Are You a Conservative?

Before Trump, these are the last 4 people "conservatives" nominated to be president...and the president before them, would be called a liberal other words, yall hate these people now.....why?

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So either conservatives have had horrible judgement for the past 40 years or maybe today's conservatives aren't really conservatives...but cultists.....who broke who?

Um, did it ever occur to you that Republican <> Conservative?
You are not a are a reactionary right-winger...big difference........

and can't you explain to me why voters have not elected a "conservative" ??

Hell, you can't even tell me why the so-called fiscal conservative party can't even nominate one
I'm done trying to have a conversation with you as you would prefer to troll me with false accusations. I'm going to put you on ignore with the other trolls. Enjoy your day.
You are not a are a reactionary right-winger...big difference........

and can't you explain to me why voters have not elected a "conservative" ??

Hell, you can't even tell me why the so-called fiscal conservative party can't even nominate one

Tell me how the average person controls who decides to run or who even gets the nomination? :cuckoo:
Depends on how you define it. But today’s definition of conservatism is certainly different than it was a couple of decades ago. Here’s a clip describing the differences.

What is the differences between the old GOP and the MAGAts? And what is conservative. BTW, the MAGAts are not conservatives, they are either Fascists or worse.

By the way, the last time the GOP elected a so-called "true Conservative" was 1964.....

How did that election work out?

"Barry Goldwater not only lost the Presidential election yesterday but the conservative cause as well. He has wrecked his party for a long time to come and is not even likely to control the wreckage. It is not only that he ran behind President Johnson by a larger popular majority than any other loser in the history of presidential elections, but he ran so far behind the very progressives he scorned in his own party that he now faces a G.O.P. revolt against his leadership and associates in the Republican national and state organizations. The only theory he proved is that part of the Deep South, particularly the rural South, favors his policies of leaving the Negro revolution to the judgment of the States. His gamble that the North would put its prejudices against the Negro ahead of its conscience was disproved."

And this was an article from the 60's about a guy you folks claim is the "Father of Conservatism" ....geesh...
You do not even know what the term means

You always make statements like this about individuals on this board, how about pointing to anything this person has ever posted or said that makes you comfortable with telling someone that they don't know what something means?
You always make statements like this about individuals on this board, how about pointing to anything this person has ever posted or said that makes you comfortable with telling someone that they don't know what something means?

It is what he has never posted that makes me feel comfortable saying it. I have never seen them post anything supporting actual fiscal conservatism. Not to mention they are strong Trump supporters, who is the opposite of a fiscal conservative
Um, did it ever occur to you that Republican <> Conservative?
Did it ever occur to you that if the party of "True Conservativism" not ever nominating a "True Conservative" must mean that nobody really likes "True Conseratives"???
Tell me how the average person controls who decides to run or who even gets the nomination? :cuckoo:

If the average person cared about fiscal conservatism they would vote for such in the primaries. But since that never happens, why would anyone think the average person cares about it?
Which means for all of that talk about how popular "Conservatism" is.....yall can't even nominate one in your own so-called "fiscal conservative" party....sad....

But here is another problem with what you said....

None of you folks said "he isn't a conservative" at the time it mattered most...when they were running for office...why???

In fact, can you tell me who was the "ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE" candidate in 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, so on and so on??

Hell, Trump isn't why is it so hard for you folks to nominate a conservative?

Why don't you ever nominate a true liberal? Bunch of losers that get taken in by authoritarian leftists every damn time. :itsok:
Tell me how the average person controls who decides to run or who even gets the nomination? :cuckoo:
Easy, they vote in the primaries for the candidate of their choice...

The fact that conservative voters themselves have FAILED FOR DECADES to nominate a so-called "True Conservative" flies in the face of how popular "conservatism" is to the majority of Americans....

if a majority of "Conservatives" can't even get one nominated in their own fucking party...
What is the differences between the old GOP and the MAGAts? And what is conservative. BTW, the MAGAts are not conservatives, they are either Fascists or worse.

GOP platform in 2014
If the average person cared about fiscal conservatism they would vote for such in the primaries. But since that never happens, why would anyone think the average person cares about it?

How do you know they don't? You make these flippant comments without an ounce of truth to them. You sure do give the handful of conservatives on this board a lot of credit, thinking we can change the world? Where are your 3rd party winners, why aren't you doing enough to ensure that they win? That question is as stupid as the ones you always ask. :cuckoo:

The 'average person' doesn't care about it, obviously. Duh!
What is the differences between the old GOP and the MAGAts? And what is conservative. BTW, the MAGAts are not conservatives, they are either Fascists or worse.

DO you find calling your fellow posters 'maggots' to be fruitful? Does it somehow advance any of the arguments you make here?
Easy, they vote in the primaries for the candidate of their choice...

The fact that conservative voters themselves have FAILED FOR DECADES to nominate a so-called "True Conservative" flies in the face of how popular "conservatism" is to the majority of Americans....

if a majority of "Conservatives" can't even get one nominated in their own fucking party...

Then that should tell you how few of them there truly are, they're a minority, OBVIOUSLY. Why is that notion so difficult for you idiots to grasp?

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