Are You Better or Worse (Economically) Now Than YOU Were 3 Years Ago ?

I don't watch/read the leftwing ABC/NBC/CBS/PBS propaganda news, as you seem to be doing. Here's some of the real world news for you.
Walmart closed approximately 24 stores in 2023, due to a mix of factors, including lower-than-expected performance, inventory shrink, and economic downturn.

Macy's (M) announced it would close 150 more stores among declining sales and foot traffic. Kohl's (KSS) has turned to inviting other stores into its own brick and mortar locations in an effort to gin up excitement about the brand. And budget-friendly retailers Dollar Tree and Family Dollar (DLTR) announced they would shutter approximately 1,000 locations in 2024 among declining economic conditions. >>

Biden economy is in free fall.

Presidents do not produce oil. They can neither ramp it up or shut it down.

US oil production has been higher than during the Trump admin for more than 2 years.
I just refuted that with Biden's decisions to cancel oil lease/drilling in Gulf of Mexico & Alaska, in addition to closure of the Keystone pipeline, thereby affecting oil company forecasting.

All this created a downturn in oil, thereby causing much higher gas prices for manufactureres to transport their goods to stores.

Guess who got hit with the cost increases ? Duh!

Oh Biden's oil production is high now, huh ? HA HA. Well. There's an election coming up, have you noticed ? Heres the overall picture of Biden vs Trump oil production near the end of 2022, before we started getting closer to the 2024 ELECTION >>>>

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to now (Dec. 2022) if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million Barrels/month - HUNDREDS of Barrels/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases
I just refuted that with Biden's decisions to cancel oil lease/drilling in Gulf of Mexico & Alaska, in addition to closure of the Keystone pipeline, thereby affecting oil company forecasting.

You either really suck at math, or are just a flat out liar.

Here are the monthly averages for the past 7 years

You either really suck at math, or are just a flat out liar.

Here are the monthly averages for the past 7 years

View attachment 960631
Including Biden's election years ramp up. Ho hum. That was covered already. Reading the thread ? All you need to know about Biden and his "transition away from fossil fuels" (his words not mine) are in Post # 322 (like >>
1. the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month (344 MBM), and Biden's first month (277 MBM) when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling. A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo.
there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo, and much higher than that by now.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐
I make more but I am paying a lot more. I travel a lot for work and hotel prices and meals are way up as is airfare. Just living in general is way more expensive.
I make more but I am paying a lot more. I travel a lot for work and hotel prices and meals are way up as is airfare. Just living in general is way more expensive.

I make a lot more and am only paying a little bit more.

Hotels, food and airfare for work are all write offs so you are getting it all back.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐
Loaded , unfair question. The whole world is worse off. That's what pandemics and global warming do. It's not going to get any better until we solve these related problems that afflict mankind in this world and the elephant in the room / the world's biggest problem that no one is willing to address OVERPOPULATION. At this point we should be encouraging abortions , instead of trying to prevent others , we do not know or care about , from having them.
Loaded , unfair question. The whole world is worse off. That's what pandemics and global warming do. It's not going to get any better until we solve these related problems that afflict mankind in this world and the elephant in the room / the world's biggest problem that no one is willing to address OVERPOPULATION. At this point we should be encouraging abortions , instead of trying to prevent others , we do not know or care about , from having them.

There is no over population problem.
Loaded , unfair question. The whole world is worse off. That's what pandemics and global warming do. It's not going to get any better until we solve these related problems that afflict mankind in this world and the elephant in the room / the world's biggest problem that no one is willing to address OVERPOPULATION. At this point we should be encouraging abortions , instead of trying to prevent others , we do not know or care about , from having them.
If anyone is against overpopulation, they should should be against Biden's self-serving (for VOTES) open border with 7-10 million more people added to the US population.

Trying to deflect Biden's massive economic failure into a world thing doesn't fly. Biden has cause US inflation massively, by
his decisions to cancel oil lease/drilling in Gulf of Mexico & Alaska, in addition to closure of the Keystone pipeline, thereby affecting oil company forecasting. All this created a downturn in oil production supply, thereby causing much higher gas prices for manufactureres to transport their goods to stores.

Guess who got hit with the cost increases ? Duh!
Loaded , unfair question. The whole world is worse off. That's what pandemics and global warming do. It's not going to get any better until we solve these related problems that afflict mankind in this world and the elephant in the room / the world's biggest problem that no one is willing to address OVERPOPULATION. At this point we should be encouraging abortions , instead of trying to prevent others , we do not know or care about , from having them.
Yes but some faired much better after Covid, like big corporations and record profits, the rich, you know those that have real influence over Washington and politics, those are who politicians really care about, not average American.

The wealth gap took a big jump during and continues on.
Just compare your 2021 net income vs expenses, with your 2024 net income vs expenses.

There could be a variety of answers to this, but I'm guessing a lot of people will say that they are worse off now, because their incomes haven't risen too much, but their living costs have gone up enormously. Purchasing power has decreased significantly for a lot of folks. 😐

Even for the people who are better off - they would be EVEN better off under Trump.

Mainly due to devaluation of the dollar.

It's why even some of Silicon Valley and Wall Street are now finally getting on the Trump train.
Correct, but even more devastating than taxes & insurance, is the inability of consumer to buy things because so much of the income has now been diverted to rent, gas, & food (especially rent).

$$$$$ that previously would have gone to sporting goods, books, furniture, clothing, home electronics, musical instruments, etc, is now going to massively incresed rents.

You can find someplace cheaper, get a roommate or live without those luxuries.

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