Are you a conservative?

Change is

  • Good

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • inevtable

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • Scary

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Dangerous

    Votes: 4 12.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are you a conservative?

Change is
* Good
* inevtable
* Scary
* Dangerous

What does any of that have to do with conservatives?

Again, it goes to the propensity of most on the right to be fearful of, or hostile to, change.

Such examples include conservative opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples, conservative opposition to due process rights for gay Americans and transgender Americans.

We see it also with regard to conservative hostility to immigration and opposition to immigration reform.

Other examples exhibited by conservatives include such hyperbolic nonsense as America is ‘falling apart,’ the ‘end of America,’ ‘this is not the America I grew up in,’ and other such inane references to ‘American decline’ that is typical to most on the partisan right.

hey Jones why dont you tell me why the same sex marriage right was shot down in my fairly liberal State....twice?....and dont give me the Mormons did it excuse....thats bullshit...
I do know history. Which is why I know totalitarians are the same in whatever age you choose no matter what you called them to make them sound nice.

The Founders abandoned that mindset when established a Republic to protect the liberty of the people to make their own way. The fact that you want to "progress" past the Constitution and the liberties of men and empower government to steal others property for you and your friends doesn't make you any better than those who did the same thing during the dark ages with another name.
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

How soon they forget.

Again, inside of 100 years ago, there was a discussion about contraception itself being couldn't use a condom!!!; thanks to progressives such as the Women's movement..the discussion settles on how many different types of contraception will be covered by insurance plans.

Obviously progressives are and will forever be on the winning side of history. That the conservatives can't stop the hands of time no matter how violent, demented, and flat out crazy they become is a non ending source of joy.

Hence all of the talk about splitting the country; they want to take what they think is their ball and go home.

the far left aint no different than the far right Candy....they both feel if you dont think and like what i can not only go get your own ball, but you can eat shit too....
During the Dark Ages people like me got their heads chopped off, while people like you stopped all human progress in the name of your god.

How soon they forget.

Again, inside of 100 years ago, there was a discussion about contraception itself being couldn't use a condom!!!; thanks to progressives such as the Women's movement..the discussion settles on how many different types of contraception will be covered by insurance plans.

Obviously progressives are and will forever be on the winning side of history. That the conservatives can't stop the hands of time no matter how violent, demented, and flat out crazy they become is a non ending source of joy.

Hence all of the talk about splitting the country; they want to take what they think is their ball and go home.

the far left aint no different than the far right Candy....they both feel if you dont think and like what i can not only go get your own ball, but you can eat shit too....

Then there's the folks who just want to live as free men and get both authoritarian jerk offs from the left and right to stop humping our legs.
What does any of that have to do with conservatives?

Again, it goes to the propensity of most on the right to be fearful of, or hostile to, change.

Such examples include conservative opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples, conservative opposition to due process rights for gay Americans and transgender Americans.

We see it also with regard to conservative hostility to immigration and opposition to immigration reform.

Other examples exhibited by conservatives include such hyperbolic nonsense as America is ‘falling apart,’ the ‘end of America,’ ‘this is not the America I grew up in,’ and other such inane references to ‘American decline’ that is typical to most on the partisan right.

hey Jones why dont you tell me why the same sex marriage right was shot down in my fairly liberal State....twice?....and dont give me the Mormons did it excuse....thats bullshit...

The Mormons opposed it, so did the Catholic Bishops, though I suspect the parishioners were split - that is the conservative Catholics opposed it and the progressives and many parish priests and Nuns supported it.
I hold some positions that are considered "conservative" and some that are considered "liberal"

Change is inevitable. Some change is good, some change is bad. I don't favor radical changes. I prefer gradual, incremental change most of the time.

That puts you in the mainstream with the vast majority of Americans. I infer you are pragmatic too something missing from the ideologues on the far left and the far right.

Well, that's the way I think of myself. But we are all capable of self-deception. I appreciate your corroboration.

I do tend to gravitate to the practical, pragmatic solutions, but another poster recently reminded how important it is to not lose sight of the process in pursuit of the practical.

Yes indeed, the process is the root of most of the partisan debate, that was a sagacious comment by the other poster. If we were able to reduce the problems of today to their 'essence' we might find that most Americans are able to come to rational solutions.
What does any of that have to do with conservatives?

Again, it goes to the propensity of most on the right to be fearful of, or hostile to, change.

Such examples include conservative opposition to equal protection rights for same-sex couples, conservative opposition to due process rights for gay Americans and transgender Americans.

We see it also with regard to conservative hostility to immigration and opposition to immigration reform.

Other examples exhibited by conservatives include such hyperbolic nonsense as America is ‘falling apart,’ the ‘end of America,’ ‘this is not the America I grew up in,’ and other such inane references to ‘American decline’ that is typical to most on the partisan right.

hey Jones why dont you tell me why the same sex marriage right was shot down in my fairly liberal State....twice?....and dont give me the Mormons did it excuse....thats bullshit...

The same reason slavery existed in fairly liberal states for so long... It takes time for some people to get the message that their predecessors taught them to be heartless bigoted hypocrites.
That puts you in the mainstream with the vast majority of Americans. I infer you are pragmatic too something missing from the ideologues on the far left and the far right.

Well, that's the way I think of myself. But we are all capable of self-deception. I appreciate your corroboration.

I do tend to gravitate to the practical, pragmatic solutions, but another poster recently reminded how important it is to not lose sight of the process in pursuit of the practical.

Yes indeed, the process is the root of most of the partisan debate, that was a sagacious comment by the other poster. If we were able to reduce the problems of today to their 'essence' we might find that most Americans are able to come to rational solutions.

Well, I don't find platitudes like "obey the constitution" helpful in the least, and most often they simply hide an agenda on some issue or another. But what summed it up for me was a local public radio show on Rolling Fork, Miss. in the Delta being a "food desert," and where Muddy Waters was born.

I thought, and Muddy Waters got the hell out. But, no, we pay housing assistance so people can stay there with 18% unemployment. And, a black interviewee says "the only fast food we have is fried." I'm thinking, why the hell are you eating fast food to begin with, and WTF is the govt doing letting people use EBT cards for TANF assistance.

And an interviewee says "fresh fruit and produce are expensive, and to find a real grocery store, people have to travel 40-50 miles, which is hard for the unemployed who don't have transportation, and a pineapple sold for six dollars. So the fed govt has a summer lunch program giving kids "free" hamburgers, fries, an apple and milk.

It's not free, we PAY for it. My kid's having yogurt and berries that I BOUGHT. Nobody's buying my food. Moreover, why is this a food desert? It's the damn Miss Delta, home of some of the most fertile land on Earth. Before LBJ poor blacks grew tomatoes, all kinds of beans, and peas in summer, and you can keep cabbage and greens going to December. Now I'm paying people to not grow to sustain their own selves?

Fxck this! I'm not a racist, and I'd be happy to pay people to show unemployed people living in rural areas the skills they lost because of the "Great Society," but if you don't think this country is screwed up, you aren't paying attention.
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What is a conservative?

Is there a prototype which includes: social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, neo conservatives, one-issue conservatives and callous conservatives?

Where do these separate sets intersect (on what issues do they all agree?)

How do you feel about change?

Change just for change is obviously stupid!
We have been so bombarded by rules and regulations that we are spending MORE time trying to abide by these massive idiotic rules,etc. when instead of spending $1.2 trillion in compliance WHY not spend half of this on education?
And NOT the phony education we currently are brainwashing our children.

With the $500 billion a year spent on promoting self responsibility i.e. the simple adherence to the simple rule that being :
"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!"
Brainwash our children with this dictum and we won't need the 169,000 pages of rules and regulations JUST from the Federal government!

This is not a complicated process. Consider the "Think Pink" campaign. Or the campaigns we been bombarded with about environmentalism!
If you consider these campaigns as successful, then consider if we spent as much or more educating our children that the "Golden Rule" is practical and is logical and WORKS!

Thus we can reduce this total waste of the below $1.2 trillion in abiding rules and regulations!

Any of you that think this is naive consider your own daily life. Do you depend on the laws to exist? Of course not. You are a thinking, sentient
being and KNOW that it makes sense NOT to screw your buddy because YOU"LL get it in return!

This holds true for stockbrokers, politicians , etc... simply following the dictum "do unto others as you would have others do unto you"!

Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,” Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share
of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News
Well, that's the way I think of myself. But we are all capable of self-deception. I appreciate your corroboration.

I do tend to gravitate to the practical, pragmatic solutions, but another poster recently reminded how important it is to not lose sight of the process in pursuit of the practical.

Yes indeed, the process is the root of most of the partisan debate, that was a sagacious comment by the other poster. If we were able to reduce the problems of today to their 'essence' we might find that most Americans are able to come to rational solutions.

Well, I don't find platitudes like "obey the constitution" helpful in the least, and most often they simply hide an agenda on some issue or another. But what summed it up for me was a local public radio show on Rolling Fork, Miss. in the Delta being a "food desert," and where Muddy Waters was born.

I thought, and Muddy Waters got the hell out. But, no, we pay housing assistance so people can stay there with 18% unemployment. And, a black interviewee says "the only fast food we have is fried." I'm thinking, why the hell are you eating fast food to begin with, and WTF is the govt doing letting people use EBT cards for TANF assistance.

And an interviewee says "fresh fruit and produce are expensive, and to find a real grocery store, people have to travel 40-50 miles, which is hard for the unemployed who don't have transportation, and a pineapple sold for six dollars. So the fed govt has a summer lunch program giving kids "free" hamburgers, fries, an apple and milk.

It's not free, we PAY for it. My kid's having yogurt and berries that I BOUGHT. Nobody's buying my food. Moreover, why is this a food desert? It's the damn Miss Delta, home of some of the most fertile land on Earth. Before LBJ poor blacks grew tomatoes, all kinds of beans, and peas in summer, and you can keep cabbage and greens going to December. Now I'm paying people to not grow to sustain their own selves?

Fxck this! I'm not a racist, and I'd be happy to pay people to show unemployed people living in rural areas the skills they lost because of the "Great Society," but if you don't think this country is screwed up, you aren't paying attention.
Yes you are paying people to sit on their asses. It's called socialism.
Yes indeed, the process is the root of most of the partisan debate, that was a sagacious comment by the other poster. If we were able to reduce the problems of today to their 'essence' we might find that most Americans are able to come to rational solutions.

Well, I don't find platitudes like "obey the constitution" helpful in the least, and most often they simply hide an agenda on some issue or another. But what summed it up for me was a local public radio show on Rolling Fork, Miss. in the Delta being a "food desert," and where Muddy Waters was born.

I thought, and Muddy Waters got the hell out. But, no, we pay housing assistance so people can stay there with 18% unemployment. And, a black interviewee says "the only fast food we have is fried." I'm thinking, why the hell are you eating fast food to begin with, and WTF is the govt doing letting people use EBT cards for TANF assistance.

And an interviewee says "fresh fruit and produce are expensive, and to find a real grocery store, people have to travel 40-50 miles, which is hard for the unemployed who don't have transportation, and a pineapple sold for six dollars. So the fed govt has a summer lunch program giving kids "free" hamburgers, fries, an apple and milk.

It's not free, we PAY for it. My kid's having yogurt and berries that I BOUGHT. Nobody's buying my food. Moreover, why is this a food desert? It's the damn Miss Delta, home of some of the most fertile land on Earth. Before LBJ poor blacks grew tomatoes, all kinds of beans, and peas in summer, and you can keep cabbage and greens going to December. Now I'm paying people to not grow to sustain their own selves?

Fxck this! I'm not a racist, and I'd be happy to pay people to show unemployed people living in rural areas the skills they lost because of the "Great Society," but if you don't think this country is screwed up, you aren't paying attention.
Yes you are paying people to sit on their asses. It's called socialism.

No it's not socialism. Even socialism allows malingerers to be coerced into work. Rather, what we have is a fed govt driven plan to take away skills and the belief in self-sufficiency from the weakest amongst us. It may have been well intentioned, but's its very destructive to all of us.
Those of us who choose to remember can recall the address by President G. W. Bush wherein he praised the single mom for holding three jobs:

Bush: Holding Three Jobs 'Uniquely American'

Drudge Report | February 9 2005

Last Friday when promoting social security reform with 'regular' citizens in Omaha, Nebraska, President Bush walked into an awkward unscripted moment in which he stated that carrying three jobs at a time is 'uniquely American.'

While talking with audience participants, the president met Mary Mornin, a woman in her late fifties who told the president she was a divorced mother of three, including a 'mentally challenged' son.

The President comforted Mornin on the security of social security stating that 'the promises made will be kept by the government.'

But without prompting Mornin began to elaborate on her life circumstances.

Begin transcript:

MS. MORNIN: That's good, because I work three jobs
and I feel like I contribute.
THE PRESIDENT: You work three jobs?

MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.

THE PRESIDENT: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)

Yeah kaz, isn't the free market wonderful.

My Dad always worked two jobs and sometimes three, I didn't see him much when I was growing up.

And as always, please go fuck yourself, Freddo
I believe the following statements are all true.

The closer the Government is to the people, the more responsive it will be. The further it is, the worse it is. The less active the Government, the better.

Any elected official who spends more time telling me what is good for me than listening to me is not someone I will vote for. They can't care about what my opinions are.

If an exemption to a rule is good for someone, then either the rule is bad or the person who wants the exemption is.

If your elected representative is better liked by your political opponents than by you, they aren't there to represent you.

No unelected official should ever be able to make a rule or a regulation without direct approval of that rule or regulation by a group of elected officials.

If you can't point to the part in the Constitution that supports your position or law, then your position or law is wrong.

A President can't "Borrow" Congressional power. He can only take it if Congress allows him to. Once taken, it won't be returned.

If you support someone because of their party, you are not acting in the best interest of the country.

A true patriot will put Country before themselves. That includes supporting laws that are best for the Country and not for you.

Your neighbor doesn't have the right to what you have worked for. Wage Theft is wrong.

If you work for the Government you don't have the right to go on strike.

You do have the right to go to Heaven or Hell in your own way as long as you don't harm anyone else.

My right to defend myself isn't dependent upon getting your permission on how I do it.
Well, I don't find platitudes like "obey the constitution" helpful in the least, and most often they simply hide an agenda on some issue or another. But what summed it up for me was a local public radio show on Rolling Fork, Miss. in the Delta being a "food desert," and where Muddy Waters was born.

I thought, and Muddy Waters got the hell out. But, no, we pay housing assistance so people can stay there with 18% unemployment. And, a black interviewee says "the only fast food we have is fried." I'm thinking, why the hell are you eating fast food to begin with, and WTF is the govt doing letting people use EBT cards for TANF assistance.

And an interviewee says "fresh fruit and produce are expensive, and to find a real grocery store, people have to travel 40-50 miles, which is hard for the unemployed who don't have transportation, and a pineapple sold for six dollars. So the fed govt has a summer lunch program giving kids "free" hamburgers, fries, an apple and milk.

It's not free, we PAY for it. My kid's having yogurt and berries that I BOUGHT. Nobody's buying my food. Moreover, why is this a food desert? It's the damn Miss Delta, home of some of the most fertile land on Earth. Before LBJ poor blacks grew tomatoes, all kinds of beans, and peas in summer, and you can keep cabbage and greens going to December. Now I'm paying people to not grow to sustain their own selves?

Fxck this! I'm not a racist, and I'd be happy to pay people to show unemployed people living in rural areas the skills they lost because of the "Great Society," but if you don't think this country is screwed up, you aren't paying attention.
Yes you are paying people to sit on their asses. It's called socialism.

No it's not socialism. Even socialism allows malingerers to be coerced into work. Rather, what we have is a fed govt driven plan to take away skills and the belief in self-sufficiency from the weakest amongst us. It may have been well intentioned, but's its very destructive to all of us.
Disagree. Socialism simultaneously rewards the lazy while punishing over achievement. It is a system designed to fail. How can a human be coerced to work when the less he works the more he receives? Or are you trying to say there will be whips and other forms of torture applied to motivate the mass of people looking for free rides?

Socialism is stealing money from good parents to give a crying baby of bad parents the candy the baby is screaming for to shut it up. Then the bad parents pissing on the good parents and calling them evil when the good parents point out the giving a crying baby candy only encourages more crying.
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Those of us who choose to remember can recall the address by President G. W. Bush wherein he praised the single mom for holding three jobs:

Bush: Holding Three Jobs 'Uniquely American'

Drudge Report | February 9 2005

Last Friday when promoting social security reform with 'regular' citizens in Omaha, Nebraska, President Bush walked into an awkward unscripted moment in which he stated that carrying three jobs at a time is 'uniquely American.'

While talking with audience participants, the president met Mary Mornin, a woman in her late fifties who told the president she was a divorced mother of three, including a 'mentally challenged' son.

The President comforted Mornin on the security of social security stating that 'the promises made will be kept by the government.'

But without prompting Mornin began to elaborate on her life circumstances.

Begin transcript:

MS. MORNIN: That's good, because I work three jobs
and I feel like I contribute.
THE PRESIDENT: You work three jobs?

MS. MORNIN: Three jobs, yes.

THE PRESIDENT: Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. (Applause.) Get any sleep? (Laughter.)

Yeah kaz, isn't the free market wonderful.

My Dad always worked two jobs and sometimes three, I didn't see him much when I was growing up.

And as always, please go fuck yourself, Freddo

Maybe his second and third jobs were his excuse for not seeing much of you?
Yes. I am someone who believes in upholding and following the Constitution, fiscal sanity, and small government.
AND blaming liberals for all the spending on the large military all over the world that you support. you and a gazillion other smart American Christian conservatives. You're so clever.
Yes. I am someone who believes in upholding and following the Constitution, fiscal sanity, and small government.
AND blaming liberals for all the spending on the large military all over the world that you support. you and a gazillion other smart American Christian conservatives. You're so clever.

How many years has Obama been in office? How many wars did Obama start? I lost count. Was it more or less than Bush started? Is Bush the current commander of our military or is that Obama?

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