Are you a conservative?

Change is

  • Good

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • inevtable

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • Scary

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Dangerous

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And look what happened to him, when the Conservatives were in charge.

Amazing how people who don't know Christ want to paint Him.
In this case, as he actually was. Do you think the powers that be killed him for no reason? He got the worst punishment they had at the time, and according to the Bible, the Jews were perfectly fine with that because he was one radical SOB.

He was truly nuts BTW. An honest reading of the Synoptic Gospels shows that clearly. And the one who doesn't know your Lord is you.

They killed Him because He allowed them to. And He did so because He came to proclaim liberty to the captive. He came to empower individuals and free them from sin and oppression.

So you really think He empowered governments to oppress individuals? Where? He encourage people to act, not to delegate their action to the government. The Son of God became a man so that men could become the sons of God. Not because He wanted some big government over them.

Those in power hated Him for the same reason you hate conservatives, because He empowered individuals and challenged the power of tyrants.
And that has absolutely nothing to do with who ruled the Dark Ages and the fact that they avoided progress at all cost. To be a progressive then was to slit your own throat. Learn some history.

I do know history. Which is why I know totalitarians are the same in whatever age you choose no matter what you called them to make them sound nice.

The Founders abandoned that mindset when established a Republic to protect the liberty of the people to make their own way. The fact that you want to "progress" past the Constitution and the liberties of men and empower government to steal others property for you and your friends doesn't make you any better than those who did the same thing during the dark ages with another name.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

No. In the dark ages, people like you did the beheading while hiding behind the name of God. Now you just stopped lying about following God.
What is a conservative?

Is there a prototype which includes: social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo conservatives, one-issue conservatives and callous conservatives?

Where do these separate sets intersect (on what issues do they all agree?)

How do you feel about change?

I hold some positions that are considered "conservative" and some that are considered "liberal"

Change is inevitable. Some change is good, some change is bad. I don't favor radical changes. I prefer gradual, incremental change most of the time.

That puts you in the mainstream with the vast majority of Americans. I infer you are pragmatic too something missing from the ideologues on the far left and the far right.

Well, that's the way I think of myself. But we are all capable of self-deception. I appreciate your corroboration.

I do tend to gravitate to the practical, pragmatic solutions, but another poster recently reminded how important it is to not lose sight of the process in pursuit of the practical.
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I find it strange that many of you attempt to equate liberal and conservative with the classical definitions, when it is obvious that the terms, as used in politics today, have little relationship to those definitions.

I don't. It's a deliberate attempt to deceive people.

Conservatives generally support what history shows to have been good for mankind, and generally oppose change to the dark side. We have thousands of years worth of examples, good and bad, to choose from, and we have a pretty good idea of the results of those experiments. It is true, that if one is ignorant of history, one is doomed to repeat it. Conservatives do not wish to revisit failed policies in the hope that, this time, the believers can get it right. We have a system that works, and we should be damned careful about tossing it for some pie in the sky liberal/socialist utopia.

I agree. If anything, we should be restoring the system as it was intended to maximize liberty for the people.
I'm conservative by nature. The poll has little to do with the thread topic, and change itself is neutral yet inevitable. On fiscal issues I like saving and investing the money I bust my hump earning; it's nice when your money's at work earning more money. On social issues I find freakish things to be distasteful, as well as shameless things. I'm not religious, but I do have a set of rules I try to live by, and am rather opinionated on other things. I don't play games, either, where people broad-brush whole political parties instead of acknowledging the bad apples in each group. Oh, and as a conservative I'm tolerant of the opinions of others, won't try to ruin their livelihoods over it, and will fight for them to have the right to share their opinions with us all.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

I doubt that people like you were in any danger of getting their heads chopped off. They would be too busy sucking up to the power structure, and keeping their heads well tucked in. Some would be pointing out the radicals to the head choppers.

History has shown that people are pretty much the same, regardless of where they fall on the timeline. There are those who desire personal freedom, and those who go along to get along.
Your doubts do not change history. You would have loved the guys ruling the Dark Ages, they thought just like you do.

Really? They thought that we should be free to govern ourselves? You're seriously going to make that ridiculous claim? Because it seems to me that the dark ages was full of tyrants who wanted to use political power to take from their neighbors and enrich themselves at the cost of the people.

You know, like progressives.
I thought the nexus was congruent, change can be for good or bad, we know it is scary and can be dangerous. Thus, which word on first blush describes how the reader sees change? It goes with are you a conservative, since support for tradition and slow cautious change are generally included in most definitions of the word conservative.

I find it strange that many of you attempt to equate liberal and conservative with the classical definitions, when it is obvious that the terms, as used in politics today, have little relationship to those definitions.

Conservatives generally support what history shows to have been good for mankind, and generally oppose change to the dark side. We have thousands of years worth of examples, good and bad, to choose from, and we have a pretty good idea of the results of those experiments. It is true, that if one is ignorant of history, one is doomed to repeat it. Conservatives do not wish to revisit failed policies in the hope that, this time, the believers can get it right. We have a system that works, and we should be damned careful about tossing it for some pie in the sky liberal/socialist utopia.

Good grief. Conservatives (today) hold a callous disregard for others; they have made avarice ("it's your money!") into a virtue, once considered a deadly sin.

Suggesting "we have a system that works" is patently absurd; the system works for the few, the many - at best - are running in place.

If our system doesn't work it's because it's been undermined by those who care more about empowering government than empowering people.

Now which side of the aisle wants to empower individuals and which side wants an all power government? hmmm.
I do know history. Which is why I know totalitarians are the same in whatever age you choose no matter what you called them to make them sound nice.

The Founders abandoned that mindset when established a Republic to protect the liberty of the people to make their own way. The fact that you want to "progress" past the Constitution and the liberties of men and empower government to steal others property for you and your friends doesn't make you any better than those who did the same thing during the dark ages with another name.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

No. In the dark ages, people like you did the beheading while hiding behind the name of God. Now you just stopped lying about following God.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you stopped posting on this thread. You offer nothing of substance and your opinions contradict everything I learned from the Nuns as a child.
I am a libertarian, IMO, we are the true conservatives.

Yes, libertarians are the true conservatives for government and liberals for the people because only a small government allows a free people.

Explain N. Korea or Iran. How do small governments allow the people to be free?

You think N. Korea and Iran have small government? LOL. What you talking about, Willis?
What is a conservative?

Is there a prototype which includes: social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo conservatives, one-issue conservatives and callous conservatives?

Where do these separate sets intersect (on what issues do they all agree?)

How do you feel about change?

"Change" isn't necessarily good or bad and it can be either. The problem America is facing is the "bad" kind of change. America has shown the entire world what works and what doesn't. The current regime is dismantling what works and "changing" into the sort of nation that doesn't work. The USSR, Cuba, North Korea, and pre-free-market China is proof that the direction America is headed is a really BAD idea.
And look what happened to him, when the Conservatives were in charge.

Amazing how people who don't know Christ want to paint Him.
In this case, as he actually was. Do you think the powers that be killed him for no reason? He got the worst punishment they had at the time, and according to the Bible, the Jews were perfectly fine with that because he was one radical SOB.

He was truly nuts BTW. An honest reading of the Synoptic Gospels shows that clearly. And the one who doesn't know your Lord is you.

that nutty fucker sure influenced a lot of people,even today.....
And that has absolutely nothing to do with who ruled the Dark Ages and the fact that they avoided progress at all cost. To be a progressive then was to slit your own throat. Learn some history.

I do know history. Which is why I know totalitarians are the same in whatever age you choose no matter what you called them to make them sound nice.

The Founders abandoned that mindset when established a Republic to protect the liberty of the people to make their own way. The fact that you want to "progress" past the Constitution and the liberties of men and empower government to steal others property for you and your friends doesn't make you any better than those who did the same thing during the dark ages with another name.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

Da Vinci,Galileo,Copernicus....they never were beheaded?....
And look what happened to him, when the Conservatives were in charge.

Amazing how people who don't know Christ want to paint Him.
In this case, as he actually was. Do you think the powers that be killed him for no reason? He got the worst punishment they had at the time, and according to the Bible, the Jews were perfectly fine with that because he was one radical SOB.

He was truly nuts BTW. An honest reading of the Synoptic Gospels shows that clearly. And the one who doesn't know your Lord is you.

So he wws a radical that wanted to change govt policy....kinda like conservatives....hmmmmmmm,
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

No. In the dark ages, people like you did the beheading while hiding behind the name of God. Now you just stopped lying about following God.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you stopped posting on this thread. You offer nothing of substance and your opinions contradict everything I learned from the Nuns as a child.

Ill make a deal. Stop lying about conservatives and I wont have to correct you.
I am a libertarian, IMO, we are the true conservatives.

Yes, libertarians are the true conservatives for government and liberals for the people because only a small government allows a free people.

Explain N. Korea or Iran. How do small governments allow the people to be free?

How the heck are N Korea or Iran, both totalitarian governments, a problem with the statement that limited government allows people free?
Yes, libertarians are the true conservatives for government and liberals for the people because only a small government allows a free people.

Explain N. Korea or Iran. How do small governments allow the people to be free?

You think N. Korea and Iran have small government? LOL. What you talking about, Willis?

Does raise an interesting question. If N Korea and Iran, totalitarian nations, are too small for him, what the heck does he want to do with this one?
I do know history. Which is why I know totalitarians are the same in whatever age you choose no matter what you called them to make them sound nice.

The Founders abandoned that mindset when established a Republic to protect the liberty of the people to make their own way. The fact that you want to "progress" past the Constitution and the liberties of men and empower government to steal others property for you and your friends doesn't make you any better than those who did the same thing during the dark ages with another name.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

Da Vinci,Galileo,Copernicus....they never were beheaded?....

To be fair, he said people like him. Those men are not at all like him.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

I doubt that people like you were in any danger of getting their heads chopped off. They would be too busy sucking up to the power structure, and keeping their heads well tucked in. Some would be pointing out the radicals to the head choppers.

History has shown that people are pretty much the same, regardless of where they fall on the timeline. There are those who desire personal freedom, and those who go along to get along.
Your doubts do not change history. You would have loved the guys ruling the Dark Ages, they thought just like you do.

Nah, i think youd like em. They had kings and strong govts that forced people to pay taxes andto do what they wanted, people didnt have much private property and everyone lived in shit conditions, while the ruling class lived in aristocracy and they had no automobiles, factories or electricity. Sounds more like your time

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