Are You a Conservative?

You're a slave to fantasy, what's funny is that you somehow think you're better for it.

You really should work harder to make sure your candidates win. :dunno:

All I can do is vote for those that come close to standing for my values. Just imagine if people like you did the same.
You are ill informed. Most, just like you, assume that all Republican nominees are Conservative. The nomination process is controlled by the establishment of both Parties. They control who is allowed in. Both Parties only offer us the lesser of two evils, choice is an illusion. I am not a Rump guy so that dog won't hunt.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)

Why would a CIA director say that?
So a CIA director that Reagan appointed said what?

Anyhoo, since Conservatives hate history and context, I will fill in what you left out....

He was talking about "Operation Mockingbird" -- which started in the 50' know, the good old days you Conservatives always want to return us back to.......funny how that works...

"Operation Mockingbird was a covert operation conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) with the objective of manipulating and influencing the media. The CIA would reportedly provide journalists with fabricated stories or misleading information to influence public opinion in favour of the agency’s agenda. One example of the CIA allegedly pressuring media outlets is the case of the New York Times and the CIA’s involvement in overthrowing the democratically elected government of Iran in 1953. According to reports, the CIA provided the Times with false information that was used to justify the coup and then pressured the paper to suppress information about the agency’s involvement after the fact. [Another] example of the CIA providing journalists with fabricated stories or misleading information to influence public opinion is the case of Gary Webb, an investigative journalist who reported on the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking in the 1980s."

Guess who were the ones most dedicated to exposing this CIA operation to the masses? Here is a guess....not conservatives...this is another time of Conservatives being on the wrong side of history and then trying to rewrite that history years after the fact....You folks didn't mind the CIA propaganda then because that propaganda was aimed at turning the public against everything from the "Civil Rights movement" to the hyping up "Red Scare" and calling everything and everyone communist-- all things conservatives had no problems with at the time....and now for a matter of fact....
Got it. I guess I just don't understand having such hatred in your heart for literally every other person you meet. Oh well.

Have a blessed day.
To break your heart, a MAGAt makes up a very small portion of the population. Another tag for MAGAts is JBS which were run off in 1964 and THEY cost Goldwater the election when they took part of the party with them and attacked the GOP hard. It split the party and the weaker Democratic Johnson won because of that.

I see that happening again in 2024. But in this case, it's the old style GOP that will not vote for your selected candidate.

So I hate you? Hell, I haven't ever met you.
All I can do is vote for those that come close to standing for my values. Just imagine if people like you did the same.

I'm a one in a million, not many like me unfortunately. :cool: Your presumptuousness is amusing, as well as inaccurate.
I'm a one in a million, not many like me unfortunately. :cool: Your presumptuousness is amusing, as well as inaccurate.

You give yourself far too much credit, there are shit ton of people like you that claim to support something but the never do so in the voting booth.
Do I need to say it again? Of course it's not popular, it means being RESPONSIBLE for yourself, and human nature always takes the easy road. It's why this country in on a downward spiral, and will continue to do so until it hits rock bottom and people actually experience the consequences of their irresponsible behavior and learn from it. It's why people like you fawn all over corrupt politicians that promise they're going to take care of you like you're a stupid, petty child, in order to get your stupid pathetic vote. :dunno:
It has nothing to do with "being responsible" -- Conservative policies suck because they are bad policies...
Even when you folks had your pipe dream of "True Fiscal Conservatism", it failed dramatically...

Need I remind you folks of Kansas and Governor Brownback??

"Former Kansas Governor Sam Brownback’s failed “red state experiment” has truly come to an end. In rejecting Republican gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach, who advocated restoration of the Brownback experiment, Kansas voters on Election Day put the final nail in the coffin of what even Republican leaders had come to see as a disastrous set of tax and spending cuts that ruined the Kansas economy. Brownback’s experiment was such a failure that his party turned against him. In 2017, the Republican-dominated legislature, overriding the governor’s veto, rolled back the tax cuts."

Did Brownback ascend to the presidency because of how popular and successful his "Fiscal Conservatism" was?

Nope....he was exiled by his own much so, that even folks like you don't remember him........but...

You see, when you folks are presented with the fact that your policies suck..instead of making them better, you claim "oh um, that is because it wasn't really super duper authentic real Conservatism"
What about state and local elections?

I vote for the Libertarian candidate when possible. I will vote for a D or an R locally as long as I know who they are and what they stand for. At the local level elected officials are not as required to toe the party line
Depends on how you define it. But today’s definition of conservatism is certainly different than it was a couple of decades ago. Here’s a clip describing the differences.

You will be aware that UK cons are not as crazy as their American friends. But there is still an authoritarian wing of the tories led by Braverman and her nutty mates.

We have seen traditional cons in the UK turn to the liberal party in recent by elections. they cannot stomach authoritarianism/ fascism.

But where do normal American cons go when they are revolted by culture war nonsense ?
i can name all the fake conservatives all day, starting with Mike Huckabee!

"In conservative circles, surprise at Huckabee’s rise was overlaid with
concern about the ideological inclinations of the charismatic former Baptist
minister. Specifically, some worried that beneath his socially conservative,
antiabortion, anti–gay marriage veneer beat the heart of a social liberal and
foreign policy moderate. If so, Huckabee’s candidacy constituted a betrayal
of Reagan conservatism."
I vote for the Libertarian candidate when possible. I will vote for a D or an R locally as long as I know who they are and what they stand for. At the local level elected officials are not as required to toe the party line
But it's not really voting unless you blindly support your party at all costs. Or so I have read.

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