Are you a dog person or a cat person or other kind of pet person?

Are you a dog person or a cat person or other kind of pet person?

dog and cat person

and a few other critters ta boot

like a couple of ball pythons for example
I had two dogs and two cats. But one of my cats died recently, he had diabetes and he was having seizures and he died in front of me. It was awful.

omg, drifter! I am so sorry about your cat and that you had to experience this. {hugs}

We knew he was sick but the vet upped his insulin. The vet hospital had run tests and anyway after he passed his tests came back and they said he shouldn't have been on insulin he had some underlying condition that was affecting his blood sugar. So weird.
I had 3 cockatiels for several years. Drove me nuts!!! So freakin loud.
Muh dawg...





I'm mostly a cat person.
Mainly because of the way they in not much.
And we have similar personalities.

The three cats in my 65 years was one when I was 5...and I don't remember what happened to him. One that lived to 23 and I had to put down (bone cancer) and the last one..that I will not discuss here at usmb because she has already been the object of ridicule. She was 12 years old. Now I have the neighbors cat I play with, feed, spoil, then send home to her real mama. :)
I had two cockatiels. One died from some bird disease, the other I had to give to someone because I moved. Both loved getting in the shower with me. Neither were loud at all. I also had a few parakeets, and two rats.
My cockatiels could talk too. The main thing they said was "Shut UP" :rofl:
Mi esposa and I have come to be bambi people the older we get.

She has her feeders outside and get sit and watch the wildlife run all over our part of down town.

We have had dogs and cats, and are very protective toward them.

I won't go into details about what happened to a man on the block in the town where we lived long ago who abusing his animals, but they found loving homes.
I had a dog that I adopted when she was already 10. That dog was my animal soul mate.

The next dog, not so much. We adopted him as an older dog as well, and he came with major behavior problems.

Now I have three cats. They are easy and make me happy.
I took a pic of IttyBitty (neighbors cat) day before yesterday:


She discovered the bed and liked it. For a whole 25 minutes, then wanted back outside to hunt.

And this is the dog I sit once in awhile, who has been a major life savior to me when I lost all my furkids.


I hit all the thrift stores weekly and get him stuffed animals. :lol:
Cat. I had one bloodline for 30years! I like the I like how a cat acts like it does not need you.
IttyBitty is the name she comes to. Her real name is Max but she doesn't look like a Max to me. I do a singsong voice and she comes running over to this house for foodsies. yes, I talk baby talk to her. She loves it. So does Casey, the golden retriever.
Both. Always wanted a dog since I was a kid and saw Lassie (the forest ranger version). Parental units said no. Finally adopted Penny from the spca 14 1/2 yrs ago and she is still with us. She has arthritis in her hips and just started some meds a few weeks ago. She literally couldn't walk one day, it was so bad. Adopted Diogi (spell d-o-g lol), Dio for short, from the spca (well, he was being dropped off and his owner was filling out the paperwork. Dog never even made it into the kennel, we took him!). Rescued Finn and his brothers (found them homes)
from under the shed five years ago. Last year oldest kid heard a kitten screaming his head off, finally snagged him. Abandoned by his mom. Ripley is now just over a year, has a mild heart murmur, had enlarged lymph nodes (vet was sure cancer but tests came back fine), abnormally shaped kidneys (his Bun/Cret #s are high, waiting on new tests to see if they went up in the past six months, I'm guessing they did). He's my buddy and has stolen my heart.

I had two dogs and two cats. But one of my cats died recently, he had diabetes and he was having seizures and he died in front of me. It was awful.

omg, drifter! I am so sorry about your cat and that you had to experience this. {hugs}

We knew he was sick but the vet upped his insulin. The vet hospital had run tests and anyway after he passed his tests came back and they said he shouldn't have been on insulin he had some underlying condition that was affecting his blood sugar. So weird.

Didn't the vet see this info prior to putting him on insulin??
Dogs generally, all kinds from the Great Pyres to miniature Pekes. Last fav cat was fully toilet trained, She would actually come inside to use the toilet. She insisted she wanted out at midnight one night and like a dummy I let her out and fell back asleep. Woke up about two hours later and called for her and looked everywhere but no cat to be found. I think the owls got her. We live in the country. Haven't taken the time since then to house train any of the ones that people dumped off her or their babies that I kept so two outside cats. One sweet as can be and one a male scared of the dogs that does his own thing. We've had everything from horses to ferrets and all kinds of birds (both wild ones we found with broken wings and splinted, a Crow that was a blast, one Pheasant shot with shotgun pellets who would coo out when the cat went into the area where he stayed, a lost train falcon or Pigeon as a baby who followed the dog and I around and store bought birds).
I have a dog and 2 cats. My wife prefers dogs and I prefer cats. You just show a cat a litter box and that's where they go. The dog keeps pissing on the kitchen floor no matter how often I put him outside. At least he shits outside 95% of the time. Cats are just so much more independent and mostly quiet.

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