Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

Chick-fil-A compared to Kristalnacht.....courtesy of Uncensored.

Chick-fil-a would be compared to Jews on Kristalnacht, Rahm and Paco would be the brownshirts.

It's good you lost, gives me some hope for the future.
I didn't know this is a "christian" matter. Real Christians aren't against equal rights for any segment of our country. Same is true of Real Americans. Both groups fight FOR equal rights for ALL Americans.

As for going to a chick fil a - Even when I was a meat eater, I knew better than to eat at the so-called "fast food" joints. They are a large contributor of our fat and diabetes epidemics and I prefer being healthy. But, I have no objection to others eating there. Nor do I object to the jerk who owns chick fil a spouting his message of hate.

The photos of people in the chick fil a's was really depressing though. Its hard to think about all the hate in this country.
I'll check out your links, but I asked you some simple questions, and if you know all about the issue, you should have been able to answer them without using links. They were pretty simple questions. Huffington post, seriously?

Okay, checked out the first link, obviously a leftist organization and very pro gay. So, which of those organizations that were listed in the article did what you claimed, and where is the link to that?

Same thing with the second link, a lot of suppositions and opinions, and the mention that the Poverty Law Group deemed one of the donated to organizations as a 'hate group'. I'm thinking your sources are just a tad biased, dear. ;)

Do you see opposition to the idea of 'gay marriage' as hate?

And you are free to look up the companies donations. The organizations they donate to are extremely anti the point of wanting us all "exported" out of the country.

You have yet to show proof of any of these claims. You made the claims about the donations,the organizations and what they supposedly support/say, it's on you to back up what you say.

All you have to do is spend five minutes at the FRC website to see how incredibly anti-gay they are. Are you being intentionally obtuse?
I'll check out your links, but I asked you some simple questions, and if you know all about the issue, you should have been able to answer them without using links. They were pretty simple questions. Huffington post, seriously?

The big shock that Huffingglue reveals? They donated to the "Family Research Council."


Next thing you know, we'll find out they donated to the March of Dimes....

The HORROR of it all.

Okay, checked out the first link, obviously a leftist organization and very pro gay. So, which of those organizations that were listed in the article did what you claimed, and where is the link to that?

Same thing with the second link, a lot of suppositions and opinions, and the mention that the Poverty Law Group deemed one of the donated to organizations as a 'hate group'. I'm thinking your sources are just a tad biased, dear. ;)

Do you see opposition to the idea of 'gay marriage' as hate?

The SPLC is no different than the KKK or Aryan Nations, it's a race hate group.

The left will not tolerate ANY dissension from the party line.
The comments of CFA's COO just brought the level of their anti-gayness to light. The words aren't the driving force behind the protest.

I choose not to eat biggoty chicken.

What is 'anti-gay' exactly? How do you define it?

Equating us with pedophiles is a good jumping off point don't you think?

Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010 | Equality Matters

(all sourced)

The ignorance (and hate and fear) of homosexuality is just mind boggling. How did people get THIS stupid and THIS hate-filled and THIS afraid of gays?

And, comparing either side to nazi's is just STOOPID and very offensive.
The comments of CFA's COO just brought the level of their anti-gayness to light. The words aren't the driving force behind the protest.

I choose not to eat biggoty chicken.

What is 'anti-gay' exactly? How do you define it?

Equating us with pedophiles is a good jumping off point don't you think?

Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010 | Equality Matters

(all sourced)

Which of those organizations equated gays with pedophiles?
I'll check out your links, but I asked you some simple questions, and if you know all about the issue, you should have been able to answer them without using links. They were pretty simple questions. Huffington post, seriously?

The big shock that Huffingglue reveals? They donated to the "Family Research Council."


Next thing you know, we'll find out they donated to the March of Dimes....

The HORROR of it all.

Okay, checked out the first link, obviously a leftist organization and very pro gay. So, which of those organizations that were listed in the article did what you claimed, and where is the link to that?

Same thing with the second link, a lot of suppositions and opinions, and the mention that the Poverty Law Group deemed one of the donated to organizations as a 'hate group'. I'm thinking your sources are just a tad biased, dear. ;)

Do you see opposition to the idea of 'gay marriage' as hate?

The SPLC is no different than the KKK or Aryan Nations, it's a race hate group.

The left will not tolerate ANY dissension from the party line.

When you compare the SPLC to the KKK, you've left all rational thought behind. Of course that was evident long before that ludicrous comparison.
And you are free to look up the companies donations. The organizations they donate to are extremely anti the point of wanting us all "exported" out of the country.

You have yet to show proof of any of these claims. You made the claims about the donations,the organizations and what they supposedly support/say, it's on you to back up what you say.

All you have to do is spend five minutes at the FRC website to see how incredibly anti-gay they are. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

Again, what is 'anti-gay'? Being against 'gay marriage'?
What is 'anti-gay' exactly? How do you define it?

Equating us with pedophiles is a good jumping off point don't you think?

Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010 | Equality Matters

(all sourced)

Which of those organizations equated gays with pedophiles?

Associates gays with pedophiles

Want to make gay "behavior" illegal

Wants to export gays

Which is why I won't buy their "biggoty chicken"
You have yet to show proof of any of these claims. You made the claims about the donations,the organizations and what they supposedly support/say, it's on you to back up what you say.

All you have to do is spend five minutes at the FRC website to see how incredibly anti-gay they are. Are you being intentionally obtuse?

Again, what is 'anti-gay'? Being against 'gay marriage'?

Ah, you ARE being intentionally obtuse. Good to know.
No kissing going on at our local chick fil A but damn they're still crowded as hell.
Glaad is hardly a cedible source. After all, if you don't want people to agree with anti gay sites that compare homosexuality to pedophilia, it doesn't help to post links to sites just as bad but in the other direction.
When you compare the SPLC to the KKK, you've left all rational thought behind.

Of course, because the SPLC is "good racism," not bad racism like the KKK. Hating whites and Christians makes the baby Obama smile, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course that was evident king before that ludicrous comparison.

The SPLC is a race hate group - they exist to foster hatred. They have ZERO rhetorical difference from the KKK or Aryan Nations, just a different target.
Equating us with pedophiles is a good jumping off point don't you think?

Chick-Fil-A Donated Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010 | Equality Matters

(all sourced)

Which of those organizations equated gays with pedophiles?

Associates gays with pedophiles

Want to make gay "behavior" illegal

Wants to export gays

Which is why I won't buy their "biggoty chicken"

I've read your links, they all make claims that the FRC has 'equated homosexuality with pedophilia', yet not one of them have provided any evidence of this.
Which of those organizations equated gays with pedophiles?

Associates gays with pedophiles

Want to make gay "behavior" illegal

Wants to export gays

Which is why I won't buy their "biggoty chicken"

I've read your links, they all make claims that the FRC has 'equated homosexuality with pedophilia', yet not one of them have provided any evidence of this.

It most certainly did...had you followed any of the sources in the links.

“Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement.”
— Robert Knight, FRC director of cultural studies, and Frank York, 1999

“One of the primary goals of the homosexual rights movement is to abolish all age of consent laws and to eventually recognize pedophiles as the ‘prophets' of a new sexual order.”
-1999 FRC pamphlet, Homosexual Activists Work to Normalize Sex with Boys.

“While activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. … It is a homosexual problem.”
— FRC President Tony Perkins, FRC website, 2010

But, by all means, just keep pretending the anti-gay bias isn't there. :rolleyes:
When you compare the SPLC to the KKK, you've left all rational thought behind.

Of course, because the SPLC is "good racism," not bad racism like the KKK. Hating whites and Christians makes the baby Obama smile, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course that was evident king before that ludicrous comparison.

The SPLC is a race hate group - they exist to foster hatred. They have ZERO rhetorical difference from the KKK or Aryan Nations, just a different target.

And then there's that whole lynching thing. Lots of whites being lynched by the SPLC are there?

Love these wheels of false equivalence though...

I'll have to sign off now. My battery is dying and there's a lake to fish.


I've read your links, they all make claims that the FRC has 'equated homosexuality with pedophilia', yet not one of them have provided any evidence of this.

It most certainly did...had you followed any of the sources in the links.

“Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement.”
— Robert Knight, FRC director of cultural studies, and Frank York, 1999

“One of the primary goals of the homosexual rights movement is to abolish all age of consent laws and to eventually recognize pedophiles as the ‘prophets' of a new sexual order.”
-1999 FRC pamphlet, Homosexual Activists Work to Normalize Sex with Boys.

“While activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. … It is a homosexual problem.”
— FRC President Tony Perkins, FRC website, 2010

But, by all means, just keep pretending the anti-gay bias isn't there. :rolleyes:

They provided 'quotes' from people, I want to see the quotes from materials that these organizations provided themselves. Your links have prejudices and biases of their own, quotes are taken out of context all the time.

How do I know that was said on a 1999 pamphlet? That was 13 years ago? Surely you have something that is on their website right this very day that I can link to and read for myself?

And again, we're back to the definition of 'anti-gay' because you refuse to define what that means to you.

Does 'anti gay' mean they're against 'gay marriage' only? Please define the beliefs that you think an 'anti-gay' person has.

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