Are you concerned about a Labor Day surge? LOL

If you go to the beach you can get covid. But if you go to a Protest you ok LOL

Funny how that works.

The chances of getting Covid rise to the square of how much the activity frees you, but goes down by the square root the more the activity serves the Left.

If I didn't know better, I'd think someone intentionally wanted the nation kept miserable going into this election. :smoke:
Our annual huge Labor Day parade (in Pittsburgh) has been cancelled.

However, it is a three-day weekend, and the masses are about fed up with this Covid-19 bullshit. People are IGNORING the "rules."

I took a motorcycle ride around town this evening, and it seems that the rules no longer apply. People were in the parks playing frisbee football, beach volleyball, going for walks, runs, and bike rides without masks. I saw many family picnics and other similar parties. Many popular restaurants are packed, despite the "rule" that establishes a 25% limit in restaurants and other similar businesses.

But here is the thing: Biden voters indicate that they support his proposal to shut down the country for ninety days, so OBVIOUSLY all of these people that are out and about are Trump voters.

How could there not be a surge after a weekend of social celebration? Fortunately, the affected people will all be Trumpers.
If you go to the beach you can get covid. But if you go to a Protest you ok LOL

Funny how that works.

The chances of getting Covid rise to the square of how much the activity frees you, but goes down by the square root the more the activity serves the Left.

If I didn't know better, I'd think someone intentionally wanted the nation kept miserable going into this election. :smoke:

Trump is letting them get away with this for now, but after the election...he won't care if they call him Hitler.....he's gonna start kicking their asses in more ways than they can imagine.
Wuhan fever is a lie, while the virus is real, the fatality ratios are entirely cooked up by the totally democrat controlled federal bureaucracy and extraordinarily corrupt democratic party controlled states, and I do mean totally! I also believe it quite likely that the DNC, and rogue US spy agencies, conspired with communist China in releasing it upon the world. Do the math, its really very simple, communist China, and its close ally the democratic congress of the United States, both shared the exact same supreme desire, exactly the same desire, and that was shutting down the white hot US economy so Trump could be handily defeated, and China could resume its unimpeded ascension as the sole super-power on earth, something the democrats and every tech mega-billionaire also desperately wanted!

Wuhan fever is no more deadly than seasonal flu, indeed, corrupt democratic states such as New York & New Jersey were intentionally mislabeling all likely seasonal flue deaths in their states as wuhan fever deaths. That last is very important, because the CDC itself has come clean on this by presenting data demonstrating that in truth, the real national death tally from wuhan fever is actually just under 10,000, not 175,000. This is because those dead 10,000 are the only such deaths tallied, where the deceased died absent any other contributing disease, they just had the wuhan fever. This is clear evidence that democrats, and rogue elements from the intelligence services have conspired together and cooked the figures... :wink:
Well, if you eliminate those who died of Covid 19 AND some other disease or condition, the number drops dramatically.

From the beginning, I have been railing about the reporting of the "number of new cases," as that number is nearly meaningless. Also, the "percentage of positive tests" is meaningless unless the tests are given to the population randomly.

I think that the public is FINALLY getting to understand that healthy people under 70 have almost nothing to worry about with this pandemic. School kids are in more danger of being killed in an auto accident on the way to school than they are of succumbing to this disease. But the Left is trying to hide that fact from the Masses, and focusing all attention on the Geezers who are dying, to make the pandemic seem much worse than it is.

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