Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

The only thing about his taxes that is important to me is that he pays what is legally required. The IRS is responsible for that. I have no legal right to see anyone else's tax returns. Releasing tax returns is not a constitutional requirement for running for president. Trump's tax returns are none of my business.
I'm sure that all 60+ million people who vote for Hillary will sign the petition as soon as they get out of jail.

Idiot-gram ^^^.

Happily. An idiot-gram is a phrase I coined which describes a single word, phrase or sentence which lacks substance, is not thoughtful or thought provoking; often a logical fallacy or non sequitur.
The basic objective observation is that after 8 years of Obama's Progressive Agenda is that vandalism in the name of "releasing anxiety" is no longer a crime.
Dontcha love it!
No I'm not. If he doesn't pay any taxes to these thieves that have been oppressing the American people for decades, I'll have even more respect for him.

Do you idolize Al Capone too?
Do you like paying taxes? I don't. Everybody I know isn't standing in line to "pay taxes" so that the our hard earned money is sent to foreign countries, or wasted on $1000 toilet seats, or used to hire more govt employees so that they can continue oppressing the population, or used to finance some radical commie politician's social engineering ideology. Anybody that's dealt with the IRS knows they're jackbooted thugs with little or no compassion for anybody at any level of income.

No and who gives a rats ass


Roger Stone reveals that the upcoming Wikileaks dump on Tuesday has the Clinton campaign panicking, and that’s why they made the desperate move to attack Trump over his tax returns, which are no different than Hillary’s.

Well this is a little awkward. With the leaked 1995 Trump tax returns ‘scandal’ focused on the billionaire’s yuuge “net operating loss” and how it might have ‘legally’ enabled him to pay no taxes for years, we now discover none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton utilized a $700,000 “loss” to avoid paying some taxes in 2015.

The Clinton Campaign was quick to jump on the leaked Trump tax filing with Robby Mook tweeting…

View image on Twitter

Hillary Clinton


Trump "apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades—while tens of millions of working families paid theirs."
And Hillary following up, adding Trump “apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades—while tens of millions of working families paid theirs.”

However, a look back at Hillary Clinton’s tax returns from 2015 (here), proudly displayed by the campaign proving she has nothing to hide – shows something awkward on page 17…


While not on the scale of Trump’s business “operating loss”, Hillary Clinton – like many ‘wealthy’ individuals is taking advantage of a legal scheme to use historical losses to avoid paying current taxes.

As Bloomberg notes, this federal tax break is among the wealthy’s most used avoidance schemes…

Those 1.1 million folks in the 1 percent, as measured by the TPC, have annual income that averages a little less than $700,000. The top one-tenth of that group, some 110,000 households, average about $3.6 million, according to Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the TPC.2
The middle of the pack, some 33 million people, have pretax income ranging from $45,000 to $80,000. The lowest one-fifth of taxpayers, a universe of about 47 million Americans, have income up to about $24,000.

Among the biggest of these givebacks, courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service (well, really Congress), are capital gains and dividends—these are the biggest way the wealthiest benefit.

In the words of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, “this bombshell report reveals [Hillary Clinton’s] past business failures… and may show just how long [Hillary Clinton] may have avoided paying taxes.”

Sorry, I'm not baffled by your bullshit, nor your partisan myopia.
I'm sure that all 60+ million people who vote for Hillary will sign the petition as soon as they get out of jail.

Idiot-gram ^^^.

Happily. An idiot-gram is a phrase I coined which describes a single word, phrase or sentence which lacks substance, is not thoughtful or thought provoking; often a logical fallacy or non sequitur.

The basic objective observation is that after 8 years of Obama's Progressive Agenda is that vandalism in the name of "releasing anxiety" is no longer a crime.
Dontcha love it!

The question not yet asked nor answered: How many of the Vandals have criminal records and/or are disaffected, thus, striking out against our culture and are not politically motivated. And, how many are agent provocateurs, i.e., trump voters?

An agent provocateur (French for "inciting agent") is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act.

The use of agents provocateurs to undermine protest movements
Good grief man...let it go. After you guys beat Romney over the head with his 100% legal tax returns just to score some political points, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if no one ever released their tax returns again...and you only have yourselves to blame.
It would be very smart if nobody ever released their tax returns ever again.

Nixon started this to show he was "not a crook".

Obviously it accomplished nothing.

Nixon was a crook from day 1.
I hope Trump paid as little in taxes as I want to.

I had to laugh. When I read the title, I thought it was curiosity about Trump tax policy. I was thinking, yeah of course I'm curious.

Of course, no it's some idiot trying to find out what Trump paid in taxes. Good grief. What an idiot. This is like a gossipy old maid, wanting to peep in others windows to find out the next rumor.

Man, grow up. Seriously. How childish.
He has not paid any tax because of his tax-deductible losses.

So this is a non-issue.

He lost a lot of money in the casino business.

But he won bigtime in the presidential election.

He beat an unbeatable opponent.

What are you hoping to find...?

I suspect something that will totally destroy Trump, Republicans and throw the country into a constitutional crisis as well as a deep depression... and then, you've finally won and can be happy again ... :thewave:


They're hoping to find his "Russian connections" in there.

Hoping? I think not, the hope he has none, the concern is he does.
More interesting than the taxes themselves is that he said he would do one thing and has done another.
You sound like a philosopher, there4eyeM . Descartes' school specifically, like moi.

Be advised that Trump said he would release the returns after the audits.

The audits are still in progress.
Oh gawd, another on-line petition that has no merit or authority.

The left has lost its mind.

No authority? Read the link and you'll have some understand of the corner into which it paints trump and his handlers. Of course given the rant, anger and (dare I say) insane performance by the spokesman for Trump, I'm sure they don't give a damn.

Imagine how the next four years will be if this unsocialized and insane clown isn't fired.


Ah, but if you had merely attached a .pdf file of your own tax return your troll thread might magically have grown legs!

My taxes are very easy to audit. Every dime I earn has come from a government agency. I have no need to cheat, nor any impulse to post my taxes, my DD 214 or my retirement badge. trump is the POTUS, and we expect, nay demand, transparency.
I'm sure that all 60+ million people who vote for Hillary will sign the petition as soon as they get out of jail.

Idiot-gram ^^^.

Happily. An idiot-gram is a phrase I coined which describes a single word, phrase or sentence which lacks substance, is not thoughtful or thought provoking; often a logical fallacy or non sequitur.

The basic objective observation is that after 8 years of Obama's Progressive Agenda is that vandalism in the name of "releasing anxiety" is no longer a crime.
Dontcha love it!

The question not yet asked nor answered: How many of the Vandals have criminal records and/or are disaffected, thus, striking out against our culture and are not politically motivated. And, how many are agent provocateurs, i.e., trump voters?

An agent provocateur (French for "inciting agent") is a person who commits, or who acts to entice another person to commit an illegal or rash act or falsely implicate them in partaking in an illegal act.

The use of agents provocateurs to undermine protest movements
Oh, I get iit!
The Koch Brothers are hiring mentally retarded Liberals to vandalize.
So you're saying these vandals are member of some Conservative Illuminati Organization.
In other words, you're a moron.
It isn't the taxes; it's saying he would show them and then not doing it. Most of all, though, it is about the conflicts of interest that seem so certain to exist and have not been demonstrated not to.
Do you have Alzheimer's ??

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