Are you a racist? Why?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
Considering I am colored immigrant in America and 23, I have heard and experienced a thing or two about racism. My question is, why? What is your belief the difference between races and why do choose to hate rather than understand? Make it a good reason. One that justifies.
I ask you to be honest, please.
Considering I am colored immigrant in America and 23, I have heard and experienced a thing or two about racism. My question is, why? What is your belief the difference between races and why do choose to hate rather than understand? Make it a good reason. One that justifies.
I ask you to be honest, please.

I'm not going to claim that some races are better than others, but I am going to say that some races are better at doing certain things than others.
Considering I am colored immigrant in America and 23, I have heard and experienced a thing or two about racism. My question is, why? What is your belief the difference between races and why do choose to hate rather than understand? Make it a good reason. One that justifies.
I ask you to be honest, please.

It's not what color you are for most. It's whether or not you try not to offend the majority.
I dont have a problem with anyone until they give me a reason,and that goes for any color.
I think all races have different qualities.
we are all God's children, and in that sense, we are all the same.
One main thing I have issue with is when you point out differences (even if they are GOOD ones) you get called out on it.

for example, someone on TV once said blacks are superior athletes.
They got in trouble.

not sure why? was not negative. didn't imply they didn't have other good traits...

I don't know... just weird....

Your presence in America is probably due to the changes in immigration law that took place in America during the 60's...

The jewish american community and white liberals made an informal alliance to change the country's immigration law and allow massive non white legal immigration in a deliberate effort to destroy one of the pillars of any nation: its racial-ethnic composition.

Opposing this absurd, insane, evil, genocidal scheme is not racism, buddallah... it's the right thing to do...

The anglo saxon people of the United States have a right to exist...

They do not have a right to invade other countries, to bully the rest of the planet, etc... but they DO have a right to exist... a right to life.

They do have a right to maintain the racial composition of their nation... there's absolutely nothing wrong or racist with that.

They do have a right to live in a United States that do not brainwash their children with TV shows and a cultural atmosphere that encourages them to lose their racial identity, that encourages them to marry blacks, hispanics, etc...

The right to exist and preserve their cultural and racial heritage is a human right of the anglo saxon people of the United States.

It is natural for humans to live with people that are like them. Blacks live 85% within black areas, Asians in Asian areas and Hispanics within Hispanic areas.

People that don't won't get a say and will find themselves being mistreated. Whites are no different and we're suicidal idiots for believing we can possibly change reality.
People get angry when they are forced to be in situations that are unnatural.

You have to admit that.
The right to exist and preserve their cultural and racial heritage is a human right of the anglo saxon people of the United States.

You don't understand any of the words you are trying to use.
I'm a separatist, U.S. Blacks deserve their own land. Integration is a failed policy. Give them 3-5 States and let them decide how to govern themselves. Whites should have nothing to do with black society. Why are we sending white cops into black neighborhoods. Give them land to forge their own Nation.
I'm a separatist, U.S. Blacks deserve their own land. Integration is a failed policy. Give them 3-5 States and let them decide how to govern themselves. Whites should have nothing to do with black society. Why are we sending white cops into black neighborhoods. Give them land to forge their own Nation.

You're an irrelevant idiot.
I hate minorities who themselves, hate.

I don't give a shit what your color or nationality, you fuck with me or anyone else and you are less than the rest of us.

That's impressive. Can you spend a few more times explaining to us your level of non-racistness ?
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