Are You Considering Forming or Joining a UNION?

If companies treat their employees fairly according to the law they mostly won't have problems with unions. I signed up a half dozen on a job site once because they were being exploited and verbally abused . Once they were signed up management had a union lawyer looking over their shoulder constantly. A note: Most union members are more Archie Bunker then Karl Marx ;)
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My point being... The sooner the workers acquire an ownership stake in the companies they work for, especially the very large companies, the sooner the never-ending fight between labor and capital will end.
I'm not aware of any time that has ever happened with a big company. Unions have a long history of improving workers pay and conditions.
There are a lot of companies across this country where the employees have some sort of tangible stake in the ownership and therefore the management of the company.

You just don't hear much about them because they are quietly producing for their families and their company.

A company is supposed to be a team with focus.... just ask any Captain in the US Army.
Unions are rather pointless it would seem.

Border Patrol agents have a union, yet their members are still being persecuted over the false claims of "whipping" migrants.

If they can't keep their own members out of trouble, even AFTER they are exonerated, what good are they?

At least until we can remove the current autocrat from power, people shouldn't voluntarily join any union.

If I had to join a union to feed my family or myself then I would do so. When I got out of high school and before I joined the military, I worked in a small manufacturing plant that made tractor and lawn mower cushioned seats. A couple of times the employees there voted on joining a union and it got turned down, mostly cuz people were afraid to lose their jobs. This is in the midst of an economic downturn in Michigan where I lived, and people didn't want to rock the boat.
If I had to join a union to feed my family or myself then I would do so. When I got out of high school and before I joined the military, I worked in a small manufacturing plant that made tractor and lawn mower cushioned seats. A couple of times the employees there voted on joining a union and it got turned down, mostly cuz people were afraid to lose their jobs. This is in the midst of an economic downturn in Michigan where I lived, and people didn't want to rock the boat.

I belonged to a union briefly as well when I was a youth.

I really needed a job, the unemployment rate was 25% locally, and I took a position at a local supermarket. The union-negotiated wage was 3.50 when the federal minimum was 3.35. The 15 cent difference was less than the union dues.

Needless to say, I didn't last long as union labor, but I learned what it was all about.

They really didn't deliver for me, that's for sure.
They really didn't deliver for me, that's for sure.

IMHO, unions are mostly for themselves. Their top priority isn't the people they represent but their own welfare and cushy jobs. To be fair, management in this country also has quite a lot to answer for too. The pursuit of profit or remuneration has too often taken precedence over everything else on both sides.
Without unions american industry would demand longer hours with less pay and no benefits. I truly believe this.
Without unions american industry would demand longer hours with less pay and no benefits. I truly believe this.
Absolutely true

I worked for a public library
Was on the committee to unionize
After the CEO stripped virtually every right from employees
Actions have consequences
Without unions american industry would demand longer hours with less pay and no benefits. I truly believe this.

Your belief doesn't make your theorem true, however. I belonged to a union, the UFCW, back in the day. And the reality is that I was just a few cents above the legal minimum, had to pay union dues which cut out that little bit and then some, and the union's teeth into the business made it impossible for me to rise and do any better as "union rules" and "seniority lists" prevail in managing the joint.

There is a reason why 94% of the American people are Scabs and prefer to look for the Non-Union label when they shop. And that's because Big Labor's marketing strategy ( which you did a concise job of reiterating) doesn't square up with what people see on the ground.
Once the commercial carpenters union tried to get into residential construction here.
Was overwhelmingly voted down by workers who felt they do better without them and paying dues for a job.
Once the commercial carpenters union tried to get into residential construction here.
Was overwhelmingly voted down by workers who felt they do better without them and paying dues for a job.

Big Labor has been able to largely thrive in the construction trades where they failed other places, because of the Davis-Bacon Act and prevailing wages on covered jobs.

They can't get support in firm that don't rely on government funds, but they really make up for it on jobs like the Newark Esplanade and the number of no-show and no-work jobs they provide.

Without unions most companies would simply seek to exploit, undermine, and cheat their employees. Most companies do not like even their most productive workers.
Without unions most companies would simply seek to exploit, undermine, and cheat their employees.

Then they'll be fighting lawsuits all the time and dealing with constant turnover, which for most businesses these days in a real problem.

Most companies do not like even their most productive workers.

I highly doubt that. If so, they're pretty damn stupid.

I think you are greatly mistaken. Most companies do nothing of a sort.
There is a reason why 94% of the American people are Scabs and prefer to look for the Non-Union label when they shop

There is a "non-union" label on things? I have never seen that.

Also, can you like to the 94%, seems a bit high

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