Are You a Patient Person?


Easygoing Conservative
Jun 11, 2013
How patient are you?

Say you're at the jewelry kiosk in Wal-Mart, and you want to have a watch's battery replaced. No one's there. No button to call someone, either. After 4 minutes an associate comes up and says they'll go get someone to help. You wait 12 more minutes. At this point you may be pissed just standing there waiting. Then another associate comes up and says they'll go get someone. 8 more minutes go by. No one comes.

How would you react in a situation like this? Or waiting in a long line? Or caring for someone who belittles you? At the end of the eighth minute I cursed under my breath and left. It was driving me nuts. :lol:

How would you react?

Are you patient?
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Nope. After 10 minutes or so of no service I'd leave and go to a DANG STORE WITH SERVICE.

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Besides work, I am not very patient. It's a character flaw. When I'm starving and ribs are in the oven, I want to eat them now, not wait 40 something minutes. :D

I wonder if anyone ever died from impatience or being too patient...?
I was at sporting goods in Wal Mart and of course no one was in sight, so I found an "associate" who said they would page someone. I heard the page, but after 4-5 minutes no one showed. So I got on my phone and called Wal Mart and told them I was waiting in sporting goods. I heard another page go out. By then two other guys showed up. Then another page, another wait.

So I said "maybe this will get their attention" and proceeded to flip a couple of birds at the security camera. :lol:

That did the trick. :thup:
After five minutes, just start stuffing jewelry into your pockets and then leave.
I'm patient in many respects but not when it comes to poor service. I have also found that once I do get assistance, by being pleasant with the employee, I am more likely to get the service I deserve or even beyond. I always appreciate it when an employee empathizes with me as a customer. I will always express displeasure at waiting around and wasting my time, but never direct that ire at the person who has finally come to assist me, rather I voice the problem with "the store" or "the corporation". I go immediately to a supervisor or manager when an employee is a total moron or an asshole.
I try to contain myself but sometimes I escape.

I am not patient--on the inside. I leave and take my business elsewhere. I have things to do.
There are a myriad of things that try my patience and being put on hold is one of them.

But poor/no service is inexcusable and I take my business elsewhere.

As far as retail is concerned the pay rates are so low it is hardly surprising that no one is "motivated" to provide decent service. This goes across the entire retail sector so I am not singling out Walmart here.

You get what you pay for and since you are paying virtually nothing you are receiving virtually nothing in the way of service in return. So when I am receiving poor service I keep in perspective that I am not dealing with someone who is going to make a commission. They are there to put in their hours and pick up their pittance.

My patience for that business model has expired. I rarely go to a brick and mortar store when I can what I need online instead.
I consider myself a patient person. I'm retired. I've got plenty of time to wait around if it's required.
I was at sporting goods in Wal Mart and of course no one was in sight, so I found an "associate" who said they would page someone. I heard the page, but after 4-5 minutes no one showed. So I got on my phone and called Wal Mart and told them I was waiting in sporting goods. I heard another page go out. By then two other guys showed up. Then another page, another wait.

So I said "maybe this will get their attention" and proceeded to flip a couple of birds at the security camera. :lol:

That did the trick. :thup:

I'm surprised they noticed you tell them they are number 1, because the servers that run those cameras, while redundant, are dropping like flies because Wal-Mart dropped their service contract with Hewlett Packard to service them, therefore, when they lose 2 drives on HP Proliant DL 380, or 160 then that becomes a disaster recovery site and all the evidence of shoplifting etc goes out the window like an IRS email. They'll sit there for months with half their cameras working or none at all.
I'm patient in almost all things, except for when it comes to bigots and bad drivers.
Best Buy is notorious for such bad service. They stand around jabbering with each other IF they are even out on the floor. Which is why I don't go there any more and instead shop at Staples.
It depends on the situation. If I'm fishing or dealing with my 5 year old daughter or doing something like gardening or taking my dogs to obedience class-my patience is pretty darn good. I can put up with a lot. I can even put up with a lot in a political debate.

BUT, when it comes to bad service or bad driving or someone being rude or nasty to me or someone I care about for no reason, I have almost no patience or tolerance for that. In fact, I can get angry pretty darn quick in that situation. One of my biggest pet peeves is someone taking crap out on me or others because they are having a bad day or something bad happened to them. I can't stand that.
I consider myself a patient person. I'm retired. I've got plenty of time to wait around if it's required.

I'm not very patient. When people have asked what do you consider your main or only, weakness, I have responded, I could use more patience.

Being impatient though, has it's positive side. One gets things done and fast and well. :thup:
I try to contain myself but sometimes I escape.

I am not patient--on the inside. I leave and take my business elsewhere. I have things to do.

I am the same way. Inside, I am cussing the clerks a new hole...outside, I try to keep calm.
I'm patient in that I know things will turn out alright in the end.

I'm impatient for those ends to be achieved.
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My struggle with impatience is partly due to ADHD. We don't suffer boredom well, and boredom comes with waiting. On the flip side I am usually trying to get things done, because I'm damned impatient with life. Family and friends want me to slow down and wait, but then I'll potentially start freaking out. I'll set on the couch, waiting, fidgeting, twitching my leg muscles just to do something, and all that. When the boredom reaches a limit I'll just get up and do something completely spontaneous, like deciding to trap crawfish. :D

Being stuck in a small cubicle would not be a good job for me. Rather be an ER nurse, and never get bored. :lol:

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