Are you a libertarian?

I heard Dennis Prager commenting on Brat's win last week. He said Brat claimed to be for a strong military. For this belief, Prager asserted that Brat can NOT be a libertarian.

IMHO this is BS! Libertarians are FOR a strong defense, but against using the military in foreign interventions where America has not been attacked.

However, if 'strong defense' means using the military in foreign interventions, as I suspect the Neocons and Neolibs believe it to mean, liberatarians are definitely against it.

This is propaganda designed to condemn libertarianism. It is ignorance. But it works to keep the two corrupt murderous political parties in power.
In your piece, you say:

It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government.
yet further down say:
The best government is no government

The whole non-aggression principle is uncomprehensible as a keystone of a political position

In a nutshell, in spite of all the proclamations of what Libertarians are not, it comes down to leave me alone in a society. I want to belong to a society, I want to benefit from belonging to a society....Just don't expect me to contribute

Mr Dingle Berry, Sir:

The Founding Fathers were minarchists. They came to the conclusion that we could have a small government so long as we have a constitution specifically enumerating its powers. As you very well know that did not work. We now have a gargantuan welfare/warfare state in which they bureaucrats use the constitution to wipe their collective asses.

So minarchism is BULLSHIT. Anarcho-capitalism is in. I don't want you to pay for anything that I use. I do not want to pay for anything that benefits you.

I will be armed to my teeth no matter how SCOTUS rules 5 or 10 years from now. I don't trust you or your ilk.

You are free to pretend that you can not comprehend that simple concept.


Our founding fathers had no other options. They had no money and the country was deeply in debt. Small government was all they could afford. It was also the 18th century, the concepts of the role of government was just beginning and they were helping to lay the groundwork. There were no "big governments" like we know them today

Personally, I do not want some 18th century aristocrat with no concept of what it takes to run a 21st century society deciding what size my government can be. I will elect representtives to do that.

In that case nothing has changed.

The country has no money and we are deeptly in debt...17 TTTTTTTTTTTrillion to be exact.

The only difference now is that present day politicians are extremely corrupt and use the Federal Reserve Board to print money from thin air.

Also , because of government schools the populace is now completely narcotized.

In the sense that I think the fucking government should stay out of my life I could be considered libertarian.

It's not the government's business if I smoke, drink, do drugs, eat trans fats, or drink 55 gallons of soda a day.

IMO as long as no one is harmed and no one's rights are violated people should be able to do whatever they want.

I do not however agree with the libertarian open border platform (which seems to be Obama's platform as well). I think our borders should be impenetrable.
I'm a tiny bit left of dead center, more solidly in the zone of libertarians, according to a few online tests. Not worth much; though liberty remains my goal, along with the general welfare and common defense. .

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

I think Mussolini was correct.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Oh, now we're terrorists too? Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more demagogic than you'd already been, you turn around and prove me wrong.

So terrorists want to attack and weaken America? Yes. Do narco-libertarians support abolishing drug laws, which will inevitably weaken America? Yes they do.
I rest my case.

The drug laws we have now have done just what you say they would if abolished?? what kind of logic is that??

The war on drugs have harmed this nation in more ways then are directly apparent.
I'm a tiny bit left of dead center, more solidly in the zone of libertarians, according to a few online tests. Not worth much; though liberty remains my goal, along with the general welfare and common defense. .

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

I think Mussolini was correct.

So, like the merger of Blue Cross, Kaiser, and the IRS under Obamacare, then?
In the sense that I think the fucking government should stay out of my life I could be considered libertarian.

It's not the government's business if I smoke, drink, do drugs, eat trans fats, or drink 55 gallons of soda a day.

IMO as long as no one is harmed and no one's rights are violated people should be able to do whatever they want.

I do not however agree with the libertarian open border platform (which seems to be Obama's platform as well). I think our borders should be impenetrable.

None of their business until you cost tax payer's money to treat your illnesses. Your rights end where mine begin.

It's so dumb to watch Obama put up a fence, deport illegals and hire thousands more border patrol and then say he's for open borders. Why dies the R refuse to even discuss the issue? Hmmm?

As for "Libertarian", most who say they are really aren't even close.

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In the sense that I think the fucking government should stay out of my life I could be considered libertarian.

It's not the government's business if I smoke, drink, do drugs, eat trans fats, or drink 55 gallons of soda a day.

IMO as long as no one is harmed and no one's rights are violated people should be able to do whatever they want.

I do not however agree with the libertarian open border platform (which seems to be Obama's platform as well). I think our borders should be impenetrable.

As a libertarian, I don't get the open borders thing either. I don't see how that expands my liberty, it appears quite the reverse.
In the sense that I think the fucking government should stay out of my life I could be considered libertarian.

It's not the government's business if I smoke, drink, do drugs, eat trans fats, or drink 55 gallons of soda a day.

IMO as long as no one is harmed and no one's rights are violated people should be able to do whatever they want.

I do not however agree with the libertarian open border platform (which seems to be Obama's platform as well). I think our borders should be impenetrable.

None of their business until you cost tax payer's money to treat your illnesses. Your rights end where mine begin.

Who says tax payers should treat illnesses? I don't expect you to pay my way and I do not expect to have to pay yours.

It's so dumb to watch Obama put up a fence, deport illegals and hire thousands more border patrol and then say he's for open borders. Why dies the R refuse to even discuss the issue? Hmmm?

I'm not a republican but if you try to tell me our borders aren't porous then you sir are living in denial. And neither of out two inept incompetent and corrupt political parties has addressed the issue.

As for "Libertarian", most who say they are really aren't even close.

I never said I was I merely said I agree with some of their platform.
I'm a tiny bit left of dead center, more solidly in the zone of libertarians, according to a few online tests. Not worth much; though liberty remains my goal, along with the general welfare and common defense. .

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”

I think Mussolini was correct.

So, like the merger of Blue Cross, Kaiser, and the IRS under Obamacare, then?

Blue Cross is now part of the IRS? Odd.:D
In the sense that I think the fucking government should stay out of my life I could be considered libertarian.

It's not the government's business if I smoke, drink, do drugs, eat trans fats, or drink 55 gallons of soda a day.

IMO as long as no one is harmed and no one's rights are violated people should be able to do whatever they want.

I do not however agree with the libertarian open border platform (which seems to be Obama's platform as well). I think our borders should be impenetrable.

None of their business until you cost tax payer's money to treat your illnesses. Your rights end where mine begin.

Who says tax payers should treat illnesses? I don't expect you to pay my way and I do not expect to have to pay yours.

It's so dumb to watch Obama put up a fence, deport illegals and hire thousands more border patrol and then say he's for open borders. Why dies the R refuse to even discuss the issue? Hmmm?

I'm not a republican but if you try to tell me our borders aren't porous then you sir are living in denial. And neither of out two inept incompetent and corrupt political parties has addressed the issue.

As for "Libertarian", most who say they are really aren't even close.

I never said I was I merely said I agree with some of their platform.

WHY does it always come down to the very same thing in every friggen thread?

Biggest reason I don't bother with most of this crap is that I always have to ask this same question:

Where did I say that?

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Blue Cross is now part of the IRS? Odd.:D

Ah the partisan blinders of Obamunists...

{With the ObamaCare enrollment deadline in the rearview for most, the IRS is preparing for the next step -- tracking and penalizing those who choose not, or cannot afford, to buy approved health insurance. }

IRS prepares to go after ObamaCare mandate fines | Fox News

Fail to buy the product of the well connected looters, and the IRS will be after you. The IRS is bill collector for Kaiser and Blue Cross.

Why do you think it's called "Fascist Care?"

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