Are you educated through the public education system? Just a simple answer (YES) or (NO).

Were you educated through the public education system and feel they did a good job?

  • Yes, 1 + 1 is 3 because it just feels right and the teachers didnt correct me.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No, 1 + 1 is 2 because it is right, and i had to learn it the right way.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
One of the many benefits of my advancing age is that I can say I received an education at public schools before they were dumbed down.

I am thankful that I developed the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid all this childish Cowboys and Indians shit most here play where politics is little more than an exercise in finger-pointing.
Ms. DeVos will at least try to fix the problem whereas her predecessors only made it worse. Common Core? Wtf?
Tell us what Common Core is.

Go fuck yourself. We both know what it is.

Predfan has no clue what common core is, he beleives only what he has been told to believe by RW radio and tv talking heads. But that's only one thing of many he fails to comprehend.

At least I know how to read, moron.
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
Old lady must of grown up back when the Pledge of Allegiance didn't offend you. Also back then they taught you, reading, writing and arithmetic, where now they teach you the Ways to be a Commie, how to Riot in the streets without being arrested, "DIVERSITY" Training and teaching kids how to have safe sex at the age of 7. Well Old one, I for one was a product of public education, tried 1/2 year of college and became a burger flipper at McD's. I was a great short order chef, but after 2 years of cooking, I realized that this was a no where job, and instead of feeling like a sorry ass liberal (You didn't build that) I joined the US military to get skills. During that time, my skill sets grew to the point I was able to make a very wealthy job overseas making uber profits while paying very little in taxes. Today, most of those who finish college end up in part time jobs, where they don't have skills, and their education is as worthless as the parchment the degree is printed on. Some haven't even achieved that , see video below.

Yes...went to public school and a public university

They did a great job and some of my teachers have had a significant impact on my life
Ad Hominem Alert ^^^

BTW, common core is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.

It was once labeled "back to basics" before being politicized by the Right Wing.

Except it was not back to basics at all.
Ms. DeVos will at least try to fix the problem whereas her predecessors only made it worse. Common Core? Wtf?
Tell us what Common Core is.

Go fuck yourself. We both know what it is.

Predfan has no clue what common core is, he beleives only what he has been told to believe by RW radio and tv talking heads. But that's only one thing of many he fails to comprehend.

Those who are knocking common core could obviously benefit from more of it
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
Old lady must of grown up back when the Pledge of Allegiance didn't offend you. Also back then they taught you, reading, writing and arithmetic, where now they teach you the Ways to be a Commie, how to Riot in the streets without being arrested, "DIVERSITY" Training and teaching kids how to have safe sex at the age of 7. Well Old one, I for one was a product of public education, tried 1/2 year of college and became a burger flipper at McD's. I was a great short order chef, but after 2 years of cooking, I realized that this was a no where job, and instead of feeling like a sorry ass liberal (You didn't build that) I joined the US military to get skills. During that time, my skill sets grew to the point I was able to make a very wealthy job overseas making uber profits while paying very little in taxes. Today, most of those who finish college end up in part time jobs, where they don't have skills, and their education is as worthless as the parchment the degree is printed on. Some haven't even achieved that , see video below.

My son also went the military route and he's not wealthy but he is a good provider for his family and can retire young enough to start another career and collect two checks. There's certainly nothing wrong with that. In my case, to do what I wanted to do, I had to attend four years of college.
I can assure you though that the silliness you believe is happening all over the country in public schools is not true. Kids are still learning to read write and do 'rithmetic. Common core curriculum emphasizes critical thinking (I know--I work with the curriculum). Sex education is being taught just prior to puberty (same as when we got our talk about menstruation and the boys got their talk about whatever they talk about). It is a good thing since kids will experiment and want to be so grown up and they'll get involved in sex whether they're supposed to or not. Best they not get sick or pregnant from the experience.
Just because higher education wasn't a good fit for you, and fortunately wasn't necessary for your success, doesn't mean it isn't good for anyone.
My children went to public schools and I found most of the teachers to be caring and creative. Both struggled in grammar school but were able to catch up and eventually excel due to some caring teachers who were willing to spend time with them

I have a great admiration for the teaching profession and think they are a major positive force in our society

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I have 5 daughters. The youngest two were in private schools until the 9th grade. When they got to high school they were in the top of all their classes. I only wish I'd have known to give the older three the same advantage.

American children are losing ground, we are spending more and more money and our children are getting dumber and dumber. I don't know if Ms. DeVos can fix the system but I know she cannot do worse.
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
There is certainly plenty of dopes around. Not mentioning any names.
The Dumbing down of America.

When I went to school we have prayer, 10 commandments and kids could read, WELL, by the first grade.

Compare that to the ignorants that come out now that think Global Warming is science.

You butthurt liberals are just upset, kids will get real educations like they used to.
Jesus. How old ARE you?

I'd suggest an edit: "How old ARE you, mentally"?
Ms. DeVos will at least try to fix the problem whereas her predecessors only made it worse. Common Core? Wtf?
Tell us what Common Core is.

Go fuck yourself. We both know what it is.

Predfan has no clue what common core is, he beleives only what he has been told to believe by RW radio and tv talking heads. But that's only one thing of many he fails to comprehend.

At least I know how to read, moron.

Ah ha, but can you comprehend what you read? "See spot run" might very well challenge you.
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.

Betsy Devos is not going to help those problems. Is that what you are getting at. She plans to expand the Kingdom of God in the US , and is for charter schools and even for profit schools. Talk about the dumbing down of students.

None of what you mentioned equates to "dumbing down."
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
There is certainly plenty of dopes around. Not mentioning any names.
You know, when it comes to getting a college degree and myself being compared to them, I am glad I didn't waste GOOD money on such a worthless cause. Just love it when some dolt who doesn't know me(as I didn't vote for Obama twice) would call me a dope.

Bet the guy didn't even look at his politicians in the linked youtube video, who if they are smarter than their constituents , what are their constituents like in the below video?

Yes, but I was educated in the public schools before they were destroyed by liberalism.

For example we were required to study the Constitution, American History, learn cursive, and even have a test on the Bill of Rights.


That all still goes on today except for the cursive, which is useless.
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
There is certainly plenty of dopes around. Not mentioning any names.
You know, when it comes to getting a college degree and myself being compared to them, I am glad I didn't waste GOOD money on such a worthless cause. Just love it when some dolt who doesn't know me(as I didn't vote for Obama twice) would call me a dope.

Bet the guy didn't even look at his politicians in the linked youtube video, who if they are smarter than their constituents , what are their constituents like in the below video?
You are glad about not getting a college education. For others, going to college opened up a world of learning and helped them get employment in a profession they wanted.
One thing you can be sure of: No one can ever take away your education.

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