their weapons and go home – and I believe they will." Submitted by Ron Holland via The Daily Bell,

Who in the Iraq Army leadership is Ron Holland quoting? Don't you think you should ask that question Geaux?

Do you agree with this?

"Baghdad has been a city in transition since the Bush invasion created a power vacuum and endless violence in the capitol."

Endless violence in the capitol? So the violence in Iraq was not ended when Bush left office? How about you too EconChick? DO you agree with that and this?

"Although the Bush invasion of Iraq has been a costly tragic mistake for all involved, we would do well to never again put US troops back on the ground there."

Ron Holland has not apprised himself of the significance of Daesh's diminished oil assets from the US led coalition's air strikes in Syria this past month.

By Sam Wilkin | Reuters, London Tuesday, 14 October 2014 - U.S.-led air strikes have significantly reduced Islamic State of Syria and Iraq’s ISIS) ability to produce, smuggle and refine oil, the International Energy Agency said in its monthly report on Tuesday, citing Western and Iraqi officials.

The coalition’s targeting of ISIS-held oil infrastructure has knocked crude production down to around 20,000 barrels per day (bpd) from a high of about 70,000 bpd achieved after the group expanded its territory over the summer, the report said.

ISIS needs access to gasoline and diesel to fuel its war effort, and knocking out the refineries will curtail its ability to use the tanks and other military vehicles which it has captured from Syrian and Iraqi forces.

The group has launched waves of attacks against Baiji, Iraq’s largest refinery, since June, but failed to capture it.

“With their oil assets diminished, the militants are determined to gain access to additional sources of fuel and revenue,” the IEA said. Last Update: Tuesday, 14 October 2014 KSA 13:49 - GMT 10:49

GK126 10064759 regarding EC 10063984
Once again to remind the leftists, we invaded Iraq to invite in al-Qaida for a little get together with our Armed Forces instead of our office workers and airline passengers.

If that was the reason for the March 2003 invasion into Iraq then would that not have been in the October 2002 Authorization to use Military Force in Iraq passed by Congress? Should not have mentioned that on March 17, 2003 when he announced that a war against the regime in Iraq was about to begin in two days? I supported Bush and the US Congress for the 'litte get together with Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and support that military operation to this day and as long as it takes. But it never made sense to me when Bush started a new war in Iraq when he did not give the troops what they needed to finish the job in Afghanistan.
BK 10056531
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day.

I agree with your assessment of the IS terrorists. And specifically the point about ISIS being strangled financially in Syria. While so-called conservatives in the States focus on calling Obama stupid they need to pay more attention to how stupid the IS terrorist leadership is. They are so stupid that al Qaeda cut ties last February I believe. They can wreak havoc and terrorize civilians and the leaderless ISF troops in Mosul and the North etc, but they are quite dense to believe that take and hold territory with infrastructure needed to sustain themselves without having a real air force to defend their holdings. They can't hold an 'energy' infrastructure even if they could take over Baghdad or the refinery in Baiji or the Mosul Dam. . There is no end but death for these bastards. Its a shame it will take some time. But I also agree with the White House that the military should not have been seen or used as Maliki's air force. The air strikes now seem to be appropriate with sufficient Sunni nation buy-in.

I recall seeing the photo-graph of this Buddhist Monk's self immolation. Thích Quảng Đức[1] (1897 – 11 June 1963, born Lâm Văn Túc), was a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963.[2] Quang Duc was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by Ngô Đình Diệm.

The only self-immolation in1967 and in Saigon on record was not a Buddhist Monk. In fact is was a woman..

On May 16, 1967 at 7:20 a.m., in District 10 of Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City in front of the Tu Nghiem Pagoda, Nhat Chi Mai lit herself on fire using a petrol accelerant. She was 33 years old when she died from her burns. Prior to her self-immolation she wrote ten messages outlining her anti-war beliefs and calling for an end to the Vietnam War.[4]

Nhat Chi Mai - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
BK 10064759 regarding EC 10063984
Well, I've predicted ISIS will no longer be a concern as to the safety of Baghdad by Memorial Day.....that's 7 months or about as long as ISIS has been on the move in Iraq.

Anybody who's familiar with me knows I fully supported the invasion of Iraq and our victory there while fending off the anti war and isolationist crowds here at home. Obozo has thrown that victory away and I know the feeling of disgust you Iraq Veterans are feeling all too well. ...

Back to the point; ISIS couldn't take Damascus so I'm not concerned about Baghdad. ...

In conclusion, ISIS is on an adrenaline rush because before Kobani, nobody put up much of a fight. Now they have to take Baghdad to keep their motley collection of shitheads and bandwagoneers believing in the cause. Sure, they can fall back to Fallujah and north Syria claiming they weren't defeated but their loyalists will begin to see the futility and start capping their officers and deserting. We know General Petraeus got the sunni tribes in western Iraq to throw out al-Qaida because they were too strict and unforgiving with their version of sharia.
So their time there will be over in another year too. .

You do realize that your above accurate analysis of the coming demise of Daesh in Iraq and the IS terrorists failure to capture Baghdad by defeating the (Peshmerga, Shiite militias, the ISF, and Sunni fighters who like to smoke, drink and defend their women from rapists and slave masters, plus a thousand US and Australian advisers and the US led air strike coalition) means that the victory you claim was lost last June was not really lost.

BK 10064759 regarding EC 10063984
Anybody who's familiar with me knows I fully supported the invasion of Iraq and our victory there while fending off the anti war and isolationist crowds here at home. Obozo has thrown that victory away and I know the feeling of disgust you Iraq Veterans are feeling all too well.

The 'victory' of US troops being able to exit Iraq according to the Bush-Maliki timeline has not been lost if your prediction holds true.

Do you get how that is so harmful to the hate Obama agenda of EconChick and the rest of the haters on this forum?

They need in order to spew hatred to build up the strength and power and tenacity and great fighting skills of Daesh in order to keep the attack on Obama alive.

That is why EconChick dismissed the point of view of a Vietnam vet so hastily.

She can't let your point of view take hold. It is too honest and too reality based for her.
Everybody in this thread has a right to their opinion. Al-Qaida ran from us in Afghanistan...the Northern Alliance was who whipped the Taliban despite, or maybe because, their spiritual leader being assassinated on orders from bin-Laden. I've never been to Iraq. All I know is what I hear from old boys from my service days who still have connections inside the loop. What I can tell you for sure is the Buddhist we saw cook himself off was a man, and it happened either on Christmas Day or the day after in '67. Whether there is a "record" of it I don't know.....if you want to continue your investigation be my guest. The white mice showed up, watched him smoulder for awhile. After that I don't know what happened....this was outside a little dive down from the Rex probably district 1.

Here's some evidence to what I've been saying about the ISIS hardly being "invincible"...they're starting to take conscripts. That's never a good omen for an army's morale.

A month ago ISIS s advance looked unstoppable. Now it s been stopped. - Vox
It is not the American fighting man that loses wars.

It is the Fifth Column on the Home Front.
It is not the American fighting man that loses wars.

It is the Fifth Column on the Home Front.

That's what the jihadists are counting on, eh? When I hear stories about the blackout curtains and rationing coupons during WW2, it's hard to fathom what we've seen in the last 50 years. Nobody asked the nation to sacrifice their comfort during Vietnam or Iraq.....little wonder the folks tried to ignore the body counts until their kid got his "Greetings" letter.
Everybody in this thread has a right to their opinion. Al-Qaida ran from us in Afghanistan...the Northern Alliance was who whipped the Taliban despite, or maybe because, their spiritual leader being assassinated on orders from bin-Laden. I've never been to Iraq. All I know is what I hear from old boys from my service days who still have connections inside the loop. What I can tell you for sure is the Buddhist we saw cook himself off was a man, and it happened either on Christmas Day or the day after in '67. Whether there is a "record" of it I don't know.....if you want to continue your investigation be my guest. The white mice showed up, watched him smoulder for awhile. After that I don't know what happened....this was outside a little dive down from the Rex probably district 1.

Here's some evidence to what I've been saying about the ISIS hardly being "invincible"...they're starting to take conscripts. That's never a good omen for an army's morale.

A month ago ISIS s advance looked unstoppable. Now it s been stopped. - Vox

Interesting map of Iraq in your link:

ISIS's defeats in Iraq are more important than its gains

Its a very good indication (not 100% just yet) that anyone disagreeing with you and me here about the highly unlikely possibility that Baghdad will fall to Daesh terrorists are way off in their assessments.

I was hoping for your response as to why you claim that the incomplete victory by the end 2008 and Bush term has been lost. You are citing facts underscoring why the 2009 Bush/US military victory has not been lost. Perhaps you can explain it, but right now there will not be a Sunni terrorist overthrow or defeat of the democratically elected government that Is one of the main reasons that the Bush victory supposedly accomplished by getting 4484 Americans killed to do it.
Its a very good indication (not 100% just yet) that anyone disagreeing with you and me here about the highly unlikely possibility that Baghdad will fall to Daesh terrorists are way off in their assessments.

I was hoping for your response as to why you claim that the incomplete victory by the end 2008 and Bush term has been lost. You are citing facts underscoring why the 2009 Bush/US military victory has not been lost. Perhaps you can explain it, but right now there will not be a Sunni terrorist overthrow or defeat of the democratically elected government that Is one of the main reasons that the Bush victory supposedly accomplished by getting 4484 Americans killed to do it.

Bush won Iraq by pacifying the sunni triangle and running Sadr off to Iran. Sadr is back and the sunni triangle is in worse hands than al-Qaida. Is the country lost? No. Is the war lost? In the sense that western Iraq has to be delivered back into government control, yes it was. Bush would have gotten his SOF. Bush wouldn't have tolerated Maliki's treatment of the sunnis. And Bush wouldn't have let ISIS metasticize in Syria...once Assad used Saddam's chemical weapons, he'd have been shock and awed. Obozo just wanted out of the ME and now he's being dragged back in kicking and screaming. As to the KIA, our kill ratio was 4-1 meaning pretty much every AQ who showed up in Iraq is now worm food.
BK 10068199 regarding NF 10067612
Bush won Iraq by pacifying the sunni triangle and running Sadr off to Iran.

Are you saying that Bush pacified the former Baathist regime's generals who have been overseeing the terrorist violence, murder, bombings and attacks and Sunni criminal activities that did not end when Bush left his quagmire to his successor.

Sure overall violence was down to around 20% of the peak violence of 2006 & 2007 that was stirred up by Bush's decision to invade in 2003. But 20% of sixty thousand killed over two years should hardly be called pacified during Bush's last year in office.

Three of Saddam's former generals led the takeover of Mosul, and eight of the top 10 generals in the ISIS army are believed to be Baathists. Izzat Douri, a former military commander who Saddam considered to be like a brother, is widely rumored to be in Mosul, overseeing the conflict after hiding out in Qatar and Syria for a decade.

ISIS joins forces with Saddam loyalists in bid to take Baghdad Fox News

You appear to be blaming Obama for what Bush failed to do for five years in Iraq. Create, lasting stability. It was a facade of stability that Bush left behind.

I don't see you making a case that Bush pacified the Sunni truangle just because violence was down from a terrible peak.

60,000 Iraqis should not have died in 2006 and 2007. There was no justifiable reason to cause it on Bush's decision to invade.
You appear to be blaming Obama for what Bush failed to do for five years in Iraq. Create, lasting stability. It was a facade of stability that Bush left behind.

I don't see you making a case that Bush pacified the Sunni truangle just because violence was down from a terrible peak.

60,000 Iraqis should not have died in 2006 and 2007. There was no justifiable reason to cause it on Bush's decision to invade.

So finally you out yourself as a Bush hating asshole. What I "appear" to be saying is what I said....and I've spent enough time on go google burning Buddhists why don't ya?
BK138 10069958 (the run post) regarding NF 10069644
So finally you out yourself as a Bush hating asshole. What I "appear" to be saying is what I said....and I've spent enough time on go google burning Buddhists why don't ya?

Since when does citing well known statistics and historical truth make one a Bush hater? Can anyone here truthfully state that Bush created lasting stability in Iraq after an invasion and five years of occupation? When the invasion began in March 2003 there was perhaps a very insignificant amount of violence between Sunni and Shia. So that could be established as certainly less than one thousand deaths for all of 2002 through March 2003. By 2006 the Iraqi body count climbed to nearly 30,000 for the year. Then in 2007 the body count went down slightly. By 2008 or in five years after the start of the invasion the body count went down to around 6,000 a year. That is still an increase from the time of the start of the invasion. This is just true. But Bush is forgiven by you for that disaster not to mention all the Americans that were killed and wounded while caught in the middle of it all. And now during Obama's five years managing the drawdown that Bush agreed to with Maliki, you are complaining that the body count spiked last June when IS terrorists launched their invasion, as if it was all Obama's fault that it happened. With no argument against my facts it is no wonder are finding an excuse to get away.
The push continues


ISIS Making Strong Gains In Anbar, Baghdad May Be Next

“From the first day that ISIS was appearing we were warning the government. We said all of Iraq is in danger and if Anbar falls, the rest of the country will follow.”
By Susannah George | October 27, 2011

BAGHDAD, Iraq — From an over-stuffed, gold-rimmed sofa at his home in Baghdad’s wealthy Mansour neighborhood, sheikh Hamid al-Hayes has watched his home province of Anbar unravel.

A veteran of the fight against Al Qaeda in Iraq during the US-led occupation, he was not surprised by the recent string of Iraqi government defeats in the province to the group which now calls itself the Islamic State. He saw it coming for months.

“From the first day that ISIS was appearing we were warning the government. We said all of Iraq is in danger and if Anbar falls, the rest of the country will follow,” he says.

ISIS Making Strong Gains In Anbar Baghdad May Be Next

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