Are Whites Offended by This/These? now scrub the internet and society of all of it....I demand it because I am offended

This shit is so stupid
The US began the process of cultural/economic/ suicide in the late sixties.
You all better enjoy the next few years b/c within a decade the country will have imploded on itself. now scrub the internet and society of all of it....I demand it because I am offended

This shit is so stupid
The US began the process of cultural/economic/ suicide in the late sixties.
You all better enjoy the next few years b/c within a decade the country will have imploded on itself.

It coincided with the big push for socialism and redistribution of wealth.
In general whites don't get offended by racial stereotypes because they not insecure about them. Blacks on the other hand are uber sensitive about them. Hey, I'm just being honest.
BLACK - Hoodies - Black - 1957.jpg
In general whites don't get offended by racial stereotypes because they not insecure about them. Blacks on the other hand are uber sensitive about them. Hey, I'm just being honest.

Not just honest but making a lot of sense.
I have white privilege therefore I can't be offended as I am an oppressor. Or some stupid shit like that.

I've recently wondered why I went to college, worked hard to move up, and ever filled out an application for employment when all I had to do was put on a piece of paper "I'm white" with all the white privilege I had.
i started reading an article where a young black girl was telling someone examples of white privilege. she said they moved into an all white neighborhood and people would look at them funny and throw rocks in their pool. white privilege is now that whites can move here w/o the hassle.

if i move into an all black neighborhood i'll not only be looked at funny, it's likely going to hurt. is this black privilege?

the problem i have is this is all being pushed 1 way. turn the situations around you'll see the same "human nature" behavior. does it need to change? sure and hopefully in time it will as we learn to trust each other.

things like this won't help build up trust:

(celtics actually started dreads i believe so she's claiming rights to a style they didn't invent as far as i know anyway)

BLM demands of white people. yes, this will bring people together.

another video on same topic

reparations? really?

Whoopi Goldberg: "This is why Black People don't want to talk to White People"
who's making it about race again?

and shit like this leads to:
Hate Rising: White Supremacy in America

yet only the reaction is getting the blame, not those who openly are racist to white people.

Man pulled from car and beaten, car stolen FOR VOTING TRUMP
yea, i can see nothing but love coming from this and how whites are treated.

and then - what about?
Teens set kid on fire for being 'white boy'

the insane push to have this go 1 way and 1 way only, anything else is racism, is stupid. ass-nugget stupid. you can't force one set of people to behave in a certain manner esp by doing things like the above.

TO BE FAIR - you can pull as many videos where colors are reversed. yes, you sure can.

this makes it a social issue on both sides, not a "kill whitey" scenario that's being painted and pushed these days. as an older white male i'm demonized for nothing more than being older and white. no one knows my views, they just assume.

what is this called again?

nothing that would be allowed in reverse these days.

white privilege i'm sure does exist in the manner of which this young lady described it. but reverse the colors and you know what?

it still exists.

so it's not a 1 way problem that requires a 1 way solution. is a social problem that will require working together for common goals and demonizing either side is so very counter productive to what both sides say they want in the end.
You're an exception. I play music for a living. White people can't dance. Not to roots music, anyway. That should be instinctive. They need to attend swingdance clinics to learn moves. That's like teaching someone how to fuck.
That's ridiculous. I played professionally for decades. Black clubs, white clubs, latino clubs, after-hours joints (the musician's favorite playing spots), on the road, and the best places to play: mixed clubs.

I've known blacks who can't play, can't dance, can't sing, and never, ever, want to work. You're acting like the same kind of racist you, I'm sure, accuse others of being. Silly.
You're either in denial, lying or have no clue about dancing.
Fine, have it your way. Be proud about hopping around like an idiot.

Let's think about who has the most brains and has produced the most advanced civilization the world has ever known. The electronics, the computer on which you're posting your idiotic drivel, the electronics and instruments that produce the music to which you dance, Who was it? Oh yeah, white guys.

And what have people with an IQ of 85 or less produced? Shit, that's what.

So relax. Put the ability to dance in perspective. It DOES NOT MATTER. It's nothing.
What are you babbling about?
Grow up dumbass.
Ah, time to have Bill Maher skewer the PC zealots. Again.

"What matters is while you self-involved fools were policing the language at the Kid's Choice Awards, a madman talked his way into the White House."

"We keep losing. Now there's a lot of reasons for that, but the one we can immediately fix is that too often Democrats remind people of a man who has taken his balls out and put them in his wife's purse. And please, someone tweet me right now and tell me how that was somehow inappropriate, so I can tell you to go fuck yourself."

Love it.

I did don't agree with Maher on very much; however, one reason Trump won, beating out 16 republicans and then the Hilderbeast, is that he refused to aplogize over the stupid PC shit that would make most Democrates and republicans cringe in fear and assume a fetal position.

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