Are you a dog person or a cat person or other kind of pet person?

I'm mostly a cat person.
Mainly because of the way they in not much.
And we have similar personalities.

Thank You. I like cats just okay, I suppose. They're kind of jerks sometimes, though. I walked by one years ago and he just smacked me for no reason. Then he took off.
My dogs are Giants and they knock me over sometimes if they run too fast toward me.

I get knocked down a lot. hehe.

Mine are Great Danes with some Newfoundland supposedly. I only see the Great Dane.
Dane puppies are about as graceful as a three day drunk.

True if I come home from work and they are backyard I have to put my hands up and block them from jumping at me or they knock me down. But they are gentle giants real sweet dogs.
IttyBitty is the name she comes to. Her real name is Max but she doesn't look like a Max to me. I do a singsong voice and she comes running over to this house for foodsies. yes, I talk baby talk to her. She loves it. So does Casey, the golden retriever.

Max is one of my dogs name. :lol:
This one, I had to put down a couple of years ago. He was a good boy.


Aww such a cute boy, sorry for your loss.
Both. Always wanted a dog since I was a kid and saw Lassie (the forest ranger version). Parental units said no. Finally adopted Penny from the spca 14 1/2 yrs ago and she is still with us. She has arthritis in her hips and just started some meds a few weeks ago. She literally couldn't walk one day, it was so bad. Adopted Diogi (spell d-o-g lol), Dio for short, from the spca (well, he was being dropped off and his owner was filling out the paperwork. Dog never even made it into the kennel, we took him!). Rescued Finn and his brothers (found them homes)
from under the shed five years ago. Last year oldest kid heard a kitten screaming his head off, finally snagged him. Abandoned by his mom. Ripley is now just over a year, has a mild heart murmur, had enlarged lymph nodes (vet was sure cancer but tests came back fine), abnormally shaped kidneys (his Bun/Cret #s are high, waiting on new tests to see if they went up in the past six months, I'm guessing they did). He's my buddy and has stolen my heart.

Looks just like IttyBitty!!
Both. Always wanted a dog since I was a kid and saw Lassie (the forest ranger version). Parental units said no. Finally adopted Penny from the spca 14 1/2 yrs ago and she is still with us. She has arthritis in her hips and just started some meds a few weeks ago. She literally couldn't walk one day, it was so bad. Adopted Diogi (spell d-o-g lol), Dio for short, from the spca (well, he was being dropped off and his owner was filling out the paperwork. Dog never even made it into the kennel, we took him!). Rescued Finn and his brothers (found them homes)
from under the shed five years ago. Last year oldest kid heard a kitten screaming his head off, finally snagged him. Abandoned by his mom. Ripley is now just over a year, has a mild heart murmur, had enlarged lymph nodes (vet was sure cancer but tests came back fine), abnormally shaped kidneys (his Bun/Cret #s are high, waiting on new tests to see if they went up in the past six months, I'm guessing they did). He's my buddy and has stolen my heart.


Aww Penny's a cute lady.
I took a pic of IttyBitty (neighbors cat) day before yesterday:


She discovered the bed and liked it. For a whole 25 minutes, then wanted back outside to hunt.

And this is the dog I sit once in awhile, who has been a major life savior to me when I lost all my furkids.


I hit all the thrift stores weekly and get him stuffed animals. :lol:

What cute little babies :)
She hunts at night. First cat I ever had that was a night hunter. The other two went to bed at my bed, on my pillow. Ittybitty hates being in the house. She was raised this way. I had to make her a cozy shelter from the rain because she won't go home and she won't come in and winds up sopping wet. She now has her own little cave under the patio table and her own bowls of water and food. :)
i am a kitty person all the way.... but after the last one i owned lived for almost 17 years & it broke my heart after she passed, that i don't want to ever feel that pain again. i don't think i can bring myself to go thru that again. i consider the birds outside as my pseudo pets... some are quite friendly & i can get chickadees to fly in & get seeds from my hand.
I lean towards dogs but have had 3 cats in my lifetime. And now I made friends with the neighbors cat but..she is not mine. I took a pic of her. She is strictly an outdoor cat but its been raining something fierce the last couple of days and I brought her in. She discovered MrGs bed real fast, lol. But she only wanted to stay for about 30 minutes then wanted out..rain or not. So, I let her out.

Currently, I have no pets and won't get one, either. Pet sitting is fine with me. you have dog(s), cat(s), bird(s), snake(s) or some other loved fur/feathered/smoothskinned child?

I'm the sort of person who has a pet that can look after itself, doesn't need me to clean up after it, doesn't need me to feed it, if I want to go on holiday I don't need to go and find someone to look after it.

Rocks might be my sort of pet, though I don't have any rocks.
I had two dogs and two cats. But one of my cats died recently, he had diabetes and he was having seizures and he died in front of me. It was awful.

omg, drifter! I am so sorry about your cat and that you had to experience this. {hugs}

We knew he was sick but the vet upped his insulin. The vet hospital had run tests and anyway after he passed his tests came back and they said he shouldn't have been on insulin he had some underlying condition that was affecting his blood sugar. So weird.

Didn't the vet see this info prior to putting him on insulin??

So there were two different Vets. One from the emergency hospital and his regular vet. The regular vet upped his insulin without doing tests. But the emergency hospital vet said he should have kept my cat overnight and checked his blood sugar before and after meals and every 3 hours. I can't remember what the test was called.

The Emergency vet said he didn't have diabetes. But he prefaced to say if he had it before he didn't now because there was some underlying condition that was affecting his blood sugar and the insulin was too much, he would have had us stop giving insulin period. But my cat died in between that consultation and treatment for the underlying condition. you have dog(s), cat(s), bird(s), snake(s) or some other loved fur/feathered/smoothskinned child?
Growing up, my siblings and I had fish, cats, dogs horses and a cockatoo. All of them but the bird are long since gone. My brother has hauled that bird around the world.

I like having some sort of interactive pet, but I don't think I have a preference for any specific type of animal based on their intrinsic qualities alone. When the kids were young, we had a little menagerie. We had birds, fish and intermittently, for brief periods, we had odd creatures -- a turtle, a black snake, rabbits, and a racoon. We also had a dog or cat for each kid, and my daughter and wife each had a horse. [1] Now, however, I have two cats (siblings), mainly because I travel a lot and cats are lower maintenance than are dogs.

There's a beaver family (generation ?) that's taken up residence on a stream that runs through the property where I have vacation home. We sort of consider them as pets, mainly because they've gotten used to us and will go about their business while we hang out around the pond they've created. [2] We can pet them on rare occasion, but they don't seem to seek our attention; they just aren't fearful of us. My son reports sitting on a fallen tree at the edge of the of the pond and one dragged a banch right past him with nary a second look. [3]

  1. Lesson learned: when you have cats, dogs and caged birds are about the only "regular" pets that makes sense to have along with cats, unless one is willing to spend a lot of money to protect the other animals, or depending on what they are, the cat from them. I suppose turtles, raccoons and various weasels are safe around cats too, but turtles are boring, raccoons make lousy pets and weasels, IMO, make better coats and comforters than pets.

    For a time, my brother and i had clown fish and sea anemones. One day I walked into the room to find the cat on top of the fish tank with its leg in the water trying to swat the anemone...or catch a fish...I don't really know which the cat thought it was trying to do. At that point my folks installed a built in tank.
  2. OT:
    I wouldn't advise wading in a beaver pond. I did once -- I was curious to see the beaver's damn and lodge from under the water -- and fortunately wore hiking boots doing so. A damned snapping turtle took a chunk out of my boot, but fortunately only scraped my foot. But for my Southern roots wherefrom I learned not to go into water when I don't know what's in it, I might not have been wearing boots. Granddaddy used to say most gators are too small (up to about five feet or so) to attack a grownup or anything else that might fight back, but you don't want to be the grownup who encounters one that isn't (eight to ten feet). He'd say, "I don't know how they know when you're more trouble than you're worth, but somehow they do know, and they also know when you're all hat and no cow."
  3. OT:
    FWIW, though I'm not sure that feeding wild beavers is a good idea for the beavers, an occasional carrot, turnip, ear of corn, rutabaga, potato, or sweet potato seems welcomed by them. I don't think it's a good idea because those things all have a great deal more sugar than do their normal diet items, which may result in similar problems to our filling up on candy instead of "proper" foods.
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She hunts at night. First cat I ever had that was a night hunter. The other two went to bed at my bed, on my pillow. Ittybitty hates being in the house. She was raised this way. I had to make her a cozy shelter from the rain because she won't go home and she won't come in and winds up sopping wet. She now has her own little cave under the patio table and her own bowls of water and food. :)
True story I once had a canopy bed and my cat like to sleep up there and as he got older he got fat. He also like to claw as he slept. One night his 15 pound fat ass fell right on my head! Now that will wake your ass up.
Right now I have a pet Coon named Stranger after stranger at B4?
I lean towards dogs but have had 3 cats in my lifetime. And now I made friends with the neighbors cat but..she is not mine. I took a pic of her. She is strictly an outdoor cat but its been raining something fierce the last couple of days and I brought her in. She discovered MrGs bed real fast, lol. But she only wanted to stay for about 30 minutes then wanted out..rain or not. So, I let her out.

Currently, I have no pets and won't get one, either. Pet sitting is fine with me. you have dog(s), cat(s), bird(s), snake(s) or some other loved fur/feathered/smoothskinned child?

I have two precious cats and great but individual relationships with each one. I love them and they love me and each other. One little happy family, we are. I also love dogs and have always had combinations of dogs and cats.

Gracie, I remember well, your little Pretties, and those dark days where you struggled valiantly to cope with the situation. I'll never forget those days. My heart was with you and your beloved feline, Pretties.
I was born in a fairly sizable ranch-farm-small dairy, so I have been around all sorts of animals since i was a tiny one.

I love animals but am not sentimental. When my buddy's kidneys collapsed with an incurable infection, I put him down that afternoon. The heart hurt still goes on after a half year, but better me then him suffering even an hour more with renal failure.
I've always been a dog person.
Like libs, they're obedient and do what they're told.
I've always been a dog person.
Like libs, they're obedient and do what they're told.
I prefer men who prefer dogs over cats. Always, have. It is a bonding thing. When a man bonds with a dog, there is deep capacity loyalty. These men are usually capable of deep loyalty more so than men who prefer cats over dogs. This is only my opinion based on experience. It doesn't mean that men who prefer cats over dogs cannot be loyal.
I took a pic of IttyBitty (neighbors cat) day before yesterday:


She discovered the bed and liked it. For a whole 25 minutes, then wanted back outside to hunt.

And this is the dog I sit once in awhile, who has been a major life savior to me when I lost all my furkids.


I hit all the thrift stores weekly and get him stuffed animals. :lol:
IttyBitty looks just like my girl, Gigi. My other girl is a chalk white bodiedTurkish Van breed with reddish marks on her ears that matches her tail. Her name is Carly. I am on the wrong computer to upload pics. Maybe in the morrow when I am on my desktop PC where my pics are stored.

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