Are You a Conservative?

To Conservatives, the enemies of our Republic are a Free Press and a citizens right to vote
The only “free press” you support are the ones that push the DNC Agenda and state propagandists. Do you Support James O’Keefe, a real independent journalist? Do you support Tucker Carlson? Of course not, because they refuse to parrot the radical left nonsense or even the neocon’s nonsense.
The only “free press” you support are the ones that push the DNC Agenda and state propagandists. Do you Support James O’Keefe, a real independent journalist? Do you support Tucker Carlson? Of course not, because they refuse to parrot the radical left nonsense or even the neocon’s nonsense.
You were making a point till you brought up OKeefe and lost all credibility
Then doubled down with racist Tucker who openly lies to his viewers
Conservative used to mean fiscal responsibility, family values, a global foreign policy.

Todays Conservatives are cut taxes while not cutting spending, conspiracy theories and an assault on democracy.
Conservatives are not turning the FBI and DOJ loose on political opposition calling parents domestic terrorists etc. That is your side of the fence.
The only “free press” you support are the ones that push the DNC Agenda and state propagandists. Do you Support James O’Keefe, a real independent journalist? Do you support Tucker Carlson? Of course not, because they refuse to parrot the radical left nonsense or even the neocon’s nonsense.

Tucker Carlson is a Journalist? Is this a new thing or are you saying that Carlson didn't lie out his ass for Rump and the other MAGAts.
Conservatives are not turning the FBI and DOJ loose on political opposition calling parents domestic terrorists etc. That is your side of the fence.

No, that was 4 years ago. Today, you want to disband, defund, etc. any agency that is trying to convict Rump whom is a Bonafide Criminal. Plus you have tried to turn the House into your MAGAt tool trying to scare anyone that would not agree with your Fascism. I think the DOJ is on the right track. And when they are done with rump they need to move onto some of the others.
No, that was 4 years ago. Today, you want to disband, defund, etc. any agency that is trying to convict Rump whom is a Bonafide Criminal. Plus you have tried to turn the House into your MAGAt tool trying to scare anyone that would not agree with your Fascism. I think the DOJ is on the right track. And when they are done with rump they need to move onto some of the others.
Sniffing coke at the Biden WH? LOL
Conservatives are not turning the FBI and DOJ loose on political opposition calling parents domestic terrorists etc. That is your side of the fence.
Can you point to anyone in the FBI who called parents domestic terrorists?

I knew you couldn’t.
No, that was 4 years ago. Today, you want to disband, defund, etc. any agency that is trying to convict Rump whom is a Bonafide Criminal. Plus you have tried to turn the House into your MAGAt tool trying to scare anyone that would not agree with your Fascism. I think the DOJ is on the right track. And when they are done with rump they need to move onto some of the others.
Why have Republicans turned on the FBI?

Is it because they are the premier law enforcement agency in the country and probably the world?

No, it is because the FBI dared to investigate Republicans
Why should we rely on someone named Tim Miller for a definition of conservatism? If it's on the internet it's gotta be true?
Depends on how you define it. But today’s definition of conservatism is certainly different than it was a couple of decades ago. Here’s a clip describing the differences.

This thread brings make memories for me...

The Difference Between A Conservative And A Liberal​

(not my work, a bit exaggerated, but it makes a point)

If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn`t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.
A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.
Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don’t like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

And I wrote this prophecy back in November 2016, right after Trump was elected...

We, the conservatives, want the best for everyone. It's the Democrats that want people to stay oppressed and dependent. We are going to put people back to work, including African American citizens that have suffered severely over the past eight years under Obama. There are more African Americans out of work than ever before (I am not talking official cooked unemployment numbers; I am talking "not working" - including those living in poverty on welfare and food stamps - not the official Obama numbers which do not include those fellow citizens).

One can yell "racist, racist, racist!" all they want, but they are severely misinformed. It is us, the conservatives and the Republicans that care about everyone and their children, and we do not care what color, creed, religion or orientation you happen to be, as long as you are law-abiding, respect the USA and do not harm others. If you are an American CITIZEN or LEGAL immigrant, we are going to make your life better. Alternatively, you can let someone else do your job, and sit at home and struggle until the next election when the Democrats tell you how much they will work for you but do nothing substantive. But all you'll have is welfare, food stamps, and a free Obamaphone that I pay for.

We are going to make America an energy superpower. We are going to defeat our enemies. We are going to replace Obamacare and regulations that have stifled business growth and the American economy, and has resulted in premiums, deductibles and out-of pocket limits skyrocket, while middle class Americans are struggling. We are going to renegotiate bad trade deals which send American jobs and your money overseas. We are going to enforce existing laws that were passed to keep all of us safe. This includes enforcing borders, as all nations have borders for a reason, just like the White House has a border, and your house has doors that lock for good reason. We are going to stop allowing lobbyists to run Washington DC. We are going to give you a tax cut and simplify your taxes. We are going to make content of character matter more than color of skin. We are going to say Islamic terrorists and Merry Christmas. We are going going to put Americans and America first.

You can join us, or you can sit back and watch. Because we are going to make America great again, for EVERYONE, including you.
This is why I call you so-called "fiscal conservatives" full of shit...

Because the minute someone who had Republican control of a state and decided to put his money where his mouth is.... right where you fiscal cons claimed you wanted it to have no idea it ever happened or no idea of what policies were actually implemented...

Which further makes my point that you folks are just performative hacks...yall could care less about governing
You have yet to show or state any of those policies or how they were implemented. So far all you’ve done is bullshit, the only thing you’re good at. :dunno:
Before Trump, these are the last 4 people "conservatives" nominated to be president...and the president before them, would be called a liberal other words, yall hate these people now.....why?

View attachment 801911

So either conservatives have had horrible judgement for the past 40 years or maybe today's conservatives aren't really conservatives...but cultists.....who broke who?

If these are the "conservatives"... Count me out.
Gibberish. I will say that CANDIDATE Trump did impress me with his willingness to point out things that were obvious to the American public but oblivious to the ruling elite - which includes the media. But I still refused to vote for him because I hated the optics of a billionaire becoming president of the United States. And once he took office, his spending knew no limits. So no, I will in fact NOT vote for him moving forward.
So you prefer the optics of career parasites whom once out of college did nothing in the private wealth creation sector, but rather went right into collecting guv'mint checks and benefits, along with the occasional "fee" scammed and grafted their way.
See the Wiki pages for Clinton, Obama and Biden for details and what the other choice was.

BTW, Congress decides the spending, a POTUS either signs off on it or if he doesn't the Federal government is shut down. With no line item veto it's send it back to Congress on slim chance they will make some cuts or give into the duress, since it's often just before end of fiscal year when the Budget is submitted to the POTUS.
Depends on how you define it. But today’s definition of conservatism is certainly different than it was a couple of decades ago. Here’s a clip describing the differences.

An actual, true conservative would:

Oppose abortion bans

Oppose banning same-sex marriage

Oppose bans on drag shows

Oppose bans on medical treatment for transgender Americans

Oppose voter ID laws

Oppose ‘don’t say gay’ laws

Oppose book bans

Oppose government punitive measures against social media

Oppose criminalizing marijuana use/possession

Oppose conjoining church and state

There haven’t been any actual, true conservatives for at least the last 50 years – conservativism today is reactionary, authoritarian, illiberal, and about more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

Conservatives need to understand that ‘small government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
How can Republicans and Conservatives for a Democrat?​
Millions of Republicans and conservatives voted for Joe Biden not because they agreed with him on every policy issue but because they were (rightfully) terrified of Trump and Trumpism and because they watched the GOP turning into a cult of personality.​
Just look at what happened in the last 24 hours:​
- We've learned that the "missing" star witness of the GOP's investigation into Hunter Biden was a shady guy who worked for China.​
-Arizona College Republicans inviting a rabid racist and holocaust denier to speak at their convention​
-Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, refused to support Ukraine, criticizing Biden for sending weapons to Ukraine.​
-MTG is pushing an amendment to pull the US out of NATO.​
-George Santos compares himself to Rosa Parks.​
-GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville refused to condemn white nationalists, saying they could serve in the army. condemn​
-Trump continues his deranged attacks on Jack Smith, Ron DeSantis, the governor of Iowa, and everyone who doesn't kiss his ring.​
-The controversial Saudi-back LIV Golf league is moving its marquee championship from Saudi Arabia to Trump's Golf Club in Miami.​
All of this just in the last 24 hours.​
So when you ask a "Never Trump" Republican, "How can you vote for a Democrat?", the simplest answer is that we don't feel it's the same Republican party we grew up on. Simply put, We didn't leave the GOP; the GOP left us.​
The 2024 election is still far away, but if Trump becomes the Republican nominee, we'll see a bigger portion of the GOP who will either vote for Biden or stay home on election day.​
I still hope we can have a decent Republican candidate, even though it looks very unlikely.​
"The single most important thing for the country is that Donald Trump can't be anywhere near the Oval Office again."-Liz Cheney​


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