Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

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That wasn't a choice. So, don't be afraid to vote.
It seems like you’re trolling people big time. You mock people’s posts you don’t really ever respond in a long or medium style post…. it’s always like one or two sentences or even one word or you just mock people. And by the way you claim to support unions but you did not vote to support them. And yes I did vote in this thread.

Your side will never win your side that is a against free speech , the side that is against men being strong. I hope you get on the right side of history my friend… because you’re on the wrong side now
It seems like you’re trolling people big time. You mock people’s posts you don’t really ever respond in a long or medium style post…. it’s always like one or two sentences or even one word or you just mock people. And by the way you claim to support unions but you did not vote to support them. And yes I did vote in this thread.

Your side will never win your side that is a against free speech , the side that is against men being strong. I hope you get on the right side of history my friend… because you’re on the wrong side now
Please stick with the topic of the thread/poll. TIA

...and thank you for voting.
25% of American adults struggling to feed themselves with these high food prices...and you're concerned about Trumps social media posts?

200,000 Americans that biden murdered by fentanyl poisoning...and you're concerned about Trumps social media posts?
How many killed by the Biden Covidian vaccine?
Brother You’re just reading way too much into the far left anti-American media and how they twist his social media posts.

Lol Funny but sad. What Trump said it’s totally nothing compared to what so many Democrats have said like Maxine Waters “get out there and get in their faces at restaurants”. Or van Jones CNN saying “all white people have a virus “
Bizarre. Those are tame compared to Trump, overall.

Again funny but sad for you…. do you like how horrendous our economy and our foreign standing is right now?
Biden inherited the pandemic, naturally, Republicans won't factor that in, but overall, Biden is doing very well
Both Trump's $2T and Biden's $2T stimulus contributed to the inflation, but the pandemic was going to depress the economy, jobs were hemorrhaging, and the stimulus were necessary, so the ensuing inflation was inescapable, and the price we had to pay to prevent a depression. but, no republican will ever mention that fact. Overall, despite all this, the economy is moving right along.
Brother You’re just reading way too much into the far left anti-American media and how they twist his social media posts.

Lol Funny but sad. What Trump said it’s totally nothing compared to what so many Democrats have said like Maxine Waters “get out there and get in their faces at restaurants”. Or van Jones CNN saying “all white people have a virus “

Again funny but sad for you…. do you like how horrendous our economy and our foreign standing is right now?

I keep forgetting you’re the guy who does nothing but use emoticons toward peoples posts and he’s usually post one liners because you’re never have a legitimate response here I’ll do it for you..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is America we have freedom of speech. No matter how some crazy criminal communist leftist try and take that … they will never win freedom of speech will prevail.

Freedom of speech does not give Trump the freedom to lie, threaten or bully the DA’s, judges, and juries involved in his various trials.

He cannot call out his goon squads to threaten and intimidate people. The American people and the courts have had enough of Trump and his shenanigans.

Republicans seem to think that freedom of speech can be abused in any manner possible. Time they’re caught lying or threatening people, the defence is “freedom of speech”.

It’s just another way that Republicans try to abuse the Constitution and the rights it contains.

Rights for me, but not for thee.
Freedom of speech does not give Trump the freedom to lie, threaten or bully the DA’s, judges, and juries involved in his various trials.

He cannot call out his goon squads to threaten and intimidate people. The American people and the courts have had enough of Trump and his shenanigans.

Republicans seem to think that freedom of speech can be abused in any manner possible. Time they’re caught lying or threatening people, the defence is “freedom of speech”.

It’s just another way that Republicans try to abuse the Constitution and the rights it contains.

Rights for me, but not for thee.
Where are you from again ?
Freedom of speech does not give Trump the freedom to lie, threaten or bully the DA’s, judges, and juries involved in his various trials.

He cannot call out his goon squads to threaten and intimidate people. The American people and the courts have had enough of Trump and his shenanigans.

Republicans seem to think that freedom of speech can be abused in any manner possible. Time they’re caught lying or threatening people, the defence is “freedom of speech”.

It’s just another way that Republicans try to abuse the Constitution and the rights it contains.

Rights for me, but not for thee.
Yeah, it's just ok for leftist scum to do that.

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