Are Whites Offended by This/These?

You're an exception. I play music for a living. White people can't dance. Not to roots music, anyway. That should be instinctive. They need to attend swingdance clinics to learn moves. That's like teaching someone how to fuck.
That's ridiculous. I played professionally for decades. Black clubs, white clubs, latino clubs, after-hours joints (the musician's favorite playing spots), on the road, and the best places to play: mixed clubs.

I've known blacks who can't play, can't dance, can't sing, and never, ever, want to work. You're acting like the same kind of racist you, I'm sure, accuse others of being. Silly.
Last edited: is called humor....the left wing really needs to study humor......they might not be such violent, hatefilled racists if they did...
I thought when Eddie Murphy disguised himself as a white guy it was hilarious...

Ah, time to have Bill Maher skewer the PC zealots. Again.

"What matters is while you self-involved fools were policing the language at the Kid's Choice Awards, a madman talked his way into the White House."

"We keep losing. Now there's a lot of reasons for that, but the one we can immediately fix is that too often Democrats remind people of a man who has taken his balls out and put them in his wife's purse. And please, someone tweet me right now and tell me how that was somehow inappropriate, so I can tell you to go fuck yourself."

Love it.

You're an exception. I play music for a living. White people can't dance. Not to roots music, anyway. That should be instinctive. They need to attend swingdance clinics to learn moves. That's like teaching someone how to fuck.
That's ridiculous. I played professionally for decades. Black clubs, white clubs, latino clubs, after-hours joints (the musician's favorite playing spots), on the road, and the best places to play: mixed clubs.

I've known blacks who can't play, can't dance, can't sing, and never, ever, want to work. You're acting like the same kind of racist you, I'm sure, accuse others of being. Silly.
You're either in denial, lying or have no clue about dancing.
You're an exception. I play music for a living. White people can't dance. Not to roots music, anyway. That should be instinctive. They need to attend swingdance clinics to learn moves. That's like teaching someone how to fuck.
That's ridiculous. I played professionally for decades. Black clubs, white clubs, latino clubs, after-hours joints (the musician's favorite playing spots), on the road, and the best places to play: mixed clubs.

I've known blacks who can't play, can't dance, can't sing, and never, ever, want to work. You're acting like the same kind of racist you, I'm sure, accuse others of being. Silly.
You're either in denial, lying or have no clue about dancing.
Fine, have it your way. Be proud about hopping around like an idiot.

Let's think about who has the most brains and has produced the most advanced civilization the world has ever known. The electronics, the computer on which you're posting your idiotic drivel, the electronics and instruments that produce the music to which you dance, Who was it? Oh yeah, white guys.

And what have people with an IQ of 85 or less produced? Shit, that's what.

So relax. Put the ability to dance in perspective. It DOES NOT MATTER. It's nothing.
What offends me the most, as a white person, you can't point out the obvious flaws of acting like a negative racial stereotype. If you are a hateful mean spirited hateful racist non white , it's OK. It's some kind of race/rage thingy. Hypocrisy is a white thing, blacks are immune to it. I guess white liberals think they inoculate themselves by being hyper sensitive and ignoring black racism and hate . Clap clap clap, big round of applause for you. So does that make things better?
You're an exception. I play music for a living. White people can't dance. Not to roots music, anyway. That should be instinctive. They need to attend swingdance clinics to learn moves. That's like teaching someone how to fuck.
That's ridiculous. I played professionally for decades. Black clubs, white clubs, latino clubs, after-hours joints (the musician's favorite playing spots), on the road, and the best places to play: mixed clubs.

I've known blacks who can't play, can't dance, can't sing, and never, ever, want to work. You're acting like the same kind of racist you, I'm sure, accuse others of being. Silly.
You're either in denial, lying or have no clue about dancing.
Fine, have it your way. Be proud about hopping around like an idiot.

Let's think about who has the most brains and has produced the most advanced civilization the world has ever known. The electronics, the computer on which you're posting your idiotic drivel, the electronics and instruments that produce the music to which you dance, Who was it? Oh yeah, white guys.

And what have people with an IQ of 85 or less produced? Shit, that's what.

So relax. Put the ability to dance in perspective. It DOES NOT MATTER. It's nothing.
What are you babbling about?
Some funny white Jokes:

How many white guys does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One.

Do you know how white that white kid is at school?
A: He's so white he completed his homework.
A: He's so white that he keeps his pants pulled up.
A: He's so white that he doesn't run around calling the girls beatches.

Why is Father's Day so boring for whites?
A: There's no mystery in it.
Some funny white Jokes:

How many white guys does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One.

Do you know how white that white kid is at school?
A: He's so white he completed his homework.
A: He's so white that he keeps his pants pulled up.
A: He's so white that he doesn't run around calling the girls beatches.

Why is Father's Day so boring for whites?
A: There's no mystery in it.

A: He's so white he behaves in class and listens to what the teacher has to say

Several years ago I was working with a group of kids. Don't remember the setting but do remember what happened. They were running around as kids do and when it came time to settle down there were a few that still felt it was necessary to continue running around. When I called them down, one of them used the typical "you're only saying something to us because I'm black". I thought for a few seconds and responded with "is the only reason you're acting that way because you're black?"

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