Are you educated through the public education system? Just a simple answer (YES) or (NO).

Were you educated through the public education system and feel they did a good job?

  • Yes, 1 + 1 is 3 because it just feels right and the teachers didnt correct me.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No, 1 + 1 is 2 because it is right, and i had to learn it the right way.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
in the day of technology, writing pretty much as become a thing of the past, but, and liberals have big butts, what if the US power grid gets a EMP that puts it out of commission for a few years? Many will die, and how will we communicate? Smoke signals, or tom tom? Many have no clue how to write.

That's not true.
Please explain what isn't true? In my statement I had talked about a few events, which ones aren't true?

"Many don't know how to write."
I didn't say all, I said many don't know how to write, all they know how to do is thumb keys on their phones. That isn't writing but spell check and grammar check, but even those have problems at time.

Provide proof that people who text are incapable of writing on paper.
Opinion | Why Americans can’t write
It’s no secret that many Americans are lousy writers. Just ask any college professor or employer, including those at prestigious institutions. With the advent of e-mail, writing ability has become more important than ever, and writing deficiencies have become increasingly apparent.

Surely one reason so many Americans lack writing skills is that, for decades, most U.S. schools haven’t taught them. In 2011, a nationwide test found that only 24 percent of students in eighth and 12th grades were proficient in writing, and just 3 percent were advanced.
Noticed how I highlighted and underlined "MANY". Not all but many are lousy writers. How can someone be proficient at writing when machines do all their thinking?
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.
That's not true.
Please explain what isn't true? In my statement I had talked about a few events, which ones aren't true?

"Many don't know how to write."
I didn't say all, I said many don't know how to write, all they know how to do is thumb keys on their phones. That isn't writing but spell check and grammar check, but even those have problems at time.

Provide proof that people who text are incapable of writing on paper.
Opinion | Why Americans can’t write
It’s no secret that many Americans are lousy writers. Just ask any college professor or employer, including those at prestigious institutions. With the advent of e-mail, writing ability has become more important than ever, and writing deficiencies have become increasingly apparent.

Surely one reason so many Americans lack writing skills is that, for decades, most U.S. schools haven’t taught them. In 2011, a nationwide test found that only 24 percent of students in eighth and 12th grades were proficient in writing, and just 3 percent were advanced.
Noticed how I highlighted and underlined "MANY". Not all but many are lousy writers. How can someone be proficient at writing when machines do all their thinking?
I remember a time when "lousy" was considered a lazy slang word not to be used in correct English grammar.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

Latin class is not the measure of intellectual achievement.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

Latin class is not the measure of intellectual achievement.
Was my post sufficient enough to make my point. Again I never said that "ALL" but "MANY" were having trouble writing, why I see it everyday with a certain class of people.

Inner city folks spelling
Axe me a question
Our planet Earf.
This is intentional as the liberal elite white folk(like Chelsea Clinton) will end up getting a better job because her/his/its(want to be gender correct there) education from the elite Washington DC school is 100x better than the failing public schools of the same city. It is and always will be such because of the Slave Masters way of the Southern White Democrats to prevent black people from being their equal.

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience: Education, Arts, & Culture | PBS

Fearing that black literacy would prove a threat to the slave system -- which relied on slaves' dependence on masters -- whites in many colonies instituted laws forbidding slaves to learn to read or write and making it a crime for others to teach them.
This is why Ben Carson a very well educated person, is a threat to the Democrat party and is called Uncle Tom, Oreo, and other liberal derogatory terms. Wouldn't that make the liberals, RACISTS?
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
Public ed all the way, including my Bachelor Degree, and I am pretty damned smart, imo. They taught me how to read so I could learn some more, and how to question what I hear. We're not dumbing down education. It's a problem of trying to educate everyone to the same level. Can't be done. But America has always had an anti-intellectual bent. None of that European gobble-dee-gook for us. Almost sounds like you, as a matter of fact.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.
You do realize at one time Latin was required in some school districts. Think Tx. Reading of the classics was a requirement as well. Schools have been dumbed down so more pass, rather than fix why more don't pass. Many schools today don't even offer algebra II!
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.

educated people don't vote for people like the orange sociopath
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.

educated people don't vote for people like the orange sociopath
Wise people don't vote for a crooked failed vagina who used funds from a Charitable Organization to make her and her family uber wealty. We know better, but that just proves educated people may be book, smart but not very wise. And that means you liberals , the stupidest people in the universe. Keep on justifying your existence and you will push more US independent citizens to the right as is seen daily.

I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
It must of really pissed you off, knowing that the Orange One had more states voting for him than all the people in the failed states of California and New York could pull together. And still you whine about why people have moved away from your immoral ways, because they want someone who will bring Borders, Language and Culture back to the US while removing the scum of other countries out of this soon to be Great Country again.

My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
It must of really pissed you off, knowing that the Orange One had more states voting for him than all the people in the failed states of California and New York could pull together. And still you whine about why people have moved away from your immoral ways, because they want someone who will bring Borders, Language and Culture back to the US while removing the scum of other countries out of this soon to be Great Country again.

Good God Snowflake!

What does that have to do with teaching Latin in our schools?

Me: Our School used to teach Latin and now English is more of a Universal language
You: Ha ...Ha ...Trump won
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
It must of really pissed you off, knowing that the Orange One had more states voting for him than all the people in the failed states of California and New York could pull together. And still you whine about why people have moved away from your immoral ways, because they want someone who will bring Borders, Language and Culture back to the US while removing the scum of other countries out of this soon to be Great Country again.

Good God Snowflake!

What does that have to do with teaching Latin in our schools?

Me: Our School used to teach Latin and now English is more of a Universal language
You: Ha ...Ha ...Trump won

These same people who are balling their heads off because their vagina candidate lost, proves that the public education system has failed. When our side loses, we MAN up take the loss, then start to work on getting the US back on track. While your side is out there burning down buildings, punching women, and threating the blue line who want to stop the felonies these "educated" people have committed. Are you feeling that rage again, when it is pointed out how stupid your side is?
My school also offered Latin up till the mid 70s. There were only a few students who took it
At the time, Latin was looked at as a "universal language"
Today, that universal language is English
So why is it that the liberals in this country, don't want people who come here legally and illegally to learn that universal language? Why is it that there is now Spanish, Mandarin, and other languages being forced upon US? Because like the old Democrat slave masters of the south, when you keep people ignorant of what is going on in this country then they are treated like 2nd class citizens or paid slavery. Thank you Rightwinger for at least being honest about why Trump won. "Borders", "Language", and "Culture".

Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
It must of really pissed you off, knowing that the Orange One had more states voting for him than all the people in the failed states of California and New York could pull together. And still you whine about why people have moved away from your immoral ways, because they want someone who will bring Borders, Language and Culture back to the US while removing the scum of other countries out of this soon to be Great Country again.

must of, eh? lol
Snowflake still whining about "Press 1 for English"
Damn , last link you said "English was the universal language" then go right back to your Racist ways. Typical, just typical.

Doesn't mean everyone speaks it, only that of all the languages in the world, it provides a common base

Now....lets see you pout and whine "Why do I have to press 1 for English?"

Come on, can do it
It must of really pissed you off, knowing that the Orange One had more states voting for him than all the people in the failed states of California and New York could pull together. And still you whine about why people have moved away from your immoral ways, because they want someone who will bring Borders, Language and Culture back to the US while removing the scum of other countries out of this soon to be Great Country again.

Good God Snowflake!

What does that have to do with teaching Latin in our schools?

Me: Our School used to teach Latin and now English is more of a Universal language
You: Ha ...Ha ...Trump won

These same people who are balling their heads off because their vagina candidate lost, proves that the public education system has failed. When our side loses, we MAN up take the loss, then start to work on getting the US back on track. While your side is out there burning down buildings, punching women, and threating the blue line who want to stop the felonies these "educated" people have committed. Are you feeling that rage again, when it is pointed out how stupid your side is?

Doesn't look that way does it Snowflake?

You are the one complaining about "Press 1 for English"
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

Latin class is not the measure of intellectual achievement.
Was my post sufficient enough to make my point. Again I never said that "ALL" but "MANY" were having trouble writing, ....

Your original post did not talk about "having trouble writing" in terms of proficiency or grammatical accuracy. You suggested that many people are literally incapable of communicating in written form because they were not taught cursive.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

Latin class is not the measure of intellectual achievement.

Inner city folks spelling
Axe me a question
Our planet Earf....

The above are examples of poor elocution (and/or a reference to Ebonics as spoken), not an inability to communicate in written form.

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