Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down



I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now in Baghdad. Who can forget the former Vietnamese supporters of America being left behind as the last helicopter left the roof of the US embassy?

Hence the ISIS advance in Anbar province to just outside the airport is a direct threat to the Green Zone because their forces will be moving through predominantly Sunni neighborhoods all the way east to the American embassy. They could but surprisingly have not attempted to shut down the airport and here is where the situation gets interesting. Late this week, the Iraq army leadership basically said that unless US forces arrive to help them defend the western approaches to the city, they will throw down their weapons and go home – and I believe they will.

The scenario I see is the first attack will likely be against the most heavily defended target, the US embassy and the Green Zone. The ISIS fighters are not strong enough to take the heavily fortified green zone by direct assault and so it will probably fail.

The US will then attempt to fly in reinforcements to the airport and this will be when ISIS will start mortar fire and attempt to close the Baghdad airport as well as attack any convoys through the Sunni neighborhoods heading to the Green Zone. They will likely be able to shut down the airport, thus forcing reinforcements and embassy staff leaving to use helicopters for transportation to airfields further south in Iraq or maybe even to Kuwait. Closing the airport will be a major public relations victory for ISIS.

A siege of the Green Zone and American embassy will likely then take place and the US will be forced to destroy by air the Sunni neighborhoods surrounding the area from the zone west to the airport at a minimum resulting in heavy Sunni civilian causalities. Once again, more bad PR for the United States.

Eventually, the US may well be forced to close the embassy and withdraw from the Green Zone, which will result in videos that remind the American public of the Saigon collapse back on April 30, 1975. This would be a tremendous PR victory for the extremists, resulting in more fighter recruits.

Finally, if the US is forced to withdraw from their fortified embassy then, of course, ISIS will take over America's largest embassy in the world. Note, this embassy compound can hold 35,000 American personnel and is basically a small city-state within Baghdad that is massively defended.

Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad Zero Hedge

I agree, Geaux. I've been saying this for about two weeks. Only difference is I predict they'll go for BIAP first, though. It would be smart for them to close off the escape route from the GZ.
Val Jarrett is holding off the attack until after the November elections. It's going to be bad enough as it is. If her ISIS troops take Baghdad -- well it just totally throws away all the blood and sacrifice and may cost the Dems another Congressional seat or two

Or ISIS could get jealous of all the attention Ebola is taking away from them and behead another hostage before the election.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.

Just stop talking. I spent months telling you and your allies on here exactly what Panetta finally came out and told the world about the SOFA.

You're ignorant on this subject.

I also know what it's like to be in the Green Zone when there are rumors of an assault on it, and I would have even less faith in this Commander in Chief if I were there now.

Clown shoes.
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Val Jarrett is holding off the attack until after the November elections. It's going to be bad enough as it is. If her ISIS troops take Baghdad -- well it just totally throws away all the blood and sacrifice and may cost the Dems another Congressional seat or two

You really honestly thing most Americans care if Baghdad falls?

Not that there's really any danger of this. The Shi'ites won't fight for Mosul or Tikrit, but they will fight for Baghdad.

You should go tell that to someone who served in Iraq

Liberals get outted at every turn, especially on all things foreign policy.
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Will Obama let ISIS burn the American flag and raise the black flag of death at the US Embassy?

So what if they do?

Why should we fight the Iraqi's battles for them. If Iraqis aren't willing to fight ISIS, why should we?

You really are uninformed.

It's hard to believe you were ever in the military. If you say you were then you were but hard to believe.
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It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down



I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now in Baghdad. Who can forget the former Vietnamese supporters of America being left behind as the last helicopter left the roof of the US embassy?

The thing was, most of those supporters were fleeing because their fellow Vietnamese were going to kill them.

Which is what happens to Quislings after you get rid of an occupation government.

We had no business being in the middle of a Vietnamese Civil War 50 years ago, and we have no business being in the middle of an Iraqi Civil War today.

But if you feel otherwise, then you and Bill Kristol and and a bunch of other Right Wingers should take your guns and form an "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" to fight for.... Oh, wait, we don't know who we are fighting for.

The other choices over there are the Pro-Iranian Shi'ite Government and the Communist dominated Kurdish separatists. All the choices there kind of suck.

And unlike the Vietnamese, they don't have hot women over there who will love you long time. Nor really a compelling American national interest.

You obviously didn't spend a lot of time in Iraq like I did.
Since the US destroyed the best of the Iraqi army, replacing it with very poorly trained troops, but with the very expensive weapons the US taxpayer gave them, ISIS have a very nice chance of taking the whole country, and getting all that hardly used, US taxpayer supplied gear.
The worst thing - you started ISIS by training "moderate" anti Assad forces in Syria.

In other words, you set the thing going, but other poor fuckers have to put up with the results of your stupidity.

Since this is Current Affairs, I'll go gently on you:

Baghdad was destabilized when baby bush went in and tossed saddam Hussein. the state department under daddy bush SAID what would happen to the country and the region if we did that.

so i'm not quite sure why the right is wringing its hands when bush's efforts came to fruition.

or should we engage in perpetual warfare to try to prop up what bush broke?

LOL, is that with all your tons of experience in Iraq?????

You can't even find Iraq on a map.
By what I see yes we are ready.

All the left wing pundits seem to be armed with the reasons the fall is all GWB's fault.

All the left wing posters seem to have all their talking points in line.

All that is still needed is to lob a few more meaningless bombs and fold up camp.

Yes, it is G W Bush's fault. He was the decider, he made the case for war

Bush told us we needed to attack immediately or else risk a mushroom cloud. He told us not to worry about post war Iraq because we would be treated as liberators

He never said anything about having to stay for over ten years to keep the peace or about losing 5000 dead to stabilize his blunder of a conquest

Jesus, how many threads you libs gonna repeat your same false narratives in.
Baghdad will not fall.

I suspect some eating of ones own words will be the order of the day in a very short time.

Nope. Why do you think tactical nukes have been deployed to fleet carriers.

The anti ISIS ISIL folks, Christian and Muslim alike, will rain hell fire on them before letting Baghdad fall.

Uh, no.

Remember, I worked in the nerve center of the Pentagon. I know how the planning goes for these operations.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:

Not even close.
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.

Just stop talking. I spent months telling you and your allies on here exactly what Panetta finally came out and told the world about the SOFA.

You're ignorant on this subject.

I also know what it's like to be in the Green Zone when there are rumors of an assault on it, and I would have even less faith in this Commander in Chief if I were there now.

Clown shoes.
Ya, you told us all about the MASH unit in the Green Zone where you use to hang out. Ever heard of Buering? Do you know who or what Buering is?
I served in Vietnam with 1st Cavalry AC/AM '67-'68. My recollection of Saigon was watching a Buddhist set himself on fire to protest something or other. We watched him burn while finishing our sandwiches and beers and headed back to our transport to An Khe. Baghdad will not fall....too many shia militias and government troops protecting their own homes for that. Plus if ISIS began to stage for that kind of invasion, US air power would tear them to ribbons. ISIS is slowly being strangled financially in Syria and have sustained heavy losses in and around Kobani. They'll be a footnote in history by Memorial Day. :eusa_whistle:
Most, if not all of the armchair General doomsday prophets who disparage our troops and cheer for ISIS in threads like this have little if any knowledge of what the military is up to in theater. They haven't an inkling of what is down the road fully prepared for a dash across the Kuwait border if called upon to protect the Green Zone.

Just stop talking. I spent months telling you and your allies on here exactly what Panetta finally came out and told the world about the SOFA.

You're ignorant on this subject.

I also know what it's like to be in the Green Zone when there are rumors of an assault on it, and I would have even less faith in this Commander in Chief if I were there now.

Clown shoes.
Ya, you told us all about the MASH unit in the Green Zone where you use to hang out. Ever heard of Buering? Do you know who or what Buering is?

LOL, you gonna replay those CandyAss lies? A chick that can't even tell the difference between a private and a general? LOL, you libs sure are consistent at making up brazen lies. Go for it...I already pummeled you little puppies.

What's any of that got to do with this topic?

Is that where you were? Hiding out in Kuwait?

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