Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

Are you fine with trump's recent social media posts?

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Yes or no.
I never see any of Trump's social media content.

No need to explain your vote.
Well, then, why do you ask?

You do need to explain why you asked.

What purpose does it serve you for people to respond to your poll without expressing your intent in asking. Is this your own question? Or are you acting on behalf of a third party in asking? What is your intent? Is your intent to dilute the topical content? To push more critial topical content to proceeding pages. Are you trying ot collect certain information about people? If so, then why? What will you do with it? Will you use your data to make implications toward usership? Are you trying to draw people into responding emotionally to see how sensitive they might to the implication of criticism? If so, then why? Is your intent to label a certain demograph of the usership? If so, then why?

Really, it just seems like another instance of your usual hit n run type bullshit, but these are burning questions none the less.
Please stop....I want this to be a clean thread/poll staying on topic. TIA
Fine, I will answer your poll. Yes, I am very happy with Trump's tweets. It reveals him to be the sorry sick ass piece of shit he is. It reveals him to be a poser. And the all caps stuff, I mean how lame can you get. Calling Bragg an animal? Just go ahead and remove all doubt of how racist Trump really is. A ball bat? Who is Trump kidding, if he met Bragg in an alley and Bragg said "Boo", Trump would have to change his diaper. Even if he was carrying a ball bat.

I have said it in other threads. If Trump was innocent he would keep his mouth shut and let the judicial system play out. Obviously, he knows he is guilty, so he has to attempt to subvert justice by any means possible. Massive protest, violent if need be, Congressional committees threatening Bragg, talk about weaponizing.

Look, this is some sick ass shit. This IS NOT America. This is some two bit third world country, and Trump would be happy with that as long as he was "leader". And the idiots that support him deserve every bit of condemnation they get. From me and everyone else. They are the very fools that the founders feared the most. They bitch and moan about America being lost while they are the very foundation of our destruction.
In the beginning of the poll, do you support his actions?
Wrong question. Do YOU support Biden getting Kickbacks from China or a Ukrainian energy firms, or did Trump sneeze in his sleeve cause ever single evil of mankind ever. Covid 19. The huge yeti infestation. Because liberals say so. Trump sank the battleship USS Main in 1898 ,Trump caused the dust bowl and the great depression. Or is Biden and the Democrats causing this huge economic mess and this mind fuck called "wokeness" . Trump is the least of our worries. That is why I refrain from voting on this.
Fine, I will answer your poll. Yes, I am very happy with Trump's tweets. It reveals him to be the sorry sick ass piece of shit he is. It reveals him to be a poser. And the all caps stuff, I mean how lame can you get. Calling Bragg an animal? Just go ahead and remove all doubt of how racist Trump really is. A ball bat? Who is Trump kidding, if he met Bragg in an alley and Bragg said "Boo", Trump would have to change his diaper. Even if he was carrying a ball bat.

I have said it in other threads. If Trump was innocent he would keep his mouth shut and let the judicial system play out. Obviously, he knows he is guilty, so he has to attempt to subvert justice by any means possible. Massive protest, violent if need be, Congressional committees threatening Bragg, talk about weaponizing.

Look, this is some sick ass shit. This IS NOT America. This is some two bit third world country, and Trump would be happy with that as long as he was "leader". And the idiots that support him deserve every bit of condemnation they get. From me and everyone else. They are the very fools that the founders feared the most. They bitch and moan about America being lost while they are the very foundation of our destruction.
You get pretty upset when the fascists try to crush him and fail time and again. That is a good thing.
Fine, I will answer your poll. Yes, I am very happy with Trump's tweets. It reveals him to be the sorry sick ass piece of shit he is. It reveals him to be a poser. And the all caps stuff, I mean how lame can you get. Calling Bragg an animal? Just go ahead and remove all doubt of how racist Trump really is. A ball bat? Who is Trump kidding, if he met Bragg in an alley and Bragg said "Boo", Trump would have to change his diaper. Even if he was carrying a ball bat.

I have said it in other threads. If Trump was innocent he would keep his mouth shut and let the judicial system play out. Obviously, he knows he is guilty, so he has to attempt to subvert justice by any means possible. Massive protest, violent if need be, Congressional committees threatening Bragg, talk about weaponizing.

Look, this is some sick ass shit. This IS NOT America. This is some two bit third world country, and Trump would be happy with that as long as he was "leader". And the idiots that support him deserve every bit of condemnation they get. From me and everyone else. They are the very fools that the founders feared the most. They bitch and moan about America being lost while they are the very foundation of our destruction.
Ass soon as he’s indicted, every threat could be a crime. He could go to jail without ever standing trial for making threats.
His recent (last 4-5 days) social media posts.

What difference does it make. They are just posts on social media. No one is forcing you to read them. You are worrying about social media posts like our generals are worrying about freaking PRONOUNS, and I'm worried about a US Dollar on the verge of collapse, a banking system teetering on failure, and a country looming on the brink of world war of some kind as millions of undocumented 3rd worlders rush our border to be helped into being infiltrated into our country against our will by our own government PUT THERE to PREVENT such a thing as millions struggle with 40% increases in housing costs, transportation costs, food costs and supplies, and utter uncertainty to our future as a Corvette-driving president who condemned Trump for having securely locked presidential records ends up with totally illegal felony secret documents people get life in prison for having with absolutely no authority from being only a senator or VP ends up with cardboard boxes FULL of them in his backseat and stored at an office run by the chinese and not a damn thing is done about it while trying to HANG Trump just because many years ago he had a hot affair then gave the gal a little money out of his pocket to agree to settle the matter out of court she pursued over it as a gold-digger, and he didn't even get that.
Ass soon as he’s indicted, every threat could be a crime. He could go to jail without ever standing trial for making threat
Thanks for playing "Name that Crime". Trump did WHAT? Name that crime; And be specific, (because so far, Democrats haven't found anything legally binding on Trump). Or you LOOSE.
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1 I don’t follow Trumps social media posts so a reference might be helpful.

2 No pineapple option?
As I said....I think it's best if people research that on their own so there are no accusations of "editing" the social media posts.
Thanks for playing "Name that Crime". Trump did WHAT? Name that crime; And be specific, (because so far, Democrats haven't found anything legally binding on Trump). Or you LOSE.
Go for it. Keep advising people they can make threats after they’ve been indicted.
As I said....I think it's best if people research that on their own so there are no accusations of "editing" the social media posts.
Well I’m out because I don’t read his posts. Anything I would research would be common knowledge by way of the MSM both liberal and conservative. There would be no chance of “ editing” only a quote and the usual variety of interpretations.

Again no pineapple? I vote pineapple.
Oh look, boedeshilla is once again deflecting from the Biden Crime Family about *GASP* TRUMP TWEETS!!!
Are you nutz? Neither I nor Trump did that. Dems burned cities down but you are worried about Trump? Do you condemn BLM or Antifa or the Democrats? Because they did way worse.
So your defense for threatening a prosecutor will be, antifa and BLM from several years ago. Go for it. Remind me not to listen to your expert legal advice.
Yes or no. No need to explain your vote.
I only see them here and when I'm on Twitter once or twice a month.

He can say whatever he wants. I don't think anyone really cares that much any more about what he thinks...only what it will do (supposedly) to the other side.
Libs Making up stuff exaggerating things. Other than that, great post. Trump sort a maybe did stuff. who cares? Biden got how much and for WHAT?
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