Are you a conservative?

Change is

  • Good

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • inevtable

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • Scary

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Dangerous

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I voted change is good. I have no idea what the poll has to do with the thread title.

I thought the nexus was congruent, change can be for good or bad, we know it is scary and can be dangerous. Thus, which word on first blush describes how the reader sees change? It goes with are you a conservative, since support for tradition and slow cautious change are generally included in most definitions of the word conservative.


The fundamental component of reactionary conservatism is the fear of change; the fear of diversity, dissent, and the unwarranted belief that change poses some sort of a ‘threat’ to the conservative’s special interests.

We fear change. Of course. That totally explains why we want to reform entitlements, because we are scared to. That totally explains why we want to change the tax code to make it treat people equally, because we are scared of change. That totally explains why we want to eliminate corruption and overreach of government powers, because we are afraid of change.

One of these days, you guys are going to be required to think. I seriously hope you dont hurt yourselves when you do.
Are you a conservative?

Change is
* Good
* inevtable
* Scary
* Dangerous

What does any of that have to do with conservatives?

Again, it goes to the propensity of most on the right to be fearful of, or hostile to, change.

Such examples include conservative opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples, conservative opposition to due process rights for gay Americans and transgender Americans.

We see it also with regard to conservative hostility to immigration and opposition to immigration reform.

Other examples exhibited by conservatives include such hyperbolic nonsense as America is ‘falling apart,’ the ‘end of America,’ ‘this is not the America I grew up in,’ and other such inane references to ‘American decline’ that is typical to most on the partisan right.
Change is indeed inevitable, but it doesn't mean that change needs to be abrupt. Abrupt change results in social instability. Thus, any change should maintain rule of law and existing traditions within our society.

Change needn't be abrupt though sometimes it is necessary; sometimes the law is wrong and existing traditions too (Jim Crow laws, blue laws are examples).
We shouldn't however change our laws to accommodate change. For instance I wouldn't consider changing our DUI laws if we somehow had a growing number of drinkers in our society. Same applies to laws regarding narcotics. Don't relax the laws because more people are using drugs.

A friend of mine is a well respected therapist, he cautions people not to should on others.

In fact the DUI law has changed considerably over the last 30 years. Consequences have become more severe; longer periods of confinement, fines greater, penalty assessments too. The Presumption has gone down from .10 to .08 and in some states a third + DUI can be filed as a felony.

There is a cost-benefit and a cost-deficit to consider when one speaks to the enforcement of drugs/narcotics. Most agree the war on drugs is an abject failure; only those persons and agencies which benefit ($$$$) from the effort seem to feel our drug laws are sane.
The poll question and voting options are all meaningless.

SOME change is not just good, but great.

OTHER change is not good at all.

Thus, some change is "scary." Some is dangerous. Some is wonderful. Etc.

Here's an equally silly and meaningless "question:"

Are you "against" calories?

Some calories are good, some are bad, yet a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Thus, my meaningless poll question requires a bit of thought, something usually absent in glib comments.
I thought the nexus was congruent, change can be for good or bad, we know it is scary and can be dangerous. Thus, which word on first blush describes how the reader sees change? It goes with are you a conservative, since support for tradition and slow cautious change are generally included in most definitions of the word conservative.


The fundamental component of reactionary conservatism is the fear of change; the fear of diversity, dissent, and the unwarranted belief that change poses some sort of a ‘threat’ to the conservative’s special interests.

We fear change. Of course. That totally explains why we want to reform entitlements, because we are scared to. That totally explains why we want to change the tax code to make it treat people equally, because we are scared of change. That totally explains why we want to eliminate corruption and overreach of government powers, because we are afraid of change.

One of these days, you guys are going to be required to think. I seriously hope you dont hurt yourselves when you do.

Thinking is absent in most of your posts. Consider (if you can) the intended consequences and unintended consequences of the examples in you post. Include the variables, both dependent and independent of such a change.
The poll question and voting options are all meaningless.

SOME change is not just good, but great.

OTHER change is not good at all.

Thus, some change is "scary." Some is dangerous. Some is wonderful. Etc.

Here's an equally silly and meaningless "question:"

Are you "against" calories?

Some calories are good, some are bad, yet a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Thus, my meaningless poll question requires a bit of thought, something usually absent in glib comments.

No no. YOU actually grasped a point. There's a first time for everything. :D

A question about calories being "good" or "bad" is meaningless absent context. If you are starving, empty calories are damn good. If you are a fat fuck, empty calories can be very bad.

Similarly, without context, your question about "change" is just as meaningless.

You actually GOT the point. I'm proud of ya.

Your glib but empty OP stands revealed for what it is; and you at least admit it.

I believe in dismembering liberals and hanging their parts from trees as a warning to others.
That would explain why you wish to relive the Dark Ages.

If he wanted to relive the Dark ages, he would vote for progressives.

The dark ages the christian glory daysl
The poll question and voting options are all meaningless.

SOME change is not just good, but great.

OTHER change is not good at all.

Thus, some change is "scary." Some is dangerous. Some is wonderful. Etc.

Here's an equally silly and meaningless "question:"

Are you "against" calories?

Some calories are good, some are bad, yet a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Thus, my meaningless poll question requires a bit of thought, something usually absent in glib comments.

No no. YOU actually grasped a point. There's a first time for everything. :D

A question about calories being "good" or "bad" is meaningless absent context. If you are starving, empty calories are damn good. If you are a fat fuck, empty calories can be very bad.

Similarly, without context, your question about "change" is just as meaningless.

You actually GOT the point. I'm proud of ya.

Your glib but empty OP stands revealed for what it is; and you at least admit it.


I once tagged you as LIEability, before you welched on the bet. Now I'm beginning to wonder if you are less mendacious but touched by a bit of narcissism. Not on the level of PC, but ...

Admit that you ignored how I framed the question ("on first blush").
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I want a liberal definition of conservative first that does not include the following:

1. Jesus freak
2. Fag hater
3. Racist
4. Terrorist
5. Trailer dweller
6. Confederate
7. Low IQ primate
8. Gun nut
9. Dude with engine block hanging on tree
10. Some guy with an AC air conditioner in the back of his truck window.

Ooops, looks like I qualify for 2, 6 and 8.
I knowed you was good people.
I voted change is good. I have no idea what the poll has to do with the thread title.

I thought the nexus was congruent, change can be for good or bad, we know it is scary and can be dangerous. Thus, which word on first blush describes how the reader sees change? It goes with are you a conservative, since support for tradition and slow cautious change are generally included in most definitions of the word conservative.

ROFL only a retard would use the wrong definition of conservative to describe people who are politically conservative. Change for change sake is retarded. That's like saying someone that continually gets top marks for his work needs to be changed so other people can get a chance to have top marks. It's the whole reason libtards are seen as being retarded by anyone with an IQ over 75.
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The fundamental component of reactionary conservatism is the fear of change; the fear of diversity, dissent, and the unwarranted belief that change poses some sort of a ‘threat’ to the conservative’s special interests.

We fear change. Of course. That totally explains why we want to reform entitlements, because we are scared to. That totally explains why we want to change the tax code to make it treat people equally, because we are scared of change. That totally explains why we want to eliminate corruption and overreach of government powers, because we are afraid of change.

One of these days, you guys are going to be required to think. I seriously hope you dont hurt yourselves when you do.

Thinking is absent in most of your posts. Consider (if you can) the intended consequences and unintended consequences of the examples in you post. Include the variables, both dependent and independent of such a change.

So thinking is absent of most of my posts? Is that why you have to change the subject?

Because you seem to be still arguing that conservatives are against changed, despite the fact that conservatives are advocating for positive changes that work at empowering individuals and limiting the power of government.

As for consequences, intended or unintended, what do you think happens when you give a politician and bureaucrat more and more power to control your lives and the lives of your fellow citizens? How do you figure creating a new totalitarian power differs from the ones that existed in the dark ages?

You know what the big difference is? Turning the United States into a large totalitarian state will bring about some of the greatest bloodshed this world will ever see. Why? Because our technology is much more efficient at killing people than it was in the so called dark ages.
That would explain why you wish to relive the Dark Ages.

If he wanted to relive the Dark ages, he would vote for progressives.
You might want to read up on who ruled the Dark Ages? They weren't progressives, but they would have burned you at the stake for saying so.

BTW, the people ruling in the Dark Ages were people who used government to oppress their people, control what they did, charge ruinously high taxes, and impose penalties willy-nilly instead of sticking to the Rule of Law. As such, they were much closer to today's modern liberals (a misnomer, just as "Progressive" is a misnomer) than to conservatives.

OTOH, Jesus believed in love, forgiveness, people helping people, people taking responsibilty for what they did, and was very much against the Big Govt advocates who eventually tortured and killed Him. He was much closer to today's conservatives than any modern liberal.

Nice try at trying to reverse the definitions of Conservative and Liberal, mimicking the lie the OP tried to get away with. I can't blame you for lying, since the truth never serves your agenda, and your agenda is all that matters to you.
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Love the pied piper cameo appearance.
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Some calories are good, some are bad, yet a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Thus, my meaningless poll question requires a bit of thought, something usually absent in glib comments.

No no. YOU actually grasped a point. There's a first time for everything. :D

A question about calories being "good" or "bad" is meaningless absent context. If you are starving, empty calories are damn good. If you are a fat fuck, empty calories can be very bad.

Similarly, without context, your question about "change" is just as meaningless.

You actually GOT the point. I'm proud of ya.

Your glib but empty OP stands revealed for what it is; and you at least admit it.


I once tagged you as LIEability, before you welched on the bet. Now I'm beginning to wonder if you are less mendacious but touched by a bit of narcissism. Not on the level of PC, but ...

Admit that you ignored how I framed the question ("on first blush").

YOU came up with that dishonest tag?

Nah. You are but one of the tired and lame (but not the first) who came up with that dishonest modification of a username, Fly Catcher.

In any event, your OP is bullshit and all I wanted was for you to admit as much.

You came mighty close.

Now you are back peddling. Alas. What a shame. But not unexpected.
What is a leftist? And why I disagree?

-I don't want our young men to be torn down
-I don't want certain groups to get AA
-I believe a husband and a wife is the best family for children. Sure, I have nothing against gays but this is the way I feel.
-I believe that we should have a strong free market with some regulations protecting the worker.

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