Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.

Just stop talking. I spent months telling you and your allies on here exactly what Panetta finally came out and told the world about the SOFA.

You're ignorant on this subject.

I also know what it's like to be in the Green Zone when there are rumors of an assault on it, and I would have even less faith in this Commander in Chief if I were there now.

Clown shoes.
Ya, you told us all about the MASH unit in the Green Zone where you use to hang out. Ever heard of Buering? Do you know who or what Buering is?

Show me where I said that.

You can't because I didn't.

What's your next batch of lies? That I was never born? Yeah, go with that one. No one believes you pathetic libs.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.

Just stop talking. I spent months telling you and your allies on here exactly what Panetta finally came out and told the world about the SOFA.

You're ignorant on this subject.

I also know what it's like to be in the Green Zone when there are rumors of an assault on it, and I would have even less faith in this Commander in Chief if I were there now.

Clown shoes.
Ya, you told us all about the MASH unit in the Green Zone where you use to hang out. Ever heard of Buering? Do you know who or what Buering is?

LOL, you gonna replay those CandyAss lies? A chick that can't even tell the difference between a private and a general? LOL, you libs sure are consistent at making up brazen lies. Go for it...I already pummeled you little puppies.

What's any of that got to do with this topic?

Is that where you were? Hiding out in Kuwait?
So the military expert that can't answer simple questions hasn't a clue about what Buering is other than a quick google to learn it is in Kuwait. And you have no idea what it might have to do with the SOFA agreement negotiations or how it relates to the current situation with the Green Zone. But hey, you know all about what is going on, just not aware of Buering and what it means. That's OK we can keep it a secret.
I know plenty who say the opposite.

I was there before, during, and after the surge. You can find plenty military people that didn't have the big picture.

I'm sure a lot of Iraq vets need to feel they went through that and it had to be worth something.

Still wasn't. Saddam wasn't bothering us. He didn't have WMD's and he wasn't working with Al Qaeda. The war was a waste of lives and treasure. Period.

And you guys are still trying to get us to throw good money after bad.
Since the US destroyed the best of the Iraqi army, replacing it with very poorly trained troops, but with the very expensive weapons the US taxpayer gave them, ISIS have a very nice chance of taking the whole country, and getting all that hardly used, US taxpayer supplied gear.
The worst thing - you started ISIS by training "moderate" anti Assad forces in Syria.

In other words, you set the thing going, but other poor fuckers have to put up with the results of your stupidity.

Since this is Current Affairs, I'll go gently on you:


Please explain why you disagree - point by point would be good.
ISIS was armed by western powers, disguised as moderate Muslim opposition to Assad.
America did destroy Saddam's army, and removed all the experienced commanders, leaving the army full of poor quality soldiers, well armed, but with no clue how to fight.

Please explain your version.
Baghdad will not fall.

I suspect some eating of ones own words will be the order of the day in a very short time.

Nope. Why do you think tactical nukes have been deployed to fleet carriers.

The anti ISIS ISIL folks, Christian and Muslim alike, will rain hell fire on them before letting Baghdad fall.

Uh, no.

Remember, I worked in the nerve center of the Pentagon. I know how the planning goes for these operations.

That's what you said, and since you offered nothing credible, what you think simply does not matter,

Yep, the devices have been deployed.
EconChick cannot debate point by point at all.

She carried charts and blew farts, nothing more.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:

Not even close.

My service in the RVN and your's in Iraq qualifies neither of us as experts on those countries. I do believe I know how insurgencies work since I was in the middle of the Tet offensive (both parts) and I would tell you the VC would have fallen apart without a benefactor state to the north. ISIS has no such state support. What will defeat ISIS is missed payrolls and dissension in the ranks when they've gotten their noses bloodied a few times, like they are in Kobani. Their tactics to avoid air strikes worked for a time but now we know how their planners think. Their oil revenue is being shut off. They have few if any spare parts for the armor and Humvees they've stolen. They are basically living off what they've stolen and have been for almost a year. My prediction that they run short of everything next Spring will seal the deal and maybe sooner if we can locate al-Baghdadi and punch his ticket.
Yep, the devices have been deployed.

Perhaps, given the claim is so mind blowingly big, you should support it.
How do you know this is the case, and how could such weapons be used without killing a lot of innocent civilians, and contaminating large areas?

By the way, the global wind pattens clearly show winds passing Syria, into Israel.
Any use of a nuclear device would cause fallout into the Jewish state, along with many other countries.
That may leave a headache or two for the White house.
My service in the RVN and your's in Iraq qualifies neither of us as experts on those countries. I do believe I know how insurgencies work since I was in the middle of the Tet offensive (both parts) and I would tell you the VC would have fallen apart without a benefactor state to the north. ISIS has no such state support.

You missed out - when someone has something to believe in, they fight harder.
And how do you know ISIS has no state support and, even if it doesn't, there are a lot of very rich people out there that may well fund them.
The US has given them a lot of weapons, both directly and indirectly.
How many US lives are we willing to lose to save Baghdad?

or will they treat us as liberators?

How long are we willing to keep the peace until Iraq is able to maintain itself?
Our role is over.

Let them kill each other, and they don't have time to plot to kill us.

Muslims killing Muslims is in the best interest of the US.

Always has been.

The worst mistake we made since WWII, including Vietnam, was helping end the Iran/Iraq War.
My service in the RVN and your's in Iraq qualifies neither of us as experts on those countries. I do believe I know how insurgencies work since I was in the middle of the Tet offensive (both parts) and I would tell you the VC would have fallen apart without a benefactor state to the north. ISIS has no such state support.

You missed out - when someone has something to believe in, they fight harder.
And how do you know ISIS has no state support and, even if it doesn't, there are a lot of very rich people out there that may well fund them.
The US has given them a lot of weapons, both directly and indirectly.
Muslims are longing for the Rod of Correction and authoritarian rulers so they can go about their customary lives.

ISIS will NOT be defeated, it can be deflected by leaving them all to fight it out among themselves.

With nations to rule, they will be too busy to worry about us.
Baghdad will not fall.

I suspect some eating of ones own words will be the order of the day in a very short time.

Nope. Why do you think tactical nukes have been deployed to fleet carriers.

The anti ISIS ISIL folks, Christian and Muslim alike, will rain hell fire on them before letting Baghdad fall.

We dropped more tons of bombs in ground support operations in a typical day in Vietnam, that we have in this phony air war designed to prop up Obama and the Democrat's ratings before the elections.

What we are doing over there is child's play for show.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:

Not even close.

My service in the RVN and your's in Iraq qualifies neither of us as experts on those countries. I do believe I know how insurgencies work since I was in the middle of the Tet offensive (both parts) and I would tell you the VC would have fallen apart without a benefactor state to the north. ISIS has no such state support. What will defeat ISIS is missed payrolls and dissension in the ranks when they've gotten their noses bloodied a few times, like they are in Kobani. Their tactics to avoid air strikes worked for a time but now we know how their planners think. Their oil revenue is being shut off. They have few if any spare parts for the armor and Humvees they've stolen. They are basically living off what they've stolen and have been for almost a year. My prediction that they run short of everything next Spring will seal the deal and maybe sooner if we can locate al-Baghdadi and punch his ticket.
Gotta disagree.

Obama does not have the balls to stick with it after the first shot down serviceman is publically beheaded.

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