Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

No. I don't support people who practice hate speech.

Oh dont be stupid...DontBeStupid, The CEO of Chic~Fil~A was merely answering a question from a reporter of a christian publication.

Just because he didnt agree with yours and others opinion on a particular subject, he is guilty of hate speech?

What ever happened to diversity?

This is the best thing that could have ever happened for Dan Cathy and Chic~Fil~A.
Photo where I was for the doubters


LOL!!! OWS for haters!
I vote with my fork. I don't support or eat fast food, most those corps have right-leaning tendencies anyway. But over this issue if I did, no, I would not eat there anymore. Love is love.

You know, love is a word that is very misused. Im starting to think that many people dont really know what love is despite thinking they do.
How do you guys know this isn't a liberal plot to trick Conservatives into eating too much fried chicken?

And why would we need to be decieved into doing something that tasty?

I'd guess there are far more people eating it today and probably for the last week or so than if this whole thing never happened.

It's working....soon you'll all have no choice but to sign up for gov't funded health-care.

*cackles and wrings hands*
Yeah, woohoo!! Support real marriage by purchasing fake chicken foodstuffs!!!
I think it's a damn shame that political leaders (on both sides) have used this man's personal point of view to rouse the rabble in this manner...
Photo where I was for the doubters


LOL!!! OWS for haters!

Except that they will go home at the end of the day after patronizing local businesses instead of vandalizing them.

I was going to post just about the same thing, except these people a) are paying for their food b) not shitting in the streets c)not stealing shit d) have bathed in the last 24 hours e) aren't creating new diseases f) aren't using children has human shields g) aren't squatting in the business like they own it h) are not harassing or impeding other individuals from going about their daily business i) they're not being paid to be there....

I bet I could go through the entire alphabet I suppose - then get into some numbers..

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