Are you a hugger?

I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh
I met a lady one time, and she was telling me about her cancer and how she was in pain and all of these terrible things. I felt so terrible. I told her I felt so terrible for her, and that I just wanted to give her a hug and asked if I could. She said I could, so I gave her a big hug. :(
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh

You seem like you would be the "weird co worker." ROFL. :D
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh
Office girlmance.
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh
Office girlmance.

She's uber religious, she needs to pray about that shit
What bothers me more than a hugger is a person who stands too close to me in line, breathing down your neck and stuff. That is just creepy. Back off, man, before I elbow you in the gut!
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh
Office girlmance.

She's uber religious, she needs to pray about that shit
Oh, then maybe she's trying to heal the sick.

What bothers me more than a hugger is a person who stands too close to me in line, breathing down your neck and stuff. That is just creepy. Back off, man, before I elbow you in the gut!
someone with bo or to much perfume.

makes me want to
Seems to be a cultural thing. One side of family are huggers, other side not at all. Germanic v Mediterranean.
You of those people that HAS to invade someone else's space and hug them?

Not me. I have this force field shield that goes up immediately if anyone comes within 3 feet of me. I back up. What's worse is..they throw their arms out like I am going to walk into their embrace? Um. No. And don't come in mine, thankyouverymuch. Or those people that have to get right in your face when they talk to you? Um. No. Back off!

I think it's because I was raised in a non hugging environment. I would hug my dad all the time, so that means I should be a hugger towards men? But that is not the case. When I tried to hug my mom, she would push me away and say I would muss her hair or wrinkle her I was "trained" to not hug her. Same with my sister. We never hugged. And now that we are old, we STILL don't do it. We do the fake air hug, light pat pat twice on the shoulder, back way off. I think that is because we used to huddle together when stripped naked and beat with Ma's belt and the only escape we had to avoid the welts and stings was to hug tight..which we were then accused of "being nasty" because our non formed breasts would be touching and that pissed Ma off more where she beat us harder. So not only were we ashamed of "touching" our naked bodies, we were confused and scared on how to protect ourselves. (Ma was a nutbar). Daddy of course never did such things and we used to hide from Ma when she was on the warpath by crawling in his lap and hiding behind his newspaper. But daddy wasn't around most of the time when she went bonkers over whatever wacko reason landed in her fucked up head.

Anyway..I digress. Hugging is a no no for me. BAD. "Nasty". And to this day, I avoid anyone that slings their arms out and wants a hug.

How about you? You a hugger?

just for hot bootay
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh

Maybe she wants some?
I have this weird thing at work (well weird co-worker) - when I hand her my work she always touches my hand (by accident I suppose) but I try different ways to hand her my work and no matter how, she always winds up touching my hand and it annoys me.

Also, if she comes over to help me, she always stands close to me when there is plenty of room for her to give me space. Ugh

Maybe she wants some?
So gross
Ok, I won't hug you when we meet. :laugh2:
you better or I will be offended! :D

A quick hug is fine if I know it's coming and I can tell just by body language. Besides, I do hug friends. Sometimes. Once in awhile. Maybe. :lol:

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