Are Whites Offended by This/These?

It's like statues, if one offends someone I shudder to think what real life issues do to them. It must be a struggle
People call 911 when McDonalds runs out of McNuggets most Americans today are not being prepared for struggle in life by the schools or by their parents. It's sad.
I think they are funny....How is it that white skin is so much thicker than black skin? You would think it would be the other way around.

I've wondered the same thing. I've had more than one go as far as to ask me how I'd react if a black person called me a honkey, cracker, or other terms I'd never heard of but apparently were considered slurs toward white people. My answer was that I'd react the same way as if they didn't call me those name. I don't care. If someone gets offended by what another person says, the problem is with the one being offended not the one saying things.
Of course not. If you get offended by memes or someones words, you need to reevaluate yourself.

I need to find a statue or a flag, that seems to do the trick....

You can carry a picture of Rosa Park's home that was dismantled and sent to Germany for some reason...
Someone wants to bring it back to the US and turn it into a monument. Thing is, if whites don't get to keep their history, neither does anybody else.
No civil war. No civil rights. All or none.
The book of all things white conservatives are offended by....


And for everyone else......

You offended?









And finally,

So, Are YOU offended? Or were you just trying to offend........


The one about Black People Problems #103 brought back a memory. In a situation, and I don't recall specifically what it was, I called down a black girl that continued to misbehave. After several times, she made the comment of "you're only saying something to be because I is black" to which I responded "Does that mean the only reason you're misbehaving is because you is black?"
I have white privilege therefore I can't be offended as I am an oppressor. Or some stupid shit like that.

I've recently wondered why I went to college, worked hard to move up, and ever filled out an application for employment when all I had to do was put on a piece of paper "I'm white" with all the white privilege I had.

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