Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

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Infringement is infringement, whether you like it or not. Don't complain if/when normal Americans “infringe” on YOUR rights.
You mean abnormal Humpers. Then they are violating the constitution. The Gop is a crime syndicate.

Easy to find fatso...

And their biggest clients are the Demwits.
Geesus, the entire Klan has to cater to a low life 30% you bozos represent. The only way you can steal an election is to install criminal state officials to throw out votes. White supremacy is alive and well in the GOP klan.
It's still an infringement. Taxes should be used solely for purposes that will be beneficial to ALL. Fire Dept.; Police Dept.; Infrastructure (bridges, roads, sidewalks, etc.); national defense; etc.
Tell us what tax dollars go to violating your rights bubba. You must have a list. What are they ?
Geesus, the entire Klan has to cater to a low life 30% you bozos represent. The only way you can steal an election is to install criminal state officials to throw out votes. White supremacy is alive and well in the GOP klan.
Let's take a look at some recent "Klan" members:



You're boy, Byrd, was way high up in the Klan. Dumbass.
The human scumbag is free to say whatever he likes - it's up to the citizens of the USA to believe him or not, and to make up their own mind.

Just as it is everyone's right to make up his own mind about e.g. LGBTq - and not being confronted with enforced laws that are only meant to "normalize" and "encourage" the sick behavior of an absolute minority towards a vast majority.

Factually Lefties&Libs should be grateful for his comments - since it gives them something to cry and whine about, other then propagating and implementing their own destructive and mindless agenda towards US society.
Let's take a look at some recent "Klan" members:



You're boy, Byrd, was way high up in the Klan. Dumbass.
Wow pictures. Let’s look at real criminality.
Let's take a look at some recent "Klan" members:



You're boy, Byrd, was way high up in the Klan. Dumbass.
Hillary is not in jail, but gop members are and Trump is looking at two, about to be four indictments. Gee, but you have pictures. Nice try 8 year old. You have pictures.
Wow pictures. Let’s look at real criminality.

Hillary is not in jail, but gop members are and Trump is looking at two, about to be four indictments. Gee, but you have pictures. Nice try 8 year old. You have pictures.
You Klan members just can't take responsibility for your own monkeys.

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